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1. Describe how to make an electromagnet.
2. Describe how to change the strength of an
3. Describe some uses of electromagnets
4. Explain why electromagnets are used instead of
permanent magnets

KEYWORDS The iron core does not remain magnetized when the electromagnet
Electromagnet, electricity, core, coil. Relay, reed is turned off.
switch, armature, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
The strength of an electromagnet depends on:
WHAT IS ELECTROMAGNET 1. The numbers of turns or loops on the coil: Increase in the
When an electric current flows in a wire, it creates a turns of coil will make a stronger electromagnet
magnetic field around the wire. This effect can be 2. The current flowing in the wire: the more the current, the
used to make an electromagnet. stronger will be the electromagnet
An electromagnet can be made by passing electric 3. The type of core: the use of magnetic material like soft iron
current through a coil of wire round a core connected in the core will produce a stronger electromagnet.
to a battery. A simple electromagnet comprises of a NB
length of wire turned into a coil and connected to a The current flowing in the wire depends on the power supplied
battery or power supply. and the type of wire that is use in the electromagnet.
Electromagnets work because when an electric USES OF ELECTROMAGNET
current is passed through a wire, a magnetic field is Electromagnet is used in the following areas:
produced. These magnetic field lines around the wire 4. Switching on and off systems
as circles and get weaker as one gets further away 5. Fire doors
from the wire. 6. Electric bells
7. Medicines for viewing the internal body
SWITCHING ON AND OFF SYSTEM The circuit is broken when fire alarm is triggered. This stops
A soft iron core is useful when you want an electromagnet the flow of current in the coil of the electromagnet. Hence,
to switch off rapidly. The switching off principle of the door closes.
electromagnet is used in the following:
 Cranes: some cranes use electromagnet to pick up USE OF ELECTROMAGNET IN MEDICINE
scrap cars. They can let go of the car by turning off the Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner uses magnets to
current. produce images of the inside of our bodies. It enables
Relay: a relay is a switch system that can be used in a doctors to take pictures of people’s organ.
low –current circuit to turn on a high- voltage or high- THE ELECTRIC BELL
current circuit . A relay uses a small current in one circuit When the bell-switch is pressed, current passes through the
to operate a switch in a separate high voltage or high coil and the iron core is magnetized . The iron armature is
current circuit. A simple relay can be made with reed attracted to the core and the hammer eats the gong making
switch. a sound . This breaks the circuit making the iron core to
The relay can be applied in the following: demagnetized. The armature springs back repeating the
• Motor started: the relay is used to turn on the started processes, so the bell keeps ringing for as long as the bell is
motor in a car pressed.
• Radiography: the relay is used to turn on and off of x-ray DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ELECTROMAGNET AND A
machine. Since the x-rays is dangerous to body cells when PERMANENT MAGNET
exposed for too long, the relay is used to turn on and off There are two main differences between a magnet and a
of the x-ray machine to avoid direct contact of the permanent magnet
radiographers 1. An electromagnet can be turned on and off but a
FIRE DOOR permanent magnet cannot
Fire doors use electromagnets to close automatically. 2. An electromagnet can be made to be more powerful than
Current flows in the coil of the electromagnet when there a permanent magnet because its strength can be varied,
is no fire, thereby attracting piece of iron on the door and when the strength of a permanent magnet cannot be alter.
keeping the door open.
Motor starter Crane Relay

Electric bell MRI Scanner Fire door

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