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Name : Dr. T Narayana
Designation : HCCP
Branch : DCCP
Institute : Govt. Polytechnic, NELLORE
Year/Semester : I Year
Subject : Computer Fundamentals
Sub. Code : CCP-105
Topic : Printing of text document
Duration : 150 Mts.
Sub Topic : Procedure for printing
Envelopes and Labels
Teaching Aids :Screens & Pictures

On completion of this period, you would be able to

 Procedure for printing on an envelope

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 Procedure for selecting printer

 Procedure for selecting a document for printing

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 Word makes printing envelopes an easy task
 It can print mailing under written address directly
on our envelope
 It can also print addresses on a mailing label on a

sheet of mailing labels

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 Word offers two new wizards to help us to create
and print envelopes and labels
 With these wizards we can create a single
envelope label or multiple envelope labels
 To create and print an envelope:
1. Select the mailing address in the document.

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2. Choose tools envelopes and labels.
The envelopes and labels dialogue box will
appear like this

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The above figure shows four buttons like print, add
to document, options and cancel
It also consists two list boxes.
4. Delivery address
2. Return address

Delivery address :
Consists the address of the receiver

Return address:
Consists the address of the sender.

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1.Print :
It is used to take the printout of an envelope.

2.Add to document:
It is used to add the content to the already
existing data

It is used to cancel the existing process

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4. Options: When we click on the options
button the system displays the following window

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The above figure shows different options like

Envelop size:
 It is used to change the size of the envelope as per
our requirement.
 Delivery address and return addresses consists
different fonts to print the addresses.
 The font settings will be shown in the next screen

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It consists of font, font style, font size

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When we click on character spacing button in the
figure the system displays the following window.

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The envelope address window consist different
effects as shown in the figure

Any selected
effects is
shown in the
preview like

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If we want to display the envelope address with
colors select the font color option as shown in the
following screen

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Example: Output of the selected color

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If we want to set the underline for a given envelope address
click on underline style, it displays different underlines as
shown in the figure

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3. Select the envelop options.
4. Choose the options button.
Then the system displays the following figure.

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1. Click on ‘envelope options’ tab to open the
envelope options dialogue box.
The system displays the following figure.

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Based on requirement select the required size then
we go for printing on the envelope
To take the printouts
Step 1:
Click on file menu
Step 2:
Click on Print
Now the system displays the print window as shown
in the next screen

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Need for Changing Printer Settings to
take Printout on Envelope

1. Print preview can be seen to adjust the settings

2. To reduce the expenditure wastage of stationary
should be minimized
4. From and To address should be printed in the
appropriate places
6. Margins can be adjusted according to the size of the

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Selection Of Envelope mode

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Before Taking Final Printout Settings
can be adjusted

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 When we want to take the printout, the system
will ask the printer name, number of copies and
page range and properties

 Based on requirement, give the number of

copies, and select the printer name from the
drop down list

 The properties window shows two options like

landscape and portrait

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 Click on properties window then the system displays
the following window.

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 Click on ‘ok’ button to get the required
number of copies.

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To print the
2. Click on
2. Select
and labels
as shown
in the

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When we click on envelopes and labels the system
displays the following window

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The above figure shows one list box to display the label
address and four buttons like Print, New Document,
Cancel and Options
1. Print
To take the print out of a label address
2. New Document
To create the new document for address

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3. Options
To change the printer information, tray and
select product numbers.
4. Cancel
To Cancel the entire process presently going on

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Output On The Envelope

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When we click on the ‘new document’ the system
displays the following screen

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When we click on label options button the system will
display the following based on the requirements the
printer is selected

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Printing a label
2. To take the printout of a label select the required
print options
2. Click on the print button.

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In this class , you have learnt

 Procedure for printing address on an envelope

and printing of labels

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1. Facility of envelope and label is available in
which menu?

a) Edit

b) File

c) Tools

d) Format

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Explain the procedure for printing addresses on an


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1. Crate labels and print them.

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