Market Globalis-Wps Office

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Marketing Globalization is a synergistic term combining the
promotion and selling of goods and services in an increasingly
inderdependent and integrated global economy.

And for marketing Integration occurs when price among different

locations or related goods follow similar patterns over
along period of time.
But according to the French philosopher MARKET GLOBALISM- is a
hegmonic system of ideas that makes normative claims about set of social
process called Globalization. Hence to understand changes about by
Globalization it is necessary to understand the connection between political
ideologies and social imaginary . When we say SOCIAL IMAGINARY - is
deed seated modes of understanding that provide the most general
parameters within wich people imagine their common existence like the
ilustrado concepts of being "FILIPINO".

 IDEOLOGY POLITICAL is that it claims select privilege, and constrict

social meaning related to exercise of power in the society.

 MARKET GLOBALIST PERSPECTIVE , the coming globalization

would be an absolute certainty. In fact, once it happens, there is no
turning back since globalization is inevitable and irreversible.
 “SELF- REGULATING ” This means that technically, the globalists are
not the ones who would dictate the globalization process. Rather, these
people would just accomplish the oughts’,which goes beyond individual
self-interests but rather by a mightier transcendental force

 ‘COLLAPSE OF GLOBALISM ’, that the terrorist attacks would usher

in a new age of cultural particularism and economic protectionism

 “HISTORICAL GLOBALIZATION ”, locates the phenomenon itself in

early patterns of trade and exchange .

 INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES ; are importers and exporters,

typically without investment outside their home country;
 TRANSNATIONAL COMPANIES are more complex organizations,
which have invested in foreign operations, have central corporate
facilities but give decision-making, research and development ..(R&D)
and marketing powers to each individual foreign market.

According to one of America’s prominent executive officer

George David:
We are at an optimistic time in our world: the barriers
between nations are down, economic liberalism is
decidedly afoot and proven to be sound, trade and
investment are soaring, income disparities between nations
are narrowing and wealth generation globally is at record
high level, and I believe likely.
1. Globalization is about the liberalization and global integration of
-The first core claim of globalization’s essence is that it simply espouses
the idea of the inevitability of the spread of the ideals of free trade and
free enterprise to as many states and nations across the globe.

2. Globalization is invitable and irreversible

-The advancement of science and technology facilitated globalization’s
encroachment to many aspects of people’s lives whether collectively or
individually since the products of globalization are, most often than not,
employed as means to address problems that have confronted humanity .
3.Nobody is in charge of globalization
-This means that technically, the globalists are not the ones who would
dictate the globalization process. Rather, these people would just
accomplish the oughts.

4.Globalization Benefits everyone in the long run

Globalization could bring economic growth and progress to the non-
affluent nations as well as provide them with an opportune space to get
involved with the great benefits that it has provided to the world.
5.Globalization Further the spread of democracy in the world
-The fifth claim links globalization and market to the adjacent concept of
democracy, which also plays a significant role in liberalism, conservatism, and
socialism The most obvious strategy by which neo-liberals generate popular
support for the equation of democracy and the market is discrediting
traditionalism and socialism.

As the results , market globalism into

imperial globalism is about the
liberalization and global integration of
markets, it is also worth nothing that
 International companies are importers and
exporters typically without investment outside their
home country.
 Multinational companies have investment in other
countries , but do not have coordinated product offerings in
each country.

 Global companies have invested in and are present in

many countries they typically market their products and
services to each individual local market.

God bless all!


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