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 Overview

 IO Zoo
Java IO – programs that  Stream I/O
start with import*
 File I/O
 Buffering
Geoff Holmes  Random-Access
 Text Streams
 Examples
 Serialization
 IO provides communication with devices (files, console,
networks etc.)
 Communication varies (sequential, random-access, binary,
char, lines, words, objects, …)
 Java provides a “mix and match” solution based around
byte-oriented and character-oriented I/O streams – ordered
sequences of data (bytes or chars).
 System streams, (out and err) are available to all
Java programs (console I/O) – is an instance of
the InputStream class, System.out is an instance of
 So I/O involves creating appropriate stream objects for
your task.
Department of Computer Science 2
The IO Zoo
 More than 60 different stream types.
 Based around four abstract classes: InputStream,
OutputStream, Reader and Writer.
 Unicode characters (two bytes per char) are dealt
with separately with Reader/Writers (and their
 Byte oriented I/O is dealt with by InputStream,
OutputStream and their subclasses.

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Reading Bytes
 Abstract classes provide basic common operations which
are used as the foundation for more concrete classes, eg
InputStream has
 int read( ) - reads a byte and returns it or –1 (end of input)
 int available( ) – num of bytes still to read
 void close()
 Concrete classes override this method, eg FileInputStream
reads one byte from a file, is a subclass of
InputStream that allows you to read from the keyboard

Department of Computer Science 4

InputStream hierarchy

ByteArray File Filter Piped Object Sequence

InputStream InputStream InputStream InputStream InputStream InputStream

Data Buffered LineNumber PushBack

InputStream InputStream InputStream InputStream

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Writing Bytes
 void write(int b) - writes a single byte to
an output location.
 Java IO programs involve using
concrete versions of these because
most data contain numbers, strings and
objects rather than individual bytes

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OutputStream hierachy

ByteArray File Filter Piped Object

OutputStream OutputStream OutputStream OutputStream OutputStream

Data Buffered PrintStream

OutputStream OutputStream

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File Processing
 Typical pattern for file processing is:
 Input and Output streams have close method
(output may also use flush)

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File IO Streams
 FileInputStream and FileOutputStream give you IO from a
disk file
 FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(“in.txt”);
 We can now read bytes from a file but not much else! To
get a file stream that can process data means combining
two streams into a filtered stream (here using
 FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(“in.txt”);
 DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(fin);
 double s = din.readDouble(); // better interface to file!

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 By default streams are not buffered, so every read or write
results in a call to the OS (= very slow!).
 Adding buffering means chaining streams:

DataInputStream din =
new DataInputStream(
new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream(“in.txt”)));
 DataInputStream is last in the chain here because we want

to use its methods and we want them to use the buffered

methods (eg read).

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File I/O Streams Constructors
 FileInputStream(String name)
 FileOutputStream(String name)
 BufferedInputStream(InputStream in)
 BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream out)

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Random Access Streams
 Files are normally processed from start to end but this can
be time consuming (recall that streams are sequences of
bytes). To find (or write) data anywhere in a file we can use
a RandomAccessFile stream class.
 RandomAccessFile in = new
 RandomAccessFile out = new
 A useful method is “seek(long pos)” that allows you to
move the file pointer to a byte position in the file and start
reading from their.
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Text Streams
 Character IO is done using subclasses of the abstract
classes Reader and Writer. To write text we use the
PrintWriter class:
 Example:

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(

new FileWriter(“out.txt”));
String name = “Fred Jones”;
double score = 240.5;
out.print(name); out.print(‘ ‘);
out.println(score); // writes Fred Jones 240.5

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Reading Text
 To write data in binary format we use DataOutputStream
 To write data in text format we use PrintWriter

 Is there a DataInputStream that lets you read in data as

text? Sadly, the answer is NO!

 Text input is done using a BufferedReader:

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new

String s;
while ((s = in.readLine() ) != null) {
do something with s;
Department of Computer Science 14
Putting Streams to Use
 We will look at a standard file processing example
using arrays of records (“Scores”):
 First as a file of text records:
Chris Harris, 135, India

public void writeScores(PrintWriter os) throws IOException {

os.println(name + ‘,’ + highScore + “,” + country);

Department of Computer Science 15

Reading back the scores
 We use the BufferedReader (readLine)
combination to get the output back in:
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new
public void readScores(BufferedReader is) throws IOException {
String s = is.readLine( ); // need to break up line!

If we had a class called Scores then we could add the writeScores and
readScores methods to its definition.

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Example Program 1 DataFileTest
 Breaking up lines is done with a Stream Tokenizer
which will be dealt with later.
 Define class Scores (object holding data to be
read or written)
 The object writes/reads itself
 Create an array of objects and have them
individually read/write themselves

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Object Streams
 So far we have dealt with fixed length records, what if we
treat the classes as objects and write them all to disk.
 To save object data we need to open an

ObjectOutputStream object:
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new

Now saving objects is easier using writeObject and


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Example 2 - ObjectFileTest
 The previous code can be simplified if we rewrite it
using object streams – now the array of records
can be written/read in one single operation
 Note: we have to make the Scores class
implement the Serializable interface.
 The serialization file format is more expensive
than the text format.

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Serialization is smart
 Consider
class Employee {
String name;
Double salary;

Class Manager extends Employee {

private Employee secretary;
// do super trick on manager constructor to init

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