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Health Alphabet
Russia BBA 2+2
Heroes don't wear cloaks

Valeria Sharislamova
Customer Service Manager

Artem Astashkin

Ivan Goncharov Vitaly Chikhutin

Marketing specialist Partner Relations Manager
We all know that the coronavirus epidemic has overtaken
the world, and therefore humanity has become more
attentive to its health. Taking into account this fact, as well
as the fact that good health, in principle, plays an
extremely important role in human life, we decided to
focus on improving health and such a concept as
Biohacking became the fundamental link. I think it's worth
explaining what it is.

Biohacking is the improvement of the body's work with the

help of medications, nutrition, training and other methods.
All this helps to stimulate brain activity and age more

For biohackers, the human body is a kind of operating

system. By analogy with computers, "bugs" can occur in

the body — fatigue, illness and death. But any system can
be improved and protected from external factors.
Introduction Goals:
So, first of all, we are developing an application that 1. Prevention of diseases
will be a place to implement all the main stages of 2. Continuous improvement of health indicators
improving the body, such as compiling a personal 3. slow down the aging process
complex of vitamins, diet and sports complexes, the 4. Formation of healthy habits
working name of which is "Health Alphabet". 5. Enlighten people with the world of your body

During the work on the project, we identified our main

mission and goals:
The project is being developed by:
Artem Astashkin - CEO
Valeria Sharislamova - Customer Service Manager
Vitaly Chikhutin - Partner Relations Manager
Mission: Ivan Goncharov - Marketing specialist
Make health management personalized and accessible to
The essence of the project
“Health Alphabet” - is a subscription service that allows a person to choose the most suitable and comfortable
type of subscription for themselves. After purchasing a subscription, the next step comes - collecting the necessary
analyses. The medical staff comes to the client's house and takes a blood test for certain components.

The results obtained during the analysis are displayed in his profile, so he can personally get acquainted with
them. Based on the results of the tests, recommendations on the diet and an individual complex of vitamins will be
compiled for the client, moreover, a special set of exercises will be developed, because it is very important to
support the body both from the inside and outside.

Vitamins are already included in the subscription and they will be delivered by mail or courier. Our main feature is
The essence of the project

the remote format. Our service is very convenient for people who work a lot, or for some reason have to stay at
home, because a person does not need to go anywhere, all the necessary information will be displayed in his

It is important that each client will be provided with an individual approach that is focused on his personal state of
health. After repeated tests, a person will be able to compare their indicators before and after. Further, it will only
be necessary to support all our recommendations, then the result will soon be visible.
Project concept
“Health Alphabet” will cooperate with laboratories to

analyze the results and identify deviations of the client's
indicators from the norm.

In addition, we want to cooperate with leading hospitals

(including in the field of dietetics) to conduct research
and form recommendations for the client. This concept
can be attributed to the B2C and B2B format.

Project concept
So, biohacking is one of the most promising areas that can
help everyone improve their health and make a real
upgrade of their body. All our work will be aimed at the
most individual approach to each person, because we are
all unique, and we need personalized recommendations.

Our company is like a constantly working mechanism. It is

very important for us to constantly develop and introduce
something new. Therefore, all the research carried out in
the field of medicine (especially conducted by our
partners), we will introduce into the work of our company
and constantly improve the formulas of vitamins, as well
as the diet.

In the near future, we plan to optimize our project for as

many cultures as possible and try to reach the world level.

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