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Natural Vegetation and Wildlife

Social Studies: Chapter 5

Himangshu Sen
(PGT Geography)
• India is one of the 12 mega ‘bio-diversity’ countries of the world.
• 47,000 Plant Species (10th place in the world and 4th in Asia).
• 15,000 flowering species (6% of the world).
• 90,000 animal species.
• A rich variety of fish (both fresh and marine water).

Flora? Fauna?
Factors of Flora and Faunal
• Relief:
a) Land
b) Soil
• Climate:
a) Temperature
b) Photoperiod (Sunlight)
c) Precipitation
Types of Vegetation
• Tropical Evergreen Forest
• Tropical Deciduous forest (Moist
deciduous and dry deciduous
• Tropical Thorn Forests and
• Montane Forest
• Mangrove Forests
Tropical Evergreen Forests
• Precipitation: More than 200 cm.
• Short dry season.
• Luxuriant vegetation includes: trees, • Common Wildlife Species:
shrubs and creepers. Elephant, Monkey, Lemur, Deer,
• Dominant species: ebony, mahogany, One-Horned Rhinos and several
rosewood, rubber and cinchona. species of snails, birds and
• Commonly found in: Western Ghats,
Andaman and Nicobar, Lakshadweep,
upper Assam and Tamilnadu coast.
Tropical Deciduous Forests
(Widespread forests in India found in rainfall areas of : 200 cm and 70 cm.)

• Moist Deciduous (200 to 100 cm) • Dry Deciduous (100 to 70 cm)

Dominant Species: Teak, Bamboos, Sal, Dominant Species: Teak, Sal, Peepal,
Shisham, Sandalwood, Khair, Arjun etc. and Neem.
Found in: North-Eastern States, along Found in: Parts of Peninsular plateau
the foothills of Himalayas, West Odisha and plains of Bihar and UP.
and Chattisgarh.
• Common Wildlife Species
Lion, Tiger, Pig, Deer, Elephant, Tortoise,
Lizards and Snakes etc.
The Thorn Forests and Scrubs
• Regions with less than 70 cm of
• Dominant species includes:
Acacias, Palm, Cactus etc.
• Found in: Semi-Arid areas of
Gujrat, Rajasthan, MP, UP, and • Common Wildlife Species:
Rats, Mice, Rabbits, Fox, Wolf, Tiger,
• Leaves of the trees are thick and Lion, wild Ass and Camels.
small to minimise evaporation.
Montane Forests
(Vegetation types varies with increasing altitudes due to the temperature variation)
• 1000 mtr to 2000 mtr. (Wet Temperate)
Dominant Species: Evergreen broadleaf trees includes oaks chestnuts etc.
• 1500 mtr to 3000 mtr. (Temperate Forests)
Dominant Species: Coniferous tress like pine, deodar, silver fir, spruce etc.
• Above 3000 mtr. (Temperate Forests and Grasslands)
Dominant Species: Silver fir, Juniper, pines etc.
• Common Wildlife Species
Kashmiri stag, spotted dear, Tibetan
Antilope, snow leopard, bear, red panda,
squirrels, sheep and goat.
Mangrove Forests

• Found in the coasts influenced

by tides such as deltas of the
Ganga, the Mahanadi, The
Krishna, the Godavari and the
• Dominant species: Sundori,
Keora, Coconut etc. • Common Wildlife Species
Royal Bengal Tiger, Turtles,
Crocodiles, Gharials and Snakes.
• 2,000 species of bird (13 % of World).
• 5 and 8 % of the World’s amphibians,
reptiles and mammals.

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