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Online Teacher Community

Engaging with
learning outcomes
Learning outcomes
By the end of this session, you’ll be able to:

• Understand the differences between learning outcomes

and learning objectives
• Select tips on writing learning outcomes
• Create your own learning outcomes
Destination vs journey

What is most important, knowing where you

are going or going on the journey?
Do you write learning outcomes? Do you find it is an
easy thing to do?
What are the differences between learning outcome and
learning objective?

Read the following task in groups and discuss

the following:
• What are the top tips for writing LO?
• What would you add to the list?

Go to your groups and discuss what you thought about.

Think and discuss

What tips can you include in your learning outcomes?

Why do you think learning outcomes should be included?
Design and apply
Reflection on the being a
• Live session
– Follow steps show in our session
– Will be provided for you and you can make your own adjustments
• Forums
– Give chances for participants to talk about experience
– Acknowledge contributions
– Ask questions – to clarify or to deepen in topic

Any questions?

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