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Reading Academic Texts

Content Standard
• The learner acquires knowledge of
appropriate reading strategies for a better
understanding of academic texts.
Performance Standard
• The learner produces a detailed abstract of
information gathered from the various
academic texts read
Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners will
be able to:

•determine the structure of a specific academic

text (CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia-c-1)
•give examples of academic texts
Academic Texts
• Academic text means a text that is
specifically written for use by teachers or
students, or it is a text your teacher has
assigned because of its usefulness in your
Understanding Text Structures
What is a text structure?
• A “structure” is a
building or framework

• “Text structure” refers

to how a piece of text
is built
What is a text structure?
• Builders can use
different kinds of
structures to build
different things
• A skyscraper, for
example, is a different
kind of structure from
a house
What is a text structure?
• Writers use different
structures to build
their ideas
• Each text structure
communicates ideas in
a different way
Chronological order
• Authors use
chronological order to
explain how things
happen in order
• Chronological order is
also called sequence
or time order
Chronological order
• You will know that
you are reading a text
in chronological order
because you will see
words like first, next,
later, then, and finally
Chronological order
• You will often see chronological order in
Have you ever made macaroni and cheese?
It’s simple! First, boil some water and make
some macaroni. Then, make your cheese
sauce. After the cheese sauce is ready, mix
it with the macaroni. Bake the entire thing
in the oven. Finally, it’s time to eat!
Chronological order
• You will often see chronological order in
Have you ever made macaroni and cheese?
It’s simple! First, boil some water and make
some macaroni. Then, make your cheese
sauce. After the cheese sauce is ready, mix
it with the macaroni. Bake the entire thing
in the oven. Finally, it’s time to eat!
Which paragraph is in
chronological order?
Pennsylvania has many Through the ages,
historic sites. You can visit Pennsylvania has seen many
Revolutionary war sites, like interesting events. The state
was founded in 1681 by
Valley Forge. You can also William Penn. Later,
visit important locations Pennsylvania was the site of
from the Civil War, like important Revolutionary War
Gettysburg. Finally, you can battles. After that,
also see the site of the first Pennsylvania was home to
oil well in Titusville. new factories during the
Industrial Revolution. Today,
Pennsylvania has many neat
Pennsylvania continues to
places to visit! make history.
Which paragraph is in
chronological order?
Through the ages,
Pennsylvania has seen many
This is the interesting events. The state
paragraph in was founded in 1681 by
chronological William Penn. Later,
Pennsylvania was the site of
order. Can you find important Revolutionary War
the clue words that battles. After that,
show this order? Pennsylvania was home to
new factories during the
Industrial Revolution. Today,
Pennsylvania continues to
make history.
Which paragraph is in
chronological order?
Through the ages,
Pennsylvania has seen many
This is the interesting events. The state
paragraph in was founded in 1681 by
chronological William Penn. Later,
Pennsylvania was the site of
order. Can you find important Revolutionary War
the clue words that battles. After that,
show this order? Pennsylvania was home to
new factories during the
Industrial Revolution. Today,
Pennsylvania continues to
make history.
Think about it!
• What is a structure?
• What does chronological order mean?
• What are some clue words that show
chronological order?
Another text structure
• But what if an author
doesn’t want to show
how something
happened in sequence?
• The author would
need to use another
text structure!
Another text structure
• Suppose an author
wanted to explain how
these two birds are
similar and different
• Chronological order
wouldn’t work---there is
no order of events
• The author would need to
use compare and contrast
Another text structure
The cardinal and the cedar waxwing
are two common birds. Both have crests
on their heads. Both are common at
birdfeeders. But the birds have some
differences. The male cardinal is a bright
red, while the waxwing is brown. The
cedar waxwing often migrates from
place to place. On the other hand, the
cardinal stays in one place year after
Compare and contrast clue words

When authors use the text

structure of compare and
contrast, they often use
special clue words to show
this text structure.

Can you find the clue words

in the paragraph?
Can you find the clue words?
The cardinal and the cedar waxwing
are two common birds. Both have crests
on their heads. Both are common at
birdfeeders. But the birds have some
differences. The male cardinal is a bright
red, while the waxwing is brown. The
cedar waxwing often migrates from
place to place. On the other hand, the
cardinal stays in one place year after
Here they are!
The cardinal and the cedar waxwing
are two common birds. Both have crests
on their heads. Both are common at
birdfeeders. But the birds have some
differences. The male cardinal is a bright
red, while the waxwing is brown. The
cedar waxwing often migrates from
place to place. On the other hand, the
cardinal stays in one place year after
Compare and contrast graphic organizer

• To organize details
from a paragraph in
compare and contrast,
use a Venn diagram
• Can you explain the difference between
chronological order and compare and
• How can clue words help you as a reader?
Another text structure
• Sometimes, a writer will want to explain
how one event leads to another
• This kind of text structure is called cause
and effect
Cause and effect clue words
• When authors write
paragraphs to show
causes and effects,
they use words like
cause, effect, as a
result, consequently,
and so
Can you find the clue words?
The night’s snowstorm had many effects.
People were out shoveling snow from their
sidewalks. The power lines were draped
with ice. Snow plows drove down every
street. Children were the happiest of all.
The unexpected snow caused school to be
Can you find the clue words?
The night’s snowstorm had many effects.
People were out shoveling snow from their
sidewalks. The power lines were draped
with ice. Snow plows drove down every
street. Children were the happiest of all.
The unexpected snow caused school to be
More with cause and effect
Baby painted turtles spend all winter in
their nests. They have special chemicals in
their blood that can keep their blood from
freezing. As a result, baby painted turtles
can survive freezing temperatures!
More with cause and effect
Baby painted turtles spend all winter in
their nests. They have special chemicals in
their blood that can keep their blood from
freezing. As a result, baby painted turtles
can survive freezing temperatures!

This is the
More with cause and effect
Baby painted turtles spend all winter in
their nests. They have special chemicals in
their blood that can keep their blood from
freezing. As a result, baby painted turtles
can survive freezing temperatures!
This is the
• Which text structure tells about how things
are similar and different?
• Compare and contrast
• Which text structure explains how things
happen in time order?
• Chronological order
Another kind of text structure

• Sometimes, an author
will want to explain a
problem, and then
show one or more
• This kind of text
structure is called
problem and solution
An example of problem and solution
Park School had a
terrible problem. Every
day at recess, students
would argue over the
slides. Teachers had to
spend time every day
taking care of the
arguments. Finally, one
teacher came up with a
great solution. They
bought another set of
slides that everyone could
An example of problem and solution

Park School had a terrible

problem. Every day at • Can you find the
recess, students would
argue over the slides. problem and the
Teachers had to spend solution in this
time every day taking care paragraph?
of the arguments. Finally,
one teacher came up with
a great solution. They
bought another set of
slides that everyone could
An example of problem and solution

Park School had a terrible

problem. Every day at
recess, students would
Here is the
argue over the slides. problem
Teachers had to spend
time every day taking care
of the arguments. Finally,
one teacher came up with
a great solution. They
bought another set of
slides that everyone could
An example of problem and solution

Park School had a terrible

problem. Every day at
recess, students would
Here is the
argue over the slides. problem
Teachers had to spend
time every day taking care
of the arguments. Finally,
one teacher came up with Here is the
a great solution. They solution
bought another set of
slides that everyone could
Of course, problem and solution is not always
so simple
• Often, authors will
signal problem and
solution structure with
clue words like
problem and solution,
just like in the last
• Sometimes, authors
will use related words
Of course, problem and solution is not always
so simple
• Synonyms for problem
include difficulty,
struggle, uncertainty,
worry, threat, and
• Synonyms for solution
include possibility,
hope, bright spot,
answer, and future
A more difficult problem and solution
The Chesapeake Bay faces an
uncertain future. Issues such as
pesticides, too many nutrients,
and habitat loss all threaten the
Bay’s water quality and animal
life. However, scientists are
hopeful that the future may be
brighter. If everyone in the
Chesapeake Bay watershed
works together, solutions may be
A more difficult problem and solution
The Chesapeake Bay faces an
uncertain future. Issues such as
pesticides, too many nutrients,
What is the and habitat loss all threaten the
problem? Bay’s water quality and animal
life. However, scientists are
What is the hopeful that the future may be
brighter. If everyone in the
solution? Chesapeake Bay watershed
works together, solutions may be
A more difficult problem and solution
The Chesapeake Bay faces an
uncertain future. Issues such as
pesticides, too many nutrients,
Problem and habitat loss all threaten the
Bay’s water quality and animal
life. However, scientists are
hopeful that the future may be
brighter. If everyone in the
Chesapeake Bay watershed
Solution works together, solutions may be
Text structures we’ve learned so

• Chronological order
• Compare and contrast
• Cause and effect
• Problem and solution
Match the clue words!
Can you figure out the text structure that these clue
words point to?

however, on the other

hand, similarity, like,
Compare and
Match the clue words!
Can you figure out the text structure that these clue
words point to?

as a result,
consequently, Cause and effect
therefore, so, cause,
Match the clue words!
Can you figure out the text structure that these clue
words point to?

problem, solution,
threat, difficulty, hope,
answer, possibility

Problem and
Are there any other text
Most paragraphs that we write in
school can be called main idea,
description, or statement and support
Main idea paragraphs
• In this kind of
paragraph, the author
offers a main idea
statement, and then
supports that statement
with several details
Main idea paragraphs
The pond was a beautiful
place to visit. The falling
leaves, all different colors,
decorated the surface of the
water. At the edges of the
pond, small wildflowers
grew. The golden forest
glowed faintly in the distance.
Main idea paragraphs
Main idea

The pond was a beautiful

place to visit. The falling
leaves, all different colors,
decorated the surface of the
water. At the edges of the
pond, small wildflowers
grew. The golden forest
glowed faintly in the distance.
Main idea paragraphs
Main idea

The pond was a beautiful

place to visit. The falling
leaves, all different colors,
decorated the surface of the
water. At the edges of the
pond, small wildflowers
All of the other sentences grew. The golden forest
explain why the main glowed faintly in the distance.
idea is true
Main idea paragraphs
• Clue words in these
paragraphs may

• One reason, another

reason, and for
Now it’s your turn!
• On the next few slides,
you will read some
paragraphs about the
Great Chicago Fire
• Your task is to decide on
the text structure for each
• Understanding the text
structure will help you to
understand each paragraph
What’s the text structure?
Daniel Sullivan was the first to notice the
• Chronological flames coming from the O’Leary barn at
order around 8:30 pm on October 8. A problem with
the alarm box made it impossible for the
• Compare and people in the area to call for the fire
contrast department. By 9:30 pm, the entire block was
• Cause and blazing. In another 3 hours, there were fires all
over Chicago. The heavy wind coming from
the lake only made the fire bigger. It would be
• Problem and another day before the fire would be
solution completely out. By that time, 17,500 buildings
had been burned.
• Main idea
What’s the text structure?
Daniel Sullivan was the first to notice the
• Chronological flames coming from the O’Leary barn at
order around 8:30 pm on October 8. A problem with
the alarm box made it impossible for the
• Compare and people in the area to call for the fire
contrast department. By 9:30 pm, the entire block was
blazing. In another 3 hours, there were fires all
over Chicago. The heavy wind coming from
• Problem and the lake only made the fire bigger. It would be
solution another day before the fire would be
completely out. By that time, 17,500 buildings
had been burned.
What’s the text structure?
Daniel Sullivan was the first to notice the
• Chronological flames coming from the O’Leary barn at
order around 8:30 pm on October 8. A problem with
the alarm box made it impossible for the
people in the area to call for the fire
department. By 9:30 pm, the entire block was
blazing. In another 3 hours, there were fires all
over Chicago. The heavy wind coming from
the lake only made the fire bigger. It would be
another day before the fire would be
completely out. By that time, 17,500 buildings
had been burned.
What’s the text structure?
Daniel Sullivan was the first to notice the
• Chronological flames coming from the O’Leary barn at
order around 8:30 pm on October 8. A problem with
the alarm box made it impossible for the
people in the area to call for the fire
department. By 9:30 pm, the entire block was
blazing. In another 3 hours, there were fires
all over Chicago. The heavy wind coming
from the lake only made the fire bigger. It
would be another day before the fire would be
completely out. By that time, 17,500 buildings
had been burned.
What’s the text structure?
Daniel Sullivan was the first to notice the
• Chronological flames coming from the O’Leary barn at
order around 8:30 pm on October 8. A problem with
the alarm box made it impossible for the
people in the area to call for the fire
• Notice how department. By 9:30 pm, the entire block was
the paragraph blazing. In another 3 hours, there were fires
all over Chicago. The heavy wind coming
shows how
from the lake only made the fire bigger. It
events happen would be another day before the fire would be
in time order completely out. By that time, 17,500 buildings
had been burned.
What’s the text structure?
Daniel Sullivan was the first to notice the
• Understanding flames coming from the O’Leary barn at
that this text is around 8:30 pm on October 8. A problem with
written in the alarm box made it impossible for the
chronological people in the area to call for the fire
order can help department. By 9:30 pm, the entire block was
you to blazing. In another 3 hours, there were fires
all over Chicago. The heavy wind coming
from the lake only made the fire bigger. It
how the Great would be another day before the fire would be
Fire started completely out. By that time, 17,500 buildings
had been burned.
Try another!
• Chronological Why was the Great Chicago Fire so
disastrous? After all, Chicago had fire
order departments and fire alarms. One
• Compare and reason for the terrible fire is that the
alarm malfunctioned. The local fire
contrast company noticed the fire by accident
• Cause and as it was returning from another fire.
As another problem, a watchman who
effect saw the flames directed other fire
• Problem and companies to a location that was nearly
a mile away from the fire. Because of
solution these two problems, a fire that could
• Main idea have been controlled rapidly spread
across the city.
Try another!
Why was the Great Chicago Fire so
disastrous? After all, Chicago had fire
• Compare and departments and fire alarms. One
contrast reason for the terrible fire is that the
alarm malfunctioned. The local fire
• Cause and company noticed the fire by accident
effect as it was returning from another fire.
As another problem, a watchman who
• Problem and saw the flames directed other fire
solution companies to a location that was nearly
a mile away from the fire. Because of
these two problems, a fire that could
have been controlled rapidly spread
across the city.
Try another!
Why was the Great Chicago Fire so
disastrous? After all, Chicago had fire
departments and fire alarms. One
• Cause and reason for the terrible fire is that the
alarm malfunctioned. The local fire
effect company noticed the fire by accident
as it was returning from another fire.
As another problem, a watchman who
saw the flames directed other fire
companies to a location that was nearly
a mile away from the fire. Because of
these two problems, a fire that could
have been controlled rapidly spread
across the city.
Try another!
Why was the Great Chicago Fire so
disastrous? After all, Chicago had fire
departments and fire alarms. One
• Cause and reason for the terrible fire is that the
alarm malfunctioned. The local fire
effect company noticed the fire by accident
• Notice how as it was returning from another fire.
As another problem, a watchman who
the causes (in saw the flames directed other fire
blue) lead to companies to a location that was nearly
a mile away from the fire. Because of
the effect (in these two problems, a fire that could
yellow) have been controlled rapidly spread
across the city.
What text structure is here?
After the fire, thousands of people were left
• Chronological homeless. Many escaped the fire with
nothing except the clothes on their backs.
order Providing all of these people with food, clean
• Compare and water, and shelter was a huge task. Luckily,
contrast the city quickly formed a Relief and Aid
Society. This group started giving out the
• Cause and effect food donations that were pouring in from
• Problem and other cities. The society built places for
people to live, gathered the tools that people
needed to rebuild their houses, and even
• Main idea vaccinated 64,000 people against smallpox.
What text structure is here?
After the fire, thousands of people were left
• Chronological homeless. Many escaped the fire with
nothing except the clothes on their backs.
order Providing all of these people with food, clean
water, and shelter was a huge task. Luckily,
the city quickly formed a Relief and Aid
• Cause and effect Society. This group started giving out the
• Problem and food donations that were pouring in from
solution other cities. The society built places for
people to live, gathered the tools that people
needed to rebuild their houses, and even
vaccinated 64,000 people against smallpox.
What text structure is here?
After the fire, thousands of people were left
homeless. Many escaped the fire with
nothing except the clothes on their backs.
• Problem and Providing all of these people with food, clean
solution water, and shelter was a huge task. Luckily,
the city quickly formed a Relief and Aid
Society. This group started giving out the
food donations that were pouring in from
other cities. The society built places for
people to live, gathered the tools that people
needed to rebuild their houses, and even
vaccinated 64,000 people against smallpox.
What text structure is here?
After the fire, thousands of people were left
homeless. Many escaped the fire with
nothing except the clothes on their backs.
• Problem and Providing all of these people with food, clean
solution water, and shelter was a huge task. Luckily,
the city quickly formed a Relief and Aid
Society. This group started giving out the
• Here is the food donations that were pouring in from
problem other cities. The society built places for
people to live, gathered the tools that people
needed to rebuild their houses, and even
vaccinated 64,000 people against smallpox.
What text structure is here?
After the fire, thousands of people were left
homeless. Many escaped the fire with
nothing except the clothes on their backs.
• Problem and Providing all of these people with food, clean
solution water, and shelter was a huge task. Luckily,
the city quickly formed a Relief and Aid
Society. This group started giving out the
• Here is the food donations that were pouring in from
solution other cities. The society built places for
people to live, gathered the tools that people
needed to rebuild their houses, and even
vaccinated 64,000 people against smallpox.
Can you find the text structure?
Chicago changed in many ways after
• Chronological the fire. Before the fire, most of the
buildings were less than five stories
high. The buildings that were
• Compare and constructed after the fire, however,
contrast were some of the first skyscrapers in
the country. Before the fire, most of
• Cause and the houses were made of wood. After
effect the fire, people chose to build their
• Problem and houses out of stone or brick. There were
changes in where people lived, as well.
solution The poor people in the city lived close to
• Main idea the center of the city before the fire.
After the fire, they moved into
neighborhoods that were farther away
from the downtown area.
Can you find the text structure?
Chicago changed in many ways after
• Compare and the fire. Before the fire, most of the
buildings were less than five stories
high. The buildings that were
• Cause and constructed after the fire, however,
effect were some of the first skyscrapers in
the country. Before the fire, most of
• Main idea the houses were made of wood. After
the fire, people chose to build their
houses out of stone or brick. There were
changes in where people lived, as well.
The poor people in the city lived close to
the center of the city before the fire.
After the fire, they moved into
neighborhoods that were farther away
from the downtown area.
Can you find the text structure?
Chicago changed in many ways after
• Compare and the fire. Before the fire, most of the
buildings were less than five stories
high. The buildings that were
constructed after the fire, however,
were some of the first skyscrapers in
the country. Before the fire, most of
the houses were made of wood. After
the fire, people chose to build their
houses out of stone or brick. There were
changes in where people lived, as well.
The poor people in the city lived close to
the center of the city before the fire.
After the fire, they moved into
neighborhoods that were farther away
from the downtown area.
Can you find the text structure?
Chicago changed in many ways after
• Compare and the fire. Before the fire, most of the
buildings were less than five stories
high. The buildings that were
constructed after the fire, however,
Notice how were some of the first skyscrapers in
the country. Before the fire, most of
this paragraph is the houses were made of wood. After
comparing the fire, people chose to build their
Chicago houses out of stone or brick. There were
BEFORE the changes in where people lived, as well.
The poor people in the city lived close to
fire to Chicago
the center of the city before the fire.
AFTER the fire After the fire, they moved into
neighborhoods that were farther away
from the downtown area.
Can you find the text structure?
Chicago changed in many ways after
• Compare and the fire. Before the fire, most of the
buildings were less than five stories
high. The buildings that were
constructed after the fire, however,
Notice how were some of the first skyscrapers in
the country. Before the fire, most of
this paragraph is the houses were made of wood. After
comparing the fire, people chose to build their
Chicago houses out of stone or brick. There were
BEFORE the changes in where people lived, as well.
The poor people in the city lived close to
fire to Chicago
the center of the city before the fire.
AFTER the fire After the fire, they moved into
neighborhoods that were farther away
from the downtown area.
One more paragraph!
By Monday night, the town of • Chronological
Chicago was burning. People order
described it as terrible, but • Compare and
amazing. The flames were brighter contrast
than anything people had ever
• Cause and effect
seen. The harsh winds swept the
fire across the city with terrible • Problem and
speed. For many who watched, it solution
was a sight to remember for the • Main idea
rest of their lives.
One more paragraph!
By Monday night, the town of • Compare and
Chicago was burning. People contrast
described it as terrible, but • Cause and effect
amazing. The flames were brighter
than anything people had ever
seen. The harsh winds swept the • Main idea
fire across the city with terrible
speed. For many who watched, it
was a sight to remember for the
rest of their lives.
One more paragraph!
By Monday night, the town of
Chicago was burning. People • Main idea
described it as terrible, but
amazing. The flames were brighter
than anything people had ever
seen. The harsh winds swept the
fire across the city with terrible
speed. For many who watched, it
was a sight to remember for the
rest of their lives.
One more paragraph!
By Monday night, the town of
Chicago was burning. People • Main idea
described it as terrible, but
amazing. The flames were brighter
than anything people had ever • Notice the
seen. The harsh winds swept the main idea
fire across the city with terrible
speed. For many who watched, it
was a sight to remember for the
rest of their lives.
One more paragraph!
By Monday night, the town of
Chicago was burning. People • Main idea
described it as terrible, but
amazing. The flames were brighter
than anything people had ever • Notice the
seen. The harsh winds swept the main idea
fire across the city with terrible
speed. For many who watched, it • The rest of the
was a sight to remember for the sentences
rest of their lives.
explain the
main idea

Describes something in order of space.

Describes how something looks.

A television across
Two windows on
from the bed.
the west Wall
My bedroom
iddle. A clo
set b
t he m yt
d in he T
A be V
On one corner of my dresser sits a smiling toy clown on a
tiny unicycle--a gift I received last Christmas from a close friend.
The clown's short yellow hair, made of yarn, covers its ears but is
parted above the eyes. The blue eyes are outlined in black with thin,
dark lashes flowing from the brows. It has cherry-red cheeks, nose,
and lips, and its broad grin disappears into the wide, white ruffle
around its neck. The clown wears a fluffy, two-tone nylon costume.
The left side of the outfit is light blue, and the right side is red. The
two colors merge in a dark line that runs down the center of the
small outfit. Surrounding its ankles and disguising its long black
shoes are big pink bows. The white spokes on the wheels of the
unicycle gather in the center and expand to the black tire so that the
wheel somewhat resembles the inner half of a grapefruit.
The clown and unicycle together stand about a foot high. As
a cherished gift from my good friend Tran, this colorful figure greets
me with a smile every time I enter my room.
Observe how the writer moves clearly from a
description of the head of the clown (in
sentences two, three, and four), to the body
(sentences five, six, seven, and eight), to the
unicycle underneath (sentence nine). Notice
also how the concluding sentence helps to
tie the paragraph together by emphasizing
the personal value of this gift.
My most valuable possession is an old, slightly warped
blond guitar--the first instrument I taught myself how to play. It's
nothing fancy, just a Madeira folk guitar, all scuffed and scratched
and finger-printed. At the top is a bramble of copper-wound strings,
each one hooked through the eye of a silver tuning key. The strings
are stretched down a long, slim neck, its frets tarnished, the wood
worn by years of fingers pressing chords and picking notes. The
body of the Madeira is shaped like an enormous yellow pear, one
that was slightly damaged in shipping. The blond wood has been
chipped and gouged to gray, particularly where the pick guard fell
off years ago. No, it's not a beautiful instrument, but it still lets me
make music, and for that I will always treasure it.

Notice how the writer below uses a topic sentence to open his paragraph, then
uses the following sentences to add specific details.
1. Read each passage.
2. Determine how the text is organized:
cause and effect, compare and contrast,
sequential, problem and solution, or
3. Write your answer.
Popular Sports
Football and baseball are two of the
most popular sports in the country. They
have many things in common. For one,
they are both team sports, and they both
require players to advance to an end or
“home” point on the playing field.
However, football requires players to carry
the ball to the end zone, whereas in
baseball, it is the defending team that
controls the ball while it is in play.
Studying for a Test
Believe it or not, as important as it is,
many students do not know how to study
for a test. Well, studying for a test is easy.
The first thing that you must do is take out
your notes. Open your notes up to the
section that you are supposed to review.
Read what you wrote in your notebook.
When you are done, close your notebook
and see if you remember the ideas that
you were studying. Still don’t remember?
Open your notebook back up a try again.
Low Test Scores
Many students have been getting low
scores on tests and this is upsetting to
parents, teachers, and students. Low test
scores show that teachers aren’t teaching
effectively or that students aren’t learning.
Either way it’s an issue with which we are
concerned. I propose the following: any
teacher who is giving a test should open up
their classroom for study groups the night
and morning before the test. Maybe by
giving students extra opportunities to study,
we can improve students’ test scores.
Peanut Butter and Jelly
After a long day at school, I came
home and watched “Cops,” my favorite
show. During the commercial breaks, I got
up and made a peanut butter and jelly
sandwich. I took the bread out of the
cabinet, spread the jelly and peanut butter
on the bread, and stuck the two pieces
together. I enjoyed that sandwich as I
watched the rest of “Cops.”
The Gym Room
The gym room at the high school down
the street from me is huge. Along the North
and South walls are bleachers that fold up
during gym. Coach pulls the bleachers out for
big games. At the end of the East and West
walls are basketball hoops. The ceilings are
very high and at the top of the gym are many
large windows. The windows go all the way
around the gym. There are also ropes that
are either tucked away or hang from the
ceilings in the middle of the gym. The ropes
intimidate some students. That gym is my
favorite place.
Being involved in after school sports and
clubs is not a right. It is a privilege.
Therefore, students have to meet eligibility
requirements. If students have any “D”s or
“F”s, they are not allowed to play. Also, if
students have behavior issues in class, they
cannot be on the team or in the club. Lastly,
students need to keep good attendance. If
students miss school, they most certainly
cannot come to practice. Being on a team is
a lot of responsibility. If students are not
proving to be responsible, they will not be
permitted to be in clubs or teams.
1. Compare and contrast
2. Sequential
3. Problem and solution
4. Sequential
5. Description
6. Cause and effect
What have you learned about text

• Share your ideas with a partner

• Be sure to explain how you can find the text
structure of a paragraph

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