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Skill Development in Non-verbal

 Communication without using words called non-verbal
communication. In this type of communication there is no use of
either words or written message. Here messages conveyed
through body movements, paralanguage or by facial expressions.
In the words of Thill and Bovee, “Non-verbal communication is
the process of communicating without words.”
Lesikar and Pettit said that, “Non-verbal communication means
all communication that occurs without words.”
 Example:
A pounding first on a table means anger.
A forefinger and a thumb touching to form a circle mean “ok”.
Features of non-verbal communication
Features of non-verbal communication:
It is a communication without words or language.
Non-verbal communication has a number of symbols
such as facial expressions, gestures, Postures, and so
Non-verbal symbols can have several meanings.
Able to exchange feelings.
Verbal and non-verbal communications are
complementary to each other.
Limited scope.
Types of non-verbal Communication
Types of Non-verbal Communication:
We can express our feelings by our facial expression,
eye movement, body movement or simply by touching
others. So it can be observed that there are different
types of non-verbal communication:
1. Facial expression: Face is the index of mind. It tells
us what is happening within a man. Facial
expression, especially movements of eyes have
different meanings. Happiness, sorrow, fear and all
types of emotion can be expressed through our face
and eyes.
Types of non-verbal Communication
Tone and volume of voice (paralanguage): Different tone
of voice can create different meanings of same word. In
the words of lesiker and Pettit, “Paralanguage involves
how we say something.” Thus our interest or boredom,
happiness or sorrow or any other attitudes can be expressed
through pattern of voice.
Body language: One of the major types of non-verbal
communication is body language or kinesics. We can also
communicate our inner feeling through body movements.
Not only by face and eyes but we can also convey message
by moving our hands, by shaking our shoulders or by
nodding our head.
Types of non-verbal Communication
Gestures: Gestures is also a body movement but it is a
deliberate body movement to convey a specific message.
Gestures include movements of the arms, legs, hands and
Example: By waving our hands we express ‘good-bye’;
by shaking our head from side to side we express “we do
not know”.
Personal appearance: Personal appearance includes our
clothing, our grooming and our consciousness to styles. It
projects our self images to others. A person’s social status
and attitude expressed through his/her personal
Types of non-verbal Communication
Touching behaviour: Touching is an effective non-
verbal communication tool. Different touches bear
different meanings. For example-
Time language: There is an old saying “Time is
money”-in modern business culture time is really
important. By using our own attitude towards time we
can convey specific message. For example, in our
country sometimes some high officials show their
importance by making other people wait for them. We
can also demonstrate our eagerness or positive attitude
by arriving at time.
Types of non-verbal communication
Silence :
We do not communicate through words, signs and signals alone,
we communicate through silence also. “Silence is more eloquent
than words” is not a meaningless adage. It is not unusual to come
across a situation in which nothing can express one’s response so
effectively as silence. A Youngman proposes to the girl he loves; the
girl lowers her head and a faint blush appears on her face, but she
does not utter even a word. Her message has been communicated.
No words would have communicated the message as effectively as
her silence.
An employee requests his boss for a raise in his salary and the boss
remains silent; it signifies refusal. Disapproval, anger, resentment,
lack of interest is other responses that can be effectively
communicated through silence.
Importance/Function of non-verbal
Importance/Functions of Non-verbal Communication:
 Non-verbal Communication is an important supplement to
verbal communication. Experts in business communication
advocated that sometimes non-verbal communication is
more powerful and effective than verbal and written
communication. In all 87% of the meaning in face to face
communication is transferred through non-verbal symbols.

 To explain the importance of non-verbal communication

Prof. Graham and Jennings mentioned that “The total
impact of any message is probably most affected by the
blending of non-verbal communication”.
Importance/function of non-verbal
Functions or importance of non-verbal communication are as
 Clear explanation: Through non-verbal symbols we can
support words or verbal communication. For example most of
the time when we say ‘Yes’ then we also nod our head. That
is, non-verbal symbols provide clear explanation to verbal
 Re-state: Facial expressions and body movements restate or
emphasize our views and opinions.
 Indicative: Non-verbal communication tools are
indispensable to indicate something. When we say “this is our
college” then we also point out it by using ‘Pointing finger’.
Importance/functions of non-verbal
 Control: By non-verbal symbols we can control the behaviour of
others. For example by showing ‘Yellow card’ to a football player
the referee can warn him to maintain the rules of the game.
 Knowledge transfer: Non-verbal cues or signals are only way to
transfer knowledge to deaf and dumb persons.
 Exchange of feelings: The basic need for communication is
exchange of feelings, thoughts and ideas. Non-verbal symbols are
natural and efficient tools for exchanging feelings. Through non-
verbal signals we can even share our views with the people of
other countries.
At last it can be safely stated that non-verbal communication is a
must for overall communication and without non-verbal
communication we cannot even think about our daily life.
Disadvantages/limitations of non-verbal
 Disadvantages/Limitations of Non-Verbal Communication:
Though non-verbal communication is supportive to verbal
communication and it cannot be avoided, but there are some
Disadvantages or demerits of non-verbal communication are
as follows:

 Different meanings: There is no universal or single meaning

of non-verbal symbols. Same symbol have different meanings
in different cultures. For example a Thumbs-up symbol means
“things are under control” or “sign of confidence” but in our
country showing thumbs-up means “humiliate other”.
Disadvantages/limitations of non-verbal
Inconsistent: It is true that non-verbal symbols
enhance verbal meanings. But sometimes they may
alter the actual meaning and create confusion.
Limited scope: Though non-verbal communication
provide clear explanation to verbal communication,
but it alone can’t fulfil all communication need.
Visual communication
Visual Communication: Communication through visible
things can be termed as visible communication. Use of
picture, bar diagram, graphs, printed pictures, posters,
slides, film strips, computer graphics etc, fall under visual
Communication through such visuals is very much
effective because it is sure and instantaneous. No words are
uttered, no signs made, and yet the message gets across.
But visible communication alone is not enough. It can be
used to transmit very elementary and simple ideas, orders,
and warnings. It can be effectively used only in
combination with other media.
Visual communication
Sometimes visual communication is more effective
than other forms of communication. Major advantages
of visual communications are as follows:
Easily understandable: Pictures of diagram have
universal meanings, these are easily understandable
than written communication.
Suitable for illiterate people: Illiterate people who
can’t explore the meanings of written communication,
but can understand the meanings of pictures.
Visual communication
Attractiveness: Use of visual aids in reports enhances
the effectiveness of the subject and makes the report
attractive to the readers.
Suitable for executives: Busy executives who are
interested in the executive summary of a report, also
able to get a clear idea quickly from the graphs and
Helps in decision making: Decisions regarding sales
target or evaluation of selling’s performance can be
quickly taken with the help of chronological graphs of
annual sales.
Difference between verbal and non-verbal
Subject verbal communication non-verbal communication
Definition It is a process of communication Communication without using
through words. words or writings known as
non-verbal communication.
Formality Degree of formality is more than It is less formal, in fact in case
non-verbal communication of non-verbal communication
no formality is maintained.
Evidence It has legal evidence. It has no documentary
Scope in business It’s scope is larger than non- It’s scope is limited in business
communication verbal communication. communication.
Media Face to Face conversation, Facial expressions, body
conversation over telephone, language, gestures, silence etc.
meeting, video conference, are used as media of non-
interview, etc. verbal communication.
Consistency It is more consistent in nature. Lack of consistency is a major
feature of non-verbal
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