Module 5

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Disaster Readiness &

Risk Reduction
Quarter 2 : Module 5
Phases of Fire Emergency
What I Know

Instructions: Read each question

carefully. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write it in your answer sheet.
1. In using a fire extinguisher, PASS
A. Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
B. Pull, Aim, Shoot, Stay
C. Plunge, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep.
D. Plunge, Address, Shoot, Sweep
2. The correct way to extinguish a fire is
to aim ____.
A. at the base
B. at the center
C. at the side
D. at the top
3. When extinguishing a fire, you should
maintain a distance away of _____.
A. 3 meters
B. 5 meters
C. 6 meters
D. 10 meters
4. The elements of Fire Triangle are: A.
Heat, Oxygen, Fuel
B. Heat, CO2, Fuel
C. Oxygen, Wood, CO2
D. None of the above
5. How to put the fire out?
A. by cooling
B. by smothering
C. by starvation
D. All the above
6. The "Alert" step in RACE means:
A. Break the alarm glass
B. Call Code Red
C. Dial 911
D. All the above
7. The fire extinguisher can only be used
for a duration of ____.
A. 15 - 20 seconds C. 3 - 4 minutes
B. 30 - 40 seconds D. 1 - 2 hours
8. Smoke detectors are useful because
A. it beautifies the room
B. it keeps the room warm
C. it gives early warning of any fire
D. it is required to be placed in the ceiling
9. The building management of public
places should not lock up the exit doors
when the building is occupied or being
A. True
B. False
C. not quite sure
D. cannot decide
10. When must domestic smoke detectors
be tested?
A. Annually
B. Weekly
C. Monthly
D. When required
11. What you must do in case your cloth
catch a fire?
A. cry as hard as you can
B. run as fast as you can
C. scream at the top of your lungs
D. perform the STOP, DROP and ROLL
12. In case of building fire, why you need to crawl
as low as possible?
A. because your visibility is less
B. because you can move quickly by crawling
C. because there are flammable materials above the
D. because there are less hazardous gasses in the
lower portion
13. It is the duty of every person to sound
the nearest fire alarm immediately in case
of fire incident.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. Not sure
14. In case of building fire, why is it not
advisable to use elevators or lifts?
A. due to backdraft occurrences
B. due to smoke all over the place
C. due to possible electrical failure
D. due to unable to concentrate
15. What is a fire assembly point?
A. where the extinguishers are kept
B. a safe area where the roll call is taken
C. anywhere safe
D. at the front door

Phases of Fire
What I Need to Know
The lesson focuses on the discussion on
the following:
• Phases of fire emergency; and
• Fire Emergency and Evacuation Plan
After the discussion you are expected to: •
apply basic response procedures during a fire
• follow fire emergency and evacuation plans;
• perform proper basic manual carries and
drags during fire incident
Instructions: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the
statement is not correct. Write your answer in your answer
_______1. In case of building fire, do not use elevators.
_______2. If your clothes catch fire run as fast as you can.
_______3. In assisting people who are burnt, check vital
_______4. A building’s emergency evacuation layout is not
necessary to be posted in conspicuous places.
_______5. Before an actual fire occurs you should
know emergency contact numbers. _______6. When
there is heavy smoke above the room, crawl as there
is less hazardous gasses in the lower portion.
_______7. Ignition stage in a fire is considered as
the longest stages of fire.
_______8. Backdraft occurs in growth stage of fire.
_______9. Faulty electrical wiring is the number
one leading causes of fire incident in the Philippines.

______ 10. Lightning triggers fires because it carries

with it a large amount of energy that induce ignition.
Phases of Fire
1. Mitigation – this refers to the act of
doing things that prevent the actual
emergency case
2. Preparedness – this refers to activities
that increase a community or a person’s
ability to respond when fire occurs. This
includes preparing your emergency plan
and emergency-go-bag that include burn -
first aid.
3. Response – This is the phase that
includes all the necessary emergency
services and equipment before, during,
and after a fire hazard. Risk Assessment
is the first step in understanding how to
respond in case of emergency.
4. Recovery – This involves the actions
done for the recovery of the damages
done by the fire. This includes the
restorations of basic services and the
immediate repair of physical, economic,
and social damages.
Fire Emergency and Evacuation Plan A
Fire Emergency Evacuation Plan (FEEP) is
a written document which includes the action
to be taken by all staff in the event of fire and
the arrangements for calling the fire brigade.
Listed below are the things to be
considered in a FEEP:
• Fire evacuation strategy- considers
how you will arrange the evacuation of
the premises in the light of your risk
assessment and the other fire precautions
you have oriented to put in place.
• Action on hearing the fire alarm – It is
the duty of every person to sound the
nearest fire alarm immediately in
accordance with the agreed Fire
Emergency Evacuation Plan (FEEP).
• Calling the Fire Brigade- Fire service
should be informed immediately, either
by switchboard operator or person
discovering fire.
• Power/Process Isolation- Close
Procedure-Adopt your own “Close
Down” procedure appropriately.
• Identification of key escape routes- In
premises where members of the public
persons unfamiliar with layout of the
premises are present there should be
means available to identify the key escape
• Assembly points and roll call - pre-
determined assembly points should be
arranged with the family or school staff.
Assembly area must be far enough from
burning structures.
Fire- fighting equipment provided- Any
trained competent person should attack
fire with appropriate equipment however,
firefighting is always secondary to life
• Training required- Drills should be
carried out using varying escape routes
assuming the normal evacuation route is
not available. • Personal Emergency
Evacuation Plan (PEEP)- You must t
• Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan
(PEEP)- You must take account not only
of the people in your premises who may
be able to make their own escape, but also
those who may need assistance to escape,
• Liaison with emergency services- You
should prepare necessary contacts with
external emergency services and make
them familiar with emergency and
evacuation plan.
Picture Concept Flow Instructions:
Draw or cut pictures that represents each
phases of fire emergency.

Basic response procedure

during a fire incident
This lesson focusses on the following: •
Basic response procedure during a fire
• Basic drags and carries during a fire
Instruction: Choose the letter of the
correct answer and write in it in your
answer sheet.
1. Your three-year-old brother is playing in the
house and you see some matches and lighters lying
about, you should _____.
A. do nothing
B. call your mother to scold your brother
C. give him the matches and lighters to play with
D. keep the matches and lighters in safe place, away
from his reach
2. At school building, it is ok to remove the
fire extinguisher from the wall since there are
other fire extinguishers on the other floors.
A. true
B. false
C. maybe
D. not sure Sirenita
3. In the phases of fire emergency this
involves the actions done for the recovery
of the damages done by the fire.
A. Mitigation
B. Preparedness
C. Response
D. Recovery
4. An emergency action plan tells
____what actions to take in emergency
A. the firemen
B. the police
C. the employees
D. the paramedics
5. During a fire emergency, you should
close all doors behind you to slow the
spread of a fire.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. none of these
6. During family emergency evacuation
planning it is necessary to prepare contacts
with external emergency services.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
D. none of these
7. This refers to phases of fire emergency that
includes all the necessary emergency services
and equipment before, during, and after a fire
A. Mitigation
B. Preparedness
C. Recovery
D. Response
8. Schools conduct fire drills four times in a school
year to familiarize procedures to follow and
precautions that are to be taken in case of fire
incident. This action is under what phases of fire
A. Mitigation
B. Preparedness
C. Recovery
D. Response
9. Why is it necessary to conduct fire drills?
I. It is to check evacuation procedure and the efficacy of the
assembly point
II. It gives an understanding of the roles and responsibilities
of each member in the event of a fire
III. It help members feel comfortable in locating the
emergency exits and making their way to the assembly point.

IV. It will pinpoint who is to blame for fire incident when it

takes place.
A. I, II, III, IV B. I, II, III C. 1, II D. I
10. Which of the following is true about fire
assembly point?
I. It is a safe area beyond the premises.
II. It is an area that block access to the building.
III. It is an area where fire hydrants are located and
easily accessed. Page 10 of 17
IV. It is sufficiently far from the premises to
interference with the fire and rescue service.
A. I, III B. II, III, I C. II, IV D. I, IV
11. In case of fire incident, when should
the staff re-enter the building? A. when
alarm is still sounding
B. when fire marshal is fighting fire
C. when fire marshal declares safe
D. none of these
For questions numbers 12-15, refer to the
given symbols below to answers the
12. Which of the given symbol means the location of fire
13. Which of the following symbols above would mean fire
extinguisher location?
14. Which of the following symbols above would guide to fire
15. Which of the given symbols above means the location of
fire alarms system?
Basic response procedure to fire incident
Fire can start in many ways and in any time, so
therefore it is important that you know how to
respond it properly. The response procedure was
adapted from The University of Chicago Fire
Response Plan with the acronym RACERS.
Remove people from the immediate area of fire.
Activate the nearest fire station, provide your
name, exact location of the emergency, and type
of emergency you are calling.
Contain the smoke or fire by closing all
windows and doors to rooms, stairways,
and corridors. This is to control fire and
smoke from spreading
Extinguish the fire using appropriate fire
extinguisher for type of fire being fought.
Relocate: Relocate to safe area. When in
buildings do not use elevators as means of
Secure first important documents and
money when fire breaks outside your
residence or if you still have a moment to
do so.
What to do before an actual fire incident:
• Know the emergency contact numbers of
the nearest fire station • Know the exit points
• Know the location of hose and fire
• Know the proper precautionary
measures (e.g. Proper storage of
combustibles, fuels, etc.)
What do to in case of: Building/House is
on fire
• Find an area where smoke has not yet
• Do not panic as this will keep you
disoriented and lose your focus.
• Evacuate the area by going to the
nearest exit, leave it closed to prevent the
entry of smoke.
• If you can assist people with special
needs, do not carry them downstairs.
• Do not use elevators.
• Do not attempt to go back inside the
building until it has been declared safety
by the fire department.
Your clothes catch fire
• Do not panic.
• Do the STOP (do not run),
DROP (drop to the ground)
and ROLL (cover your face
with your hand and roll over
and over until the fire is out).
Lifts, Drags and Carries Techniques in
removing the victim is essential because
life saving is important and knowing how
to maneuver will makes a difference.
Here are some basic lifts, drags and
carries that might be useful in performing
Fill in the blanks Instructions:
In the box are words used to complete the
paragraphs below when you respond to fire
emergencies. Write your answer in your
answer sheet.
Emergency moves
It is best never to move an injured person
unless he is clearly in danger. Use the ___
_____, pulling in the direction of the long
axis of the body. You can either use their
_ ______ or blanket to drag them.
Burns (fire, electrical and chemical)
________ burns should be covered with a loose
sterile pad without further ____ ______, burns over
a large area of the body are the most ____ and
require activation of EMS __________. Exposed the
affected area by cutting or tearing away their __
_____. Do not ____ anything that is stuck to the
burnt skin.

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