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Info Mapping

The Trick to Concise Writing

What Is Info Mapping

A trademarked method to write and structure information Information mapping is writing without paragraphs. Instead, there s a set format to guide the writer and reader along the easiest pathway to communication A method of bringing together current learning research and instructional technology into a comprehensive materials development and presentation technology to improve technical communication

Features of Info Mapping

does not contain the paragraph (in prose) or frame (in programmed learning), instead presents with
o information blocks and/or o information maps

has a simple, comprehensive, modular, expandable classification system of information maps and blocks. can be used for different purposes with minimal changes. has ready-to-use consistent formats for different types of presentations

Information Block
Information Block is a chunk of information:
o organized around a single subject, o containing one clear purpose.

It is composed of one or more sentences, formula's or figures, and is always identified by a clear label (title). Typically a block has no more than nine sentences.

Features of Info Blocks

All blocks are labeled Information Blocks are modular

7 Information Types
According to Information Mapping, all information can be captured into 7 information types: 1. procedure 2. process 3. structure 4. concept 5. principle 6. fact 7. classification

7 principles for structuring information

1. Chunking 2. Relevance 3. Labeling 4. Consistency 5. Integrated graphics 6. Accessible detail 7. Hierarchy of chunking and labeling

Presentation modes for information types

For each information type, Information Mapping has format information so that it is easy to use. Example:

Comparison between Old Documents and Info Maps




When there is a need to prepare new written learning or reference materials. When the subject/job to be communicated is basically one or more of these:
o o o o o o Conceptual (What is it? Generalizations, discriminations.) Procedural (How to do it? In what order to do it?) Process (How does it function?) Classification (How is it organized?) Structural (What are its parts?) Decision (Which should I do?)



Information mapping does not presently cover material designed to: Report on some specific event that has happened (as in Feedback Reports). Propose or plan to do some particular projects. Simulate transactions or events. Aid physical skill learning. Help live, interpersonal learning. Improve motivation in work and learning tasks

Information Mapping: A Research by Namahn Information Mapping By Robert E. Horn From Training in
Business and Industry. March 1974/Vol.11, No. 3.

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