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What is a Concept Paper?
Three Ways of Elucidating a
Various Kinds of Concept
Papers and Presenting Novel
Concept and Project
Learning Task 1.
Directions: What comes first to
your mind when you read the word
CONCEPT? In your activity
notebook, write your answer in the
concept map below.

20XX presentation title 3

A concept paper is a summary document of a project proposal that tells what
the project is all about, the reasons for conducting the project and how it will
be carried out. This paper also provides an overview of the project, and help
funding agencies eliminate proposals that are likely to be disapproved.

It has several uses:

• Serves a foundation of the full proposal
• Determines whether the project is feasible or not
• Piques the interest of the potential funding agencies
• Obtains informal feedback on the ideas prior to preparing the full proposals.
• Helps in addressing social issues which plague our society.
Concept Paper for a Project
Use the structure below when you want to propose a
certain tangible project in your discipline. • Rationale or Background contains
• Cover Page contains ✓ State the problem to be solved
✓ Proponent’s name ✓ State the project’s significance
✓ Proponent’s contact number, email address • Project Description contains
✓ Proponent’s agency ✓ Objective of the project
✓ Date of submission ✓ Methodology (Action Plan)
• Introduction contains ✓ Timeline
✓ Short description of proponent’s agency, ✓ Anticipated outcome
✓ How the outcome will be evaluated
major accomplishments and capability to • Project Needs and Cost contains
undertake the proposed project. ✓ Budget, item description and
✓ Reasons why the funding agency should amount
support the project ✓ Personnel or equipment needed
20XX presentation title 5
PARTS OF A CONCEPT PAPER • Preliminary Literature Review contains
✓ Provide theoretical framework
✓ Provide major related literature review at least 5
Concept Paper for Academic Research
✓ Provide brief synthesis of the reviewed literature
Use the structure below when you intend to present an
idea or concept for a and studies.
research you want to pursue. • Statement of the Problem/Objectives contains
• Title Page contains ✓ State the general problem in one sentence
✓ Research title ✓ State your specific research questions of
✓ Name and school objectives.
✓ Date of submission • Methodology contains
• Background of the Study contains ✓ Context and participants of the study
✓ Instruments to be used
✓ State the field you are researching on
✓ Data collection procedures
✓ State the problems to be addressed by the
✓ Data analysis scheme to be used
research, provide statistics and previous • Timeline contains
studies to prove your claim ✓ Duration of the research (Gantt chart)
✓ Reasons in conducting the research • Reference contains
✓ Theoretical and practical implications ✓ List of books, journals, and other resources cited
in your paper
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Thank you!

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