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Name : R.Dasharatham
Designation : Lecturer
Branch : D.C.C.P.
Institute : GPW, Warangal
Year : I year
Subject : Business Organization
Subject code : CCP-104
Topic : Forms of Business Organization-Sole
Trading and Partnership
Duration : 50 mts
Sub topic : Merits of partnership
Teaching Aids: :P.P.T., Animation, Photos

CCP104.16 1

On completion of this lesson, you would be

able to know:
 Merits of the Partnership

CCP104.16 2
Merits of Partnership firm
 Easy formation: It is easy to start a business
under partnership.

 Division of Labour : As firm consists of no. of

partners, the work will be distributed among all
the individuals.

CCP104.16 3
Merits of Partnership firm
3. Huge Capital: Unlike the sole trading, the capital
contributed by all the partners will become a bulk
or huge amount.

4. Quick decision: The decisions regarding the

firm/business can be taken quickly without any loss
of time.

CCP104.16 4
Merits of Partnership firm

5. Flexibility: The partners can change the nature or

situation of the business very easily just with a new

6. Borrowing capacity: The firm can raise more loans

beyond its business assets, as the raising of loans
depends on personal properties of all the partners.

CCP104.16 5
Merits of Partnership firm

7. Secrecy of Business: The affairs and accounts of

the firm do not require publicity by law. Hence
they can be kept secret.

8) Incentive to work hard: The liability of the partner

in a firm is unlimited i.e. joint and several. So each

and every partner works hard for success of the
CCP104.16 6
Merits of Partnership firm

9) Personal Supervision: Wastage can be

eliminated and expenditure can be minimized,
since the partners can supervise the business
works personally.
10) Better Credit Worthiness: Since the creditors of

the firm can recover their loans from the private

properties of the partners, the borrowing

capacity of the firm is not limited.
CCP104.16 7
Merits of Partnership firm

11) Protection of Minority Interest: Every partners

has a right to express his opinion on all business
matters. Otherwise, if any partner is not satisfied
with any decision, he can leave the firm.

12) Personal contacts with Customers:Since all the

partners can take part in the business, they are able
to know about the needs of the customers, their
likes and dislikes.

CCP104.16 8

At the end of this period, you will be able to


 Merits of the Partnership

CCP104.16 9

3. Which of the following is the Merit of the

Partnership firm:

a) Easy formation.
b) Incentive to work hard
c) Better credit worthiness
d) All the above

CCP104.16 10
Frequently asked questions

2. List out the various merits of the Partnership firm.

2. What is meant by Better credit worthiness?

CCP104.16 11

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