3 - Respiratory System

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Respiratory System


What’s it used for ?

 To supply oxygen to the blood so that it can reach body cells for cellular
respiration and to remove CO2 waste gases.

 The upper structures of the respiratory system are combined with the
sensory organs of smell and taste and the digestive system.
Steps of breathing

1. In nasal cavity
 Cilia are tiny hairs acting as a filtering system against invading air-borne particles,
sweeps them back out.

 Mucus traps particles and keeps the passage way moist

 Blood vessels heat the air

 Turbinate bones circulate air, increase surface area

2. Pharynx

The Pharynx branches off into two openings (directions):

1. Trachea or wind pipe (breathing)

2. Esophagus (eating)
3. Trachea

 Supported with cartilage rings, keeps trachea open

 Question! What does the epiglottis do?

 Trachea is lined with cilia (which produce mucus) which sweep debris from wind pipe.

 If large particles enter, a cough is initiated (powerful reflex).

 Glottis - opening of the trachea

4. Larynx

 Two thin sheets of elastic ligaments called vocal cords.

 Protected by cartilage called “Adam’s Apple”

 What is laryngitis?
5. Bronchi and Bronchioles

 The trachea branches into two bronchi which carry air into the right and left lungs.

 Bronchi are held open by cartilage rings.

 In the lungs, the bronchi branch into bronchioles.

 Bronchioles have no cartilage rings but have smooth muscles in the walls allowing for dilatation and
constriction of the airways.

 Air moves from the Bronchioles into alveoli which are surrounded by capillaries.
7. Alveoli

 This is where gas exchange occurs as capillaries surround the alveoli.

 The alveoli walls are only one cell layer thick and moist to maximize gas exchange

 Each lung has 150 million alveoli (which can cover approximately 40 times the surface area of the human body)

 During inhalation, the alveoli look like bubble sacs and they collapse during exhalation. To prevent the walls from
sticking together, there is a layer of lipoprotein that makes sure the alveoli can easily inflate once again.
8. Diaphragm

 A sheet of muscle that controls the lung movement and separates the organs of the abdomen and the chest

 Exhale  diaphragm relaxes and lungs shrink

 Inhale  diaphragm contracts and the lungs expand

9. Pleural Membranes

 A thin, moist, slippery layer surrounding the lungs

 Made of two layers (pleural = 2)
 One layer covers the lungs
 The second layer is attached the chest wall
 The layers are not attached to each other, but the fluid
between the membranes causes the two layers to adhere to
each other
Take Home Message

 Remember the pathway of oxygen into the lungs

 Relate structure and function on the organs of the respiratory system

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