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Unleashing Minds:

Nurturing Higher Order Thinking Skills

for Future Success

Part 1
SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom
Adopted from HOTS-PLP Training @ NEAP RELC, Marikina

GEORGE B. BORROMEO, Public Schools District Supervisor

Session Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able to:

● discuss what multitasking is and its effect;

● differentiate higher-order from lower-order thinking skills;
● state the importance of HOTS to learners.

PPST Strand 1.5. (P & HP) Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order thinking
PPSSH Strand 3.2 – (P)Teaching performance feedback
🔥 Training Strand 3.1.
on Higher-Order (P)Skills
Thinking Support
PLP for Instructional Leadership 2
Presentation Outline

What multitasking is and its effect

Meaning of HOTS

Difference between LOTS and HOTS

Importance of HOTS to learners

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 3

Activity: Kaya mo ba ‘yan?

1. The class will be grouped into three(3)

2. The group will give samples of the following:
1- Multitasking done at home
2- Multitasking done in the school
3- Multitasking done during a seminar/training
3. Each group should give at least 5 samples of the assigned


● Have you experienced the same on what has been

presented by your classmates?
● Given the situations below, is the effect of multitasking
good or not? Why?
➔ in accomplishing one’s work
➔ to the brain

● Do our learners practice multitasking ? Cite examples.

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Many people believe they can do two or more
tasks equally effectively at the same time.
Research shows that this is not the case!!!

Evidence is compelling that the brain can only

direct attention on one activity, issue/task at a time.
The long-term effect of trying to multi-task
changes the brain – but not in a positive way!

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This means that when faced with undertaking more than one
attention demanding activity at the same time, the brain has
to switch between tasks and cannot do them together well.

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When participants multi-task in class or
workshops – what is said is not heard, and
information on slides is not processed.

In workshops you need to decide where you

want your focus to be. If it is on the talk then
pay attention, do not interrupt your colleague’s
thinking, do not check emails, etc.

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Educators need to be on top of their game.
If you continually multi-task you will not be!

Can we consider the effect of multitasking a
contributory factor in the development of one’s
thinking skills?

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What do you mean by higher-order thinking?

What is the difference between higher-order thinking and

lower-order thinking?

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Higher-order thinking involves doing more than simply
recalling facts and repeating back exactly what has been

Higher-order thinking requires the brain to ‘do something’ (to

think) – building on what the learner has already

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Lower-order and higher-order thinking

What is LOTS?

It is about routine application of previously acquired/learnt

information, such as:

✔ listing information previously memorized;

✔ following a taught procedure or plan;
✔ recalling ideas or experiences in a sequence;
✔ answering familiar or practiced questions.
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Lower-order and higher-order thinking

What is HOTS?
It is when one is required to:

✔ relate separate bits of information;

✔ address problems or questions not encountered previously;
✔ think critically and carefully about issues;
✔ compare and contrast different views;
✔ consider different/alternative perspectives;
✔ organize their own thinking;
✔ make informed generalizations.

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Lower-order and higher-order thinking
What is LOTS? What is HOTS?

It is about routine application of It is when one is required to:

previously acquired/learnt information,
such as: ✔ relate separate bits of information;
✔ address problems or questions not
✔ listing information previously encountered previously;
memorized; ✔ think critically and carefully about issues;
✔ following a taught procedure or ✔ compare and contrast different views;
plan; ✔ consider different/alternative perspectives;
✔ recalling ideas or experiences in a ✔ organize their own thinking;
sequence; ✔ make informed generalizations.
✔ answering familiar or practiced

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Reminder to teachers…

Higher-order thinking activities are needed for all

learners; elementary, secondary and tertiary. The key
message is… HOTS is about learners doing their own

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Reminder to teachers…

Be reminded, however, that differences in a learner’s

background can mean that higher-order thinking by one
person may be lower-order thinking by another person; hence,
higher-order expectations need to be directed at grade-
appropriate tasks and build on what the learner already knows
at a lower-order.

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Higher order thinking - YouTube

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Higher order thinking - YouTube

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Application: D. I. Y.
(Do It Yourself)

What were your key takeaways so far?

• How are you at multitasking?

• How is HOTS important to our learners?
• How do you ensure that your brain is ready to
take on HOTS?

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 21

He who learns but does not think, is
lost! He who thinks but does not learn
is in great danger.- Confucius

Unleashing Minds:
Nurturing Higher Order Thinking Skills
for Future Success

Part 2
SOLO and HOTS in the Classroom:
Introduction to the SOLO Model
Adopted from HOTS-PLP Training @ NEAP RELC, Marikina

GEORGE B. BORROMEO, Public Schools District Supervisor

Session 2B Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able
• discuss how Bloom’s Taxonomy
helps teachers as to instructional
delivery and learning assessment as
well as its concerns and limitations
• demonstrate understanding of the
Basic SOLO Model on how it can help
a teacher on developing the learners’
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Presentation Outline

Bloom’s Taxonomy

The SOLO Taxonomy

Solo Model in LOTS and HOTS

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Let’s discuss quickly Bloom’s Taxonomy
Bloom’s Taxonomy is named after the leader of a group of
academics in 1956. There are six categories to Bloom’s
Taxonomy: knowledge, comprehension, application (of the
knowledge acquired), synthesis, analysis and evaluation.

Benjamin David Krathwohl

Lorin Anderson

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Let’s discuss quickly Bloom’s Taxonomy

The Bloom taxonomy levels were later revised in 2001 as

remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing,
evaluating and creating.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Let’s discuss quickly Bloom’s Taxonomy

The lower-order thinking skills (LOTS) involve

memorization, while
higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) require
applying and working on that acquired knowledge.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956 and 2001)

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

• Group the participants according to the level of taxonomy
• Ask each group to formulate a question about solving quadratic
equations according to the assigned level of taxonomy
• Think and write all possible answers from the questions formulated
• Post both the formulates questions and listed possible answers
* After posting, ask the other group, in a round robin style, to identify
some issues and concerns from the formulated questions and possible
answers posted.

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Some issues with Bloom’s Taxonomy
1. The category of a particular question does not usually provide a link to the level
of understanding in a student’s response.
2. The suggested hierarchy, and choice of words for each level of Bloom’s
Taxonomy makes it difficult to have an exact meaning (or use the idea) with
young students.
3. There are difficulties with the complexity associated with putting the ideas of
Bloom into a normal classroom setting. Many words used are relevant to more
than one level (e.g., knowledge, understand).

The SOLO Taxonomy addresses these concerns!

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

The Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome
(SOLO) Taxonomy / Model is a system to classify
the QUALITY of a response
based on structural complexity.

SOLO was developed by John Biggs and Kevin Collis.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Basic SOLO Language
Some new SOLO words you need to become familiar with




Extended Abstract

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Description of Levels in original SOLO Taxonomy/Model
• Prestructural:
The learner does not focus on the relevant area / problem. There
is no consistency. Closure (giving an answer) is quick.

• Unistructural:
The learner focuses on the relevant area/problem but uses only
one piece of relevant data. Response may be inconsistent.

• Multistructural:
Two or more pieces of data are used without any relationships
perceived between them. No integration occurs. Some
inconsistency may be apparent.
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP
Description of Levels in original SOLO Taxonomy/Model
• Relational:
All data are now available, with each piece woven into an overall
system of relationships. The whole has become a coherent
linked structure. No inconsistency within the known system.

• Extended Abstract:
The response goes beyond what was expected at the relational
level. The degree of abstraction increases. Conclusions can be
held open or qualified to allow for logical alternatives.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Let’s practice: “Do you think it will rain soon?”
• Prestructural:
Yes, it always rains on Saturday.

• Unistructural:
I think it will rain because there are many clouds in the sky.

• Multistructural:
I think it will rain because there are clouds over there and they are
dark looking and the wind is coming from that direction and …
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP
Let’s practice: “Do you think it will rain soon?”
• Relational:
Yes, I think so. The clouds look very dark over there and the wind is
getting stronger and the air feels different. It rained yesterday and
the weather seems very similar now.

• Extended Abstract:
Yes, all the weather conditions seem to point to more rain. Dark
clouds and winds from the south-west. However, it is really the dry
season and it might not happen as these same conditions
happened last week and no rain occurred then.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Basic Response Structure (1982)
Cue Response
X irrelevant


Kinds of data used:
related & hypothetical
X = irrelevant or inappropriate
= related and given in display
= related and hypothetical, not given

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Basic Response Structure (1982)
Cue Response

Kinds of data used:

X = irrelevant or inappropriate
= related and given in display
= related and hypothetical, not given

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Basic Response Structure (1982)
Cue Response

Kinds of data used:

X = irrelevant or inappropriate
= related and given in display
= related and hypothetical, not given

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Basic Response Structure (1982)
Cue Response

Kinds of data used:

X = irrelevant or inappropriate
= related and given in display
= related and hypothetical, not given

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Basic Response Structure (1982)
Cue Response

Kinds of data used:

X = irrelevant or inappropriate
= related and given in display
= related and hypothetical, not given

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Basic Response Structure (1982)
Cue Response


Kinds of data used: R2

X = irrelevant or inappropriate
= related and given in display
= related and hypothetical, not given

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

The SOLO Model: LOTS and HOTS
Describes thinking processes on a scale of increasing
difficulty or complexity.
It helps you think (as a teacher) where to move your student
next based on their response.
It even helps you think about your own thinking.
How is SOLO relevant to you?
To your teaching? To working with others?

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

The SOLO Model: Why is it so useful?
SOLO offers a framework you can use to:

1. Describe a response to a learned activity or question, as well

as help a teacher decide where students should proceed with
their learning.
2. Offer practical support in writing questions that can
differentiate higher-order and lower-order ideas.
3. Understand or help develop teaching programs (learning
progressions) and lessons that mirror how the brain learns.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Getting to use Basic SOLO in different ways
SOLO thinking is consistent with how the brain
learns. SOLO has a strong logic moving from one
level to the next. The brain cannot skip a level as
each higher one depends on the one before it.

SOLO offers clear learning pathways that help teachers focus on

content knowledge, among other things.

There are five levels in the basic SOLO model linked to how
information is structured in the brain.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Getting to use Basic SOLO in driving.
When we start learning to drive, what are
some of the big ideas we need to worry
about? Stepping on the accelerator?
Changing gears? Using the rear-view mirror?
Describe what does a person consider while driving a
4-wheel vehicle:
• unistructural level?
• multistructural level?
• relational level?
• extended abstract level?
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP
Focuses on one thing only such as the steering wheel or using the accelerator. Very
dangerous time for a learner and passenger!

Follows a set of procedure. Stopping only involves the brake. Not changing gears or
taking one’s foot off the accelerator. This is why we need an extensive period of

Can see connections between different aspects of driving. Actions become more

Goes beyond driving the car. The driver is competent with most aspects of driving as
well as more aware outside the car at pedestrians and the drivers of other cars.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Getting to use Basic SOLO in cooking.
The person is preparing a meal and has a
recipe available. Describe what you might
typically see for the following SOLO levels:

• unistructural level?
• multistructural level?
• relational level?
• extended abstract level?

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Have trouble reading a recipe. Keep looking at individual aspects and know some
individual ingredients but not many.

Can follow straightforward recipes and can make a good meal IF they follow the

Often does not need a recipe. Has done so much cooking, have recipes in their
head, and can improvise.

The cook would be a Chef (a professional cook) and come up with new ideas
about cooking.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Getting to use Basic SOLO in classroom management.
We are interested in the teachers’ class

Let us think about a teacher we are watching in

a class.

What might be happening at different SOLO levels – from pre-structural

to extended abstract?

What would you say if you were a mentor for teachers if they were at
different SOLO levels?

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Getting to use Basic SOLO in classroom management.

Students ignore the teacher. The teacher cannot control the class
and pleads for quiet. Does not know what to do.

The student focuses on one student or
one incident and cannot deal with other
issues. Poor behavior continues.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Getting to use Basic SOLO in classroom management.

Teacher is aware of a number of issues and tries to deal with
them one at a time. Is usually not very successful. Spot-fire
problems – puts one out and another starts up.
A teacher notices a number of issues and links them together
to help address the problems. The focus of solution is on the
teaching decisions taken. Approach usually successful.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Getting to use Basic SOLO in classroom management.

Teacher draws on other experiences such as knowledge of
students, organizes lessons to minimize the chance of
problems arising, using different techniques that are special
with a class.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

SOLO Lower- and Higher-Order
Thinking and Responses
Different thinking/responses can be classified as either lower- and

Lower-order Questions/Responses are

at the unistructural and multistructural levels because information can
be ‘taught’ in the traditional sense.

Higher-order Questions/Responses are

at the relational level and extended abstract, ‘teaching’ in a traditional
sense is problematic. Students need to be placed in situations to
develop their own connections – their own way.
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP
Surface and Deep
Approaches to Learning

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

Surface and Deep Learning
Learning SOLO Levels Characteristics
Surface Unistructural One idea
Multistructural A number of independent ideas

Deep Relational Ideas linked together and related

Extended Abstract Extends ideas, and applies and

transfers ideas to new situations

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP
🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP

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