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Name : Dr.G.R.Jyothi
Designation : Lecturer
Branch : DCCP
Institute : SGM Government Polytechnic, Abdullapurmet
Yr/Sem : II / 3
Sub. Code : CCP-303
Major Topic : Dispersion, Range & Co-Efficient Of
Duration : 50 Minutes
Sub. Topic : Range & Coefficient of Range for
Different types of data
Teaching Aids : PPTs
CCP303.57 1

On Completion of this period, you would be able


 Calculate Range & Coefficient of Range

 List Merits and Limitations of Range
 know Uses of Range

CCP303.57 2

 Various Measures of Dispersion

 What is Absolute & Relative Measures of Dispersion

CCP303.57 3

 Range is Absolute Measure

 Coefficient of Range is relative measure
 Simplest method of studying dispersion

CCP303.57 4
Definition of Range

“ Difference between value of the smallest item

and value of the largest item in the distribution”

CCP303.57 5
Formula – Calculating Range

 Range = L – S
 ‘ L ‘ = Value of Largest item
 ‘ S ‘ = Value of Smallest item

CCP303.57 6
Formula – Calculating Coefficient of

 Relative measure corresponding to Range

 Formula,
 Coefficient of Range = ----------

CCP303.57 7
What if

 Averages of two distributions are about the same

 Distribution with smaller Range has less
 Average of that distribution is more typical of
the group

CCP303.57 8
Two Methods

 Methods of determining the range from data

 Grouped into a frequency distribution
 In practice both methods are used

CCP303.57 9
First Method

 Find the difference between the

 Upper limit of the highest wage class
 And the lower limit of the lowest wage class

CCP303.57 10
Second Method

 Subtract the mid-point of the

 lowest class
 Highest class

CCP303.57 11
Individual Series:
Example 1:

 The following are the wages of 10 workers of a

factory. Find the range of variation and also
compute the coefficient of Range

 120, 170, 240, 100, 105, 205, 300, 160, 150, 180

CCP303.57 12
Solution to Ex. 1

Range = L – S
L = Largest Value = 300
S = Smallest Value = 100
Range = 300 – 100 = 200

CCP303.57 13
Solution Contd

L–S 300 - 100

Coefficient of Range = ---------- = ---------------
L+S 300 + 100
= ------- = 0.5

CCP303.57 14
Continuous Series
Example 2:

 The following are the marks obtained by students of a

class. Find the Range of variation of marks and also
compute Coefficient of Range
Marks No. of Students Marks No. of Students
0 – 10 5 40 – 50 15
10 – 20 8 50 – 60 7
20 - 30 12 60 - 70 3
30 - 40 20

CCP303.57 15
Solution to Ex.2

Range = L – S
= 70 – 0 = 70
L–S 70 - 0
Coefficient of Range = ---------- = -----------
L+S 70 + 0

CCP303.57 16
Example 3:

Calculate the coefficient of range and range of the

following data.
Marks 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

CCP303.57 17
Solution to Ex.3 :

Range = L-S
= Largest item – Smallest item
= 90 – 10 = 80

Coefficient of range = L-S / L+S

= 90-10 / 90 +10
= 80 /100
= 0.8

CCP303.57 18
Range – Merits:

 Among all methods Range is the simplest

 Easy to compute
 Takes minimum time to calculate Range

CCP303.57 19
Range – Demerits:

1. Not based on each and every item of distribution

2. Subject to fluctuations from sample to sample
3. Silent about character of distribution within two
extreme observations
4. Calculation not possible for open-end distributions.

CCP303.57 20
Uses of Range

1. Quality Control
2. Share price fluctuations
3. Weather forecasts
4. Most common aspects in daily life, like:
 How much salary?
 What are total sales?
 How many oranges you get to a plant?

CCP303.57 21

 Range is the difference between Largest item and

Smallest item

 Range = L – S

 L–S
Coefficient of Range =
 L+S

CCP303.57 22

1. Different methods of studying Variation or Dispersion


a) Range & Quartile deviation

b) Mean Deviation
c) Standard Deviation
d) All the above

CCP303.57 23
2. Formula of finding Range?

a) L – S

b) L + S

c) (L + S)2

d) None of the above

CCP303.57 24
3. Formula of finding Coefficient of Range?

a) L – S/ L + S

b) (L – S) x (L + S)

c) L + S / L – S

d) None of the above

CCP303.57 25

1. Calculate Range & Coefficient of Range for the

Marks: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70
2. The following are the prices of shares of AB Co Ltd,
from Monday to Saturday. Calculate Range &
Coefficient of Range.
Days Price (Rs.) Days Price (Rs.)
Monday 200 Thursday 160
Tuesday 210 Friday 220
Wednesday 208 Saturday 250

CCP303.57 26
Frequently Asked Questions

1. Calculate Range & Coefficient of Range

from the following data.
Marks No. of Students Marks No. of Students
10 – 20 8 40 – 50 8
20 – 30 10 50 – 60 4
30 – 40 12

CCP303.57 27
Frequently Asked Questions

2. Below are the marks of 80 students of a class. Find

range and coefficient of range.
Marks No. of Students Marks No. of Students
0 – 10 4 40 – 50 15
10 – 20 12 50 – 60 8
20 – 30 20 60 – 70 2
30 – 40 18 70 – 80 1

CCP303.57 28
Frequently Asked Questions

3. Calculate Range and Coefficient of Range from the

following data
Wages (Rs.) No. of workers Wages (Rs.) No. of Workers
10 – 20 15 40 – 50 8
20 – 30 20 50 – 60 7
30 – 40 13 60 – 70 3

CCP303.57 29
1. Given are wages of 10 workers of a factory. Find range
of variation and its coefficient.
275, 225, 370, 240, 120, 290, 410, 500, 180, 340.

2. Here are wages of 13 workers in a rice mill. Find range

of variation and its coefficient.
1275, 2225, 1370, 2240, 1120, 2290, 2410, 2500,
2180, 1340, 1245, 3212, 1569.

CCP303.57 30

1. What is a Range? Give one example.

CCP303.57 31

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