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Muarij Hadeed
Reg no:
What is covid-19

 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly

discovered coronavirus.
 Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate
respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people,
and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness.
 fever
 dry cough
 tiredness
 aches and pains
 sore throat
 diarrhoea
Impact of covid-19 ON
 Accordingto early World Bank estimates, at least 1 million children in
Pakistan are expected to drop out of school owing to COVID-19's
socioeconomic impact. .
Impact of World Bank to Enhance Education:

The lowest performing children

fall further behind while the
well-performing children move
There is a sudden and large
The World Bank has outlined ahead - this is predicted based Government schools in Pakistan
There is a loss of learning for all increase in numbers of children
three scenarios of learning on the ability of the families to are likely to find themselves
students due to school for whom learning falls because
losses that governments should support children in keeping up facing the second or the third
disruptions of an increase in numbers of
prepare for when schools reopen with reading and writing and scenario.
access to assets such as
televisions and a good internet
or cable connection.
Bridging gaps with distance education:

By confining them at home, COVID-19 has limited students' access to

schools, teachers, and learning materials.

Distance learning programs have provided an opportunity to surpass

this challenge and enable uninterrupted access to resources.
Impact of covid-19 ON students:

With parents' income steadily decreasing due to loss of employment, more and more children are now
showing up a jobs instead of classrooms.

According to a recent study, an estimated 930,000 children, out of the 22 million that are already
missing school in Pakistan, are pushed to drop out by the pandemic.
The MOFE&PT is also piloting blended
learning in 200 public school classrooms to
better understand the implementation
Blended challenges of new technologies.
learning and
the digital
School closure has further spotlighted the
divide: existing digital divide across Pakistan. Only
34 percent of households in Pakistan have
internet access, and 14 percent have laptops
or computers.
Universities hold Not having
online classes, even electricity in many
as poor internet smaller cities is also
services remain a a major problem and
Educational major problem, sometimes not
Impact due to particularly in hearing the voice of
remote provinces the professor in the
Internet: like Balochistan, virtual classroom
Khyber due to internet issue
Pakhtunkhwa and is also a major
Gilgit-Baltistan. concern .
During 2020-2021, the World Bank has also allocated USD 20
Steps taken by million, which aim to support an all-inclusive learning system
targeting an estimated 19.1 million children who might choose
Pakistani government to stay out of schools due to economic pressures brought on by
to improve the the pandemic.

educational system in
In March 2020, the UNICEF office in Pakistan allocated a GPE
covid times grant of USD 140,000 to support the ministry of education in
developing its response plan.
 The impact of covid 19 has shocked the education
system .Virtual classrooms were the only solution to these
havoc times.
 interaction between student and teacher is not there.

 Not learning any practical thing resulting in zero skill level

is also a major problem.
 Grades and marks are also affected .
 Student interest is also a thing missing in virtual classroom
but this problem can be solved using charts , interesting
videos etc.
Despite all this ,steps taken by government to ensure
the education flows smoothly is very commendable .
Impact on my life:

• Most impact that covid has implemented that it is threat to my life

and my family
• Health issue is another factor which we have to cope with
• Being a sports lover ,all the grounds and stadiums are closed which
is really hard for me to achieve my co-curricular activities .
 https://

Thank you

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