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A code sharing App

Supervised By
Developed By
• MD Nazmul Alam Rumana Yasmin
Lecturer, Dept. Of CSE
• MD Polash Islam
• Jahidul Islam
• Raju
The Problem

● Most students share small codes via social media or email.

● No structured organization for shared items.
● Very hard to find later.
● Code sharing platforms doesn’t have android/iOS apps.
How we solve these

● Dedicated mobile app and website.

● Organized by Tags and Programing Languages.
● Easily Searchable.
● You can see what others have shared.
● Also focused on Privacy.
Technologies Used

● JavaScript(ES6), VueJS
● PWA(Progressive Web App)
● Android V8 Engine
● Material Design Principle
● PHP, Laravel
Birds Eye View


PWA Frontend Layers


Chrome V8 Engine

Native OS
Login Page
Code Paste
My Paste
Search Page
List of User
Why Cross Platform/PWA?

● Distributable in all platforms from a single codebase.

● High level language and framework abstractions.
● Buildable from low end PCs.
● PWA is widely promoted by Google.
● Automatic updates and Small installation size.
Rise of some Cross Platform application frameworks
Backend Features

● Stateless Authentication via JWT tokens.

● Containerized Database.
● Secure Password Recovery via Emails.
● DDOS Protected.
● Communications are secured by TLS 1.3 encryption.
Database Details

● Containerized Database using Docker.

● Properly Indexed for fast searching.
● Automatically backed up every 24 hours.
● Structure built with scalability in mind.
● Sensitive informations are Hashed using “Blowfish
Cypher” Algorithm.
ER Diagram
Our Accomplishments

● Cross platform availability.

● Better Organizational Structure.
● Privacy and Security.
● Improved UX.
● Polished UI and Animations.

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