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Name : K.S.Sandhya Vani
Designation : Lecturer
Branch : DCCP
Institution : SRRS GPT, SIRCILLA, KNR(Dist)
Year/ semester : I - Year
Subject : Computer Fundamentals
Subject Code : CCP-105
Topic : Structure of a Computer
Duration : 50 Mts
Sub topic : Units of a computer system
Teaching aids : PPT, Animations & Images

CCP105.6 1
On completion of this period, you would
be able to :

 Know the various units of Computers and

their functions

CCP105.6 2
Computers are used in many areas
for various purposes.
 Railway stations
 Banks
 Airports
 Hospitals
 Schools
 Libraries
 ATMs
 Colleges
 Homes

CCP105.6 3
Block Diagram of a Computer System

Central processing Unit

CCP105.6 4
Various units of a Computer

 Input Unit
 Output Unit
 Arithmetic & Logic Unit
 Control Unit
 Memory Unit

CCP105.6 5

CCP105.6 6
The Input unit performs the following
 Accepts data and programs from the external

 Converts the data into computer acceptable form

 Supplies the converted instructions and data to the

computer system for further processing

CCP105.6 7
Output Unit

 The device which is required to obtain the

processed data and pass it to the user in
required format

CCP105.6 8
The Central Processor Unit (CPU)

 It is the heart and brain of the computer

 It receives and processes data

 It executes the instructions

 All major calculations and comparisons are made

 Responsible for controlling the entire operations of

the computer system

CCP105.6 9
CCP105.6 10
The CPU unit is further divided into
 The Memory Unit

 The Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)

 The Control Unit

CCP105.6 11
 Stores data and instructions temporarily
for processing as long as computer
system is on

CCP105.6 12
Measurement of MEMORY UNIT
 1 Byte = 8 Bits
 1 KB[Kilo Byte] = 1024 Bytes
 1 MB [Mega Byte] = 1024 Kilo Byte
 1 GB [ Giga Byte] = 1024 Mega Byte
 1 TB [Tera Byte] = 1024 Giga Byte

CCP105.6 13
Secondary storage Devices

 In computers, data can be stored on devices called

storage devices

 These devices are also called Permanent storage


CCP105.6 14
Arithmetic and logical unit (ALU)
 It is a Unit which performs arithmetic and logical
 The operations include:-
 Addition
 Multiplication
 Subtraction
 Division
 Comparision

CCP105.6 15
Control Unit
A part of CPU that ensures that the instructions given are
followed in the required sequence and also controls the
other parts of the computer system viz :,

 A.L.U
 Memory
 Input and Out put Devices

CCP105.6 16
Control Unit
The control unit acts as the nervous system for the
Computer. It manages and co-ordinates the entire
operations of the computer system like:

 Telling the input device when to feed data into the

storage unit
 Analyzing the instructions and providing data to the ALU
 What the ALU should do once it receives data etc

CCP105.6 17
The Output Unit
The following are the operations performed by the
output unit.

 Accepts the results produced by the CPU which

are in coded form
 Converts these coded results to humanly
readable form
 Supplies the converted results to the humans

CCP105.6 18
Input and Output (I/O) Devices
 A computer system can be proved to be useful
only when it is able to communicate with the user
 The input-output devices provide the means of
communication between the computer and the user

CCP105.6 19
Input / Output Devices

Input Devices Output Devices

 Keyboard  Monitor
 Mouse  Liquid Crystal
 Scanner Display (LCD)
 Touch Screen  Printer
 Light Pen  Speaker
 Plotter

CCP105.6 20

CCP105.6 21
 Various units of a computer
 Input Unit - Useful to feed the data
 Output Unit - Gives the result
 Central Processing Unit

 Arthimetic & Logic Unit - Processes the data

 Control Unit - Controls various units
 Memory Unit - Stores the data

CCP105.6 22
 List the functions of ALU. Which type of problems can
you give to it

 List five functions that storage devices can not do

CCP105.6 23
Frequently asked Questions
 Draw the Block Diagram of a computer and explain
various Units of a computer system

 Name various Units of a computer system

CCP105.6 24
Any Questions …

CCP105.6 25
CCP105.6 26

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