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Basic Theories as

Frameworks in
Meta-ethics is the branch of ethics that studies the nature of morality. As such, it talks about the meaning, reference, and
truth values of moral judgments. It also explains what goodness and wickedness mean and how we know about them.
Studying the methods for choosing ethical principles and doing normative ethics
can be said to be part of this more basic branch of moral philosophy.

Meta-ethical theories are commonly classified semantically as either cognitivist or non-cognitivist; substantially as either
universalist or relativist; and epistemologically as empiricist, rationalist, or intuitionist.
Empiricism vs. Rationalism vs. Moral Empiricism
Intuitionism is a meta-ethical stance which states that moral facts are known
through observation and experience.

Moral Rationalism
contends that moral facts and principles are knowable a priori,
that is, by reason alone and without reference to experience.

Moral Intuitionism
submits that moral truths are knowable by intuition, that is, by
immediate, instinctive knowledge without reference to any
Classifications of normative ethical theories:

Normative Ethics
- is an ethical system that bases morality on independent moral
- is the branch of ethics that studies how man ought rules or duties. The term came from the Greek word dean,
to act, morally speaking. As the name suggests, it which means 'duty,' implying the foundational nature of man's
examines ethical norms, that is, those guidelines duties or obligations.
about what is right, worthwhile, virtuous, or just.
- refers to a moral system that determines the moral value of
actions by their outcomes or results.

Virtue ethics
- as a moral system, emphasizes developing good habits of
character, like kindness and generosity, and avoiding bad
character traits, or vices, such as greed or hatred.
Applied Ethics Applied ethical issues nowadays are classified
into various subfields:
- philosophically examines specific,
controversial moral issues. Using ● Bioethics
philosophical methods, this area of
concern in Ethics attempts to determine
the ethically correct course of action in ● Environmental ethics
specific realms of human action.

● Business ethics

● Sexual ethics

●Social ethics

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