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Collision Mitigation Using HC-SR04

on Small Scale 3-Wheeler 5V DC

Motor Car for Automotive Safety
University of Luzon
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Statement of the Problem
The main objective of this study is to create collision mitigation system using ultrasonic
The researchers seek to answer the following:
sensor HC-SR04 on small scale three-wheeler 5v DC motor car.
1. Develop a system that is capable using the potential of a HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor.
2. Assemble an operating system that fits the standard test using Arduino Uno R3 as a
micro-controller for the collision mitigation system.
3. Test the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor performance in mitigation of collision.
4. Evaluate gathered data by using Arduino ide to run the collision mitigation system
Keywords. Collision mitigation system, Ultrasonic sensor, Arduino uno, Arduino IDE
Conceptual Framework
Developing the capabilities and limitations of the HC-
In terms of evaluating the gathered data, you
SR04 ultrasonic sensor and identify the system
requirements and parameters of the project. Such as
can use the Arduino IDE’s Serial Monitor to
minimum and maximum distance to be measured And view the output of the sensor readings in real-
evaluate the hardware options such as microcontrollers time. This can help you to identify and
developments boards, and other components that are anomalies or issues with the sensor data, and
capable with the HC-SR04 sensor make any necessary adjustment

Set up the system using the Arduino-Uno R3 and the Run the system through some standards test cases to
computer and with the code for the collision mitigation ensure it meets the required safety and reliability
system using the Arduino programming language. standards for a collision mitigation system.
Combine the 5V DC motor car and the programmed Check every part of the assembled 3-wheel 5V DC motor
Arduino-Uno R3 by the used of data gathered that has car during the test and also the distance range of the
set a particular distance obstacle and the sensor, test the system under various
conditions and assess its performance during the test
continuously monitor the system during operation.
Related Literature
Vehicle tracking for an evasive maneuver assistant using low-cost ultrasonic sensors
Many driver assistance systems require knowledge of the vehicle environment. As these
systems are increasing in complexity and performance, this knowledge of the environment
needs to be more complete and reliable, so sensor fusion combining long, medium and
short range sensors is now being used. This paper analyzes the feasibility of using
ultrasonic sensors for low-cost vehicle-positioning and tracking in the lane adjacent to the
host vehicle in order to identify free areas around the vehicle and provide information to an
automatic avoidance collision system that can perform autonomous braking and lane
change maneuvers. A laser scanner is used for the early detection of obstacles in the
direction of travel while two ultrasonic sensors monitor the blind spot of the host vehicle.
The results of tests on a test track demonstrate the ability of these sensors to accurately
determine the kinematic variables of the obstacles encountered, despite a clear limitation in
Obstacle Detection using Ultrasonic Sensors
Vidhya Delicia Perlin Rebelo D, Cecilia Jane M, Linford William
Fernandes S, Clarissa Joella Costa M (2016)
In many applications like vehicle control, medical applications,
robotic movement control, etc.; distance measurement of an object is
used. This can be done using a variety of sensors-Ultrasonic, IR,
radar, laser, etc. Measurement using ultrasonic sensors is the cheapest
and its reliability among several others is very high. In this paper we
discuss the uses of these sensors in distance measurement in
vehicular applications and compare them for a small automobile
prototype using Raspberry Pi, to provide an output for obstacle
According to Gouri.D. Malgi Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies (2022) This
paper provides a solution to minimize parking issues such as congestion proper way data
management secure entry and exit etc. the paper is written on the basis of prepared and
tested model. Arduino Uno is the main controller, IR sensors for car sensing servo motors
for the entry and exit gates, all these is managed and run with the help of Arduino IDE. For
Data Management we have used NetBeans v8.1 as our front-end and MySQL as back-end,
the Frontend provides an attractive interface with security lock for unauthorized access, the
security can enter the details of car and it will be saved at the backend. This provides a very
reliable, secure and easy way to manage parking. With the help of our Smart Car parking
System, we are trying to minimize the issues our system will a User friendly, just by seeing
the display the driver can see where to park his vehicle without any delay or confusion. This
will help to reduce traffic maintain record of cars provide easy access and a clear path to


This chapter presents the methods and procedures

that the researchers will use in gathering the
necessary data required for the completion of the
study. This includes the following data.
Research Setting

The researcher decided upon conducting the test of the study in

Mangaldan, Pangasinan, Philippines to further carry out trials on
application of HC-SR04 (Ultrasonic Sensor). Furthermore, the
particular reason for circumstance of researcher’s school schedules
the test of the study took place in other places somewhere in
Mangaldan, Pangasinan Philippines. The test of the study is
conducted outside of the campus due to its condition process and
Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher conducts a experimental procedure to

collect data by setting a straight track where the smart car
will make its way and will be tested its capabilities to stop
when there is moving object moving in front of smart car
form 20cm, 50cm and 70 cm. Researcher programmed the
lafvin mother board to consistently activate its obstacle
avoidance in real time.
Data Gathering Instrument

In the context of this study, the research instruments that will be employed encompass a
prototype of an ultrasonic distance measuring device. This particular choice of instrument
has been made with the intent of thoroughly assessing its functionalities and performance in
relation to the array of alternative devices currently accessible in the market. By utilizing
this prototype, the researchers aim to conduct a comprehensive evaluation, examining its
precision, accuracy, and efficacy in distance measurement. This investigation will not only
involve examining the standalone capabilities of the ultrasonic device but also necessitate a
comparative analysis against existing alternatives to discern its advantages, limitations, and
potential advancements over the current state-of-the-art technologies. This systematic
examination of the ultrasonic distance measuring device will provide invaluable insights into
its potential applications and how it stands in the contemporary landscape of similar tools,
thus contributing to the body of knowledge in this field.
Statistical Treatment
The research team plans to use descriptive statistical methods, such as the mean
and percentages, to analyze data collected through a measuring device during
experiments. This statistical approach is crucial for a comprehensive and accurate
interpretation of the experimental results. Metrics like the mean help understand
the central value in the dataset, while percentages help assess data distribution.
These techniques will enable a systematic examination of the data, helping
identify trends, variations, and key findings that contribute to a deeper
understanding of the research results. Additionally, they will use correlation and
linear regression, common techniques for quantifying the association between
two numeric variables.
Chapter III: Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of the
The system is composed of the following parts, the Arduino Lafvin R3 Board,
Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SRO4, Microcontroller L298N, 5V DC motor, Plastic Chassis.
Operational Framework




The graph represents the response time of a smart car's ultrasonic sensor in triggering the braking system
when it detects an obstacle. It measures how quickly the smart car stops in relation to the distance from the
From the data provided, we can make the following observations:
At a distance of 20 cm, the sensor triggers the braking system in 1.23 seconds.
At a greater distance of 50 cm, it takes slightly longer, 1.26 seconds, to trigger the brake.
Interestingly, at a further distance of 70 cm, the sensor again takes 1.26 seconds to trigger the brake, which
might indicate a limit or accuracy constraint of the sensor at that range.
This data suggests that the ultrasonic sensor is fairly accurate and consistent in terms of response time to
trigger the smart car's braking system when detecting obstacles at different distances within its operational
range. However, it's also essential to consider the specifications and limitations of the ultrasonic sensor in
interpreting this data fully.
If the objective is to measure the accuracy of the sensor's response time at various distances, this data suggests
that the sensor performs consistently within the tested range. Further testing at different distances could help
confirm the sensor's performance characteristics.

In a scenario where a 5V DC motor car is in motion and a person suddenly crosses its path, a collision
mitigation system is activated. The system relies on a sensor, such as the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, to
detect the obstruction in real-time. Once the sensor identifies the obstacle, the system promptly signals the
car's brakes to engage, bringing the vehicle to a rapid stop. This immediate response is designed to prevent
collisions and ensure the safety of everyone involved, showcasing the practical use of technology in
enhancing road safety.

In a scenario where a 5V DC motor car is moving, a person is crossing its path at a distance of about 50
centimeters from the car. Equipped with the HC-SR04 sensor, the collision mitigation system monitors
the situation. When the sensor detects that the distance has decreased to around 20 centimeters, signaling
the person's proximity, the system triggers an immediate and precise braking response, effectively
stopping the car. This showcases the system's adaptability to varying distances and its ability to prevent
potential collisions, emphasizing its role in enhancing road safety.

In both the 20cm and 50cm scenarios, a 5V DC motor car detects

someone crossing about 70cm away. When the sensor detects the person
within 20cm, the car stops, ensuring safety. However, if the person has
already crossed and is no longer detected, the car continues moving, as it
only responds to obstacles within its sensor range.

The actual distance calibrated for the car to stop in order to avoid collision and the
actual distance it stopped after the counter measure anti-collision signal was
engaged, which was accomplished by setting a measured distance of 30cm which is
the expected distance and the braking distance which is the actual distance it
stopped and the measurements taken. Which shows that the performance of the
system is above average and still operating at a safe distance without much
difference in margin from the calibrated distance. The actual distance calibrated for
the car to stop in order to avoid collision and the actual distance it stopped after the
counter measure anti-collision signal was engaged, which was accomplished by
setting a measured distance of 30cm which is the expected distance and the braking
distance which is the actual distance it stopped and the measurements taken. Which
shows that the performance of the system is above average and still operating at a
safe distance without much difference in margin from the calibrated distance.
 In conclusion, our research demonstrates that the Collision Mitigation System successfully harnesses the capabilities of the
HC-SR04 sensor. This developed system effectively leverages the ultrasonic sensor's abilities for object detection and
distance measurement.
 In the culmination of our research, we have successfully assembled an operating system using the Arduino IDE with an
Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller for the collision mitigation system. Our findings demonstrate that this system can fully
leverage the capabilities of the HC-SR04 sensor, not only for accurate distance measurements but also for triggering
braking mechanisms when an object enters the predetermined range. This application was effectively tested in a small car
equipped with our system and code.
 Through a series of trials conducted to evaluate the HC-SR04's performance, we have uncovered valuable insights. Our
research indicates that the accuracy of the ultrasonic sensor in triggering the system's brakes upon detecting an object
varies with the object's distance. We observed a notable delay of approximately 1.29 seconds when the object is at a greater
distance from the sensor, suggesting a relationship between distance and system response time.
 In our research, an in-depth analysis of the data collected while operating the collision mitigation system using the Arduino
IDE has unveiled valuable insights into system performance. These assessments have revealed a noteworthy observation:
the accuracy of the ultrasonic sensor in activating the brake system upon object detection displays a noticeable delay as the
distance from the sensor increases, as exemplified by an approximate 1.29-second delay in our findings.
Moreover, our investigations have led us to a key conclusion regarding the optimal
sensor placement. We found that siting the ultrasonic sensor in the central front position of the smart car yields the most
accurate object detection and distance measurement. Furthermore, setting the trigger distance to 50cm for the sensor has
proven effective in achieving a faster brake response, ensuring timely stops when necessary

Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the following recommendations

are suggested:
1. The researchers recommend this study to be a reference for future researchers
who are looking for information especially if it is similar to the field of this study.
The study contains vital information that can help improve the future researchers
understanding on the concept of ultrasonic in measuring distances and using
Arduino as a platform for creating electronic projects.
2. The researchers recommend that future researchers improve on the prototype
made as various aspects of it can be further enhanced by implementing
improvements especially in its accuracy and portability.
3. The researchers recommend for future researchers to further look on ultrasonic
as it can be widely used for other applications.
Significance of the Study
This study is supposed to aid the following:

Researchers, to acquire and grant a background investigation in order to enhance,

maximize, and offer additional information and application. This study will help them to
contribute to the overall body of knowledge in the field of automotive engineering

Future Researchers. This study will be useful refer to the researcher who would plan to

make related study about maintaining, diagnosing, and troubleshooting issue related to drum

School Administrators. They will be better able to understand the value of drum brakes in
protecting the safety of students and employees as a result of this study if they are in charge
of maintaining a fleet of vehicles, such as buses or vans.
Scope and Limitations

This study was conducted at University of

Luzon in Dagupan, Pangasinan. This study
deals on improving technological safety in
order to lessen unwanted accidents. It
focuses on a vehicle only.
This study aims to comprehend the safety issue on vehicles.

Collision- is short-duration interaction between two bodies or more than two bodies
simultaneously causing change in motion of bodies involved due to internal forces acted
between them during this.
Mitigation- the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
Microcontroller- is a compact integrated circuit designed to govern a specific operation in
an embedded system.
Troubleshooting- the act or process of discovering and resolving problems, disputes, or
mechanical or technical issues
Congestion- a situation in which there is too much traffic and movement is difficult
Accident- an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically
resulting in damage or injury.

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