Ideologies, Approaches, Strategies and Procedures Used-1

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Translation Study I

Ideologies, Approaches, Strategies

And Procedures Used In
Students will be introduced to the
ideologies, procedures and methods of

Students will be familiarized with the

problems and difficulties that are like to
happen during translation.

To reduce misunderstanding among

students who have different views
related to the meaning or message
of the texts.
Are translation theories practical or applicable?
Ideology or Methods and
Contents Nature of Approach of Techniques of
Translation translation translation

Examples of each method

The problesms of and technique of
Conclusion translation
What is translation? 5
l i n g u a l ,
t h e i n t e r
t e r m f o r f o r a n y
a g e n e r i c r a n s f e r
t i o n i s l t u ra l t a n o t h e r
Transla t i c a n d c u
u n i t y t o
o r
i o l i n g u i s e c o m m , o ra l ,
so c r o m o n w r i t t e n o f
g u a g e f o d e s o f n t h e r e
la n r i o u s m m b i n a t i o
h v a f c o
throug al means o
h a n i c
mec 9 7 7 ) .
e r v e r 1
or a Prod
t i on: a Pr

• Why translation is a process

• The art of translation is a process because it converts feelings, thoughts and

messages from the source language into the target language where the meanings
in both contexts remain the same. The translator cannot do a word for word
translation as the language ability of the audience has to be considered as well.

• Why translation is also a product

• The end result of a translation can be called nothing else but a product. It is
something that has been physically produced with an end user in mind. The
translation is paid for like any other marketable product. With the increased
demand for translations globally as more and more countries, cultures and
language groups merge for academic, social or business reasons and the World
Wide Web helps to bridge the gap so translation becomes a marketable product
uniting the world through communication
• In his famous essay, On Linguistic Aspect of Translation, Jacobson in
Leonardi (2000) identifies three kinds of translation: intralingual translation
Intralingual Translation (monolingual translation), interlingual translation (bilingual or multilingual
translation), and intersemiotic translation (verbal sign into non-verbal sign).
• Intralingual translation refers to a translation in which verbal signs are
interpreted by means of other signs of the same language. It happens within
Interlingual Translation the same language (monolingual).
• Interlingual translation is the one which refers to different languages
whether it is bilingual or multilingual.
Intersemiotic Translation • Intersemiotic translation refers to an interpretation of verbal signs by means
of other signs of non-verbal sign systems. 8

Text to be
translated Translation

Discover the Re-express the

meaning meaning

MEANING (Larson, 1984: 4)

Ideology, Methods
And Thecniques Of Translation

Definitions of Ideology

The term ‘ideology’ has been always

accompanied by its political connotation as it is
evident in its dictionary definition as ‘a system According to Calzada-Pérez (ibid.), recent definitions
of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms of ideology are linked with the concepts of power
the basis of economic or political theory relations and domination, as she quotes from
and policy‘ (The New Eagleton: ‘[Ideology is] ideas and beliefs which help to
legitimate the interest of a ruling group or class by
Oxford Dictionary of English). distortion or dissimulation’.
Tahir-Gürçaglar (2003: 113) argues, ‘Translation Calzada-Pérez (2003) argues that sometimes ideology
is viewed in more positive sense ‘as a vehicle to
is political because, both as activity and product,
promote or legitimate interests of a particular social
it displays process of negotiation among group (rather than a means to destroy contenders)’ (p.
different agents. Van Dijk (1996: 7) for ideology as a framework that is
‘assumed to specifically organize and monitor one
Ideology is sometimes defined in its negative political form of socially shared mental representation, in other
sense as ‘a system of wrong, false, distorted or words, the organized evaluative beliefs-traditionally
otherwise misguided beliefs’ (van Dijk, qtd in Calzada- called ‘attitudes’-shared by social groups’.
Pérez, 2003: 3).
Ideology is the larger abstract phenomena [sic] which can “Ideology for its part refers to ‘that part of
encompass all political discourses and the discourses
related to translation.
culture which is actively concerned with the
establishment and defense of patterns of belief
Ideology can be political, sociocultural and religious” and value’” (Bocock & Thompson, 1985: 4).
(Panda, 2013: 2).

Ideology contains varying belief systems such

Ideology is a broad and culturally entrenched field of
belief systems within communities. It encompasses all as religion andis instrumental in legitimating
areas of belief according to this definition. these belief systems.
o n o f
e o l o g y
• The ideology of translation could be traced in
both process and product of translation which Ideological aspect can […] be
are, however, closely interdependent. The determined within a text itself,
ideology of a translation, according to
both at the lexical level
Tymoczko (2003), will be a combination of the
content of the source text and the various (reflected, for example, in the
speech acts represented in the source text deliberate choice or avoidance
relevant to the source context, layered together of a particular word […]) and
with the representation of the content, its the grammatical level (for
relevance to the receptor audience, and the example, use of passive
various speech acts of the translation itself structures to avoid an
addressing the target context, as well as expression of agency).
resonance and discrepancies between these Ideological aspects can be more
two ‘utterances’. However, she further explains
or less obvious in texts,
that ‘the ideology of translation resides not
simply in the text translated, but in the voicing depending on the topic of a
and stance of the translator, and in its relevance text, its genre and
to the receiving audience’ (pp. 182–83). communicative purposes.
Schäffner (2003) explains:
• Similarly, Schäffner (2003) claims that
• Ideological aspects can also be all translations are ideological since
examined in the process of ‘the choice of a source text and the
use to which the subsequent target
text production (translating) text is put are determined by the
and the role of the translator interests, aims, and objectives of
as a target text producer as social agents’ (p. 23). She evidently
well as a source text opts for van Dijk’s definition for
ideology as ‘basic systems of shared
interpreter. These aspects social representations that may
along with two major control more specific group beliefs’
influencing schools of post- (van Dijk, 1996: 7). However, there
structuralism and are a profusion of diverse definitions
of ideology defining the term from
functionalism will be further different perspectives – amongst
explained in details in the them is van Dijk’s definition – some
following paragraphs. of which are deemed necessary to be
overviewed here.
. of Ideology
Domestication and foreignization are strategies in translation, regarding the degree
to which translators make a text conform to the target culture.
The orientation of Ideology
Ideology which is “right”, “acceptable”, and “good” for readers is an ideology that

complies with certain requirement. In this case, Venutti (1995) analyzes that there
are two ideologies which are contrary

Domestication is the strategy of making text closely conform to the Foreignization is the strategy of retaining information from the
culture of the language being translated to, which may involve the loss of source text, and involves deliberately breaking the conventions of
information from the source text, or orienter to the target text. the target language to preserve its meaning.

Domestication translation adalah ideologi penerjemahan yang Foreignizing translation adalah ideologi penerjemahan yang
berorientasi pada budaya Bahasa sasaran (Bsa). Ideologi ini meyakini berorientasi pada Budaya Bahasa sumber (Bsu), yakni bahwa
bahwa penerjemahan yang akurat, dapat dipahamami, berterima , dan penerjemahan yang akurat, dapat dipahamami, berterima dan baik
baik adalah yang sesuai dengan selera dan harapan pembaca yang adalah yang sesuai dengan selera dan harapan pembaca, penerbit,
menginginkan teks terjemahan yang sesuai dengan kebudayaan yang menginginkan kehadiran kebudayaan BSu atau yang
masyarakat BSa. menganggap kehadiran kebudayaan asing bermanfaat bagi
The first is ideology which the orientation is the target language. It Another ideology is ideology which the orientation is the source
agrees with the expectation and taste of the readers who want textual language. A translation that is “right”, “acceptable”, and “good” is
translation that suitable with the culture of target language. suitable with the taste and expectation of the readers and also
publisher who want the existence of source language culture or for
readers who think that the foreign culture will be useful for society.
Ideology of translation

Venuti (1995) mentions that there are two ideologies of translation, domestication and
foreignization. He indicates that using a certain strategy in a certain socio-cultural situation
may reflect ‘‘ideological implications’’.
1. Foreignization is the second strategy that Venuti (1995) presents. This strategy aims to
maintain the foreign text without changes. The translator retains cultural and linguistic
elements of the ST in order to create the same effect of the ST on its original readership.
The TT will be somehow difficult to understand since it is replete with foreign culture and
it might also violate the values and beliefs of the target culture (Nazzal, 2012).
2. Domestication strategy is used by the translator to serve his/her target audience so he/she
makes certain changes in the ST so as to cope with the values and conventions of the
target-language culture. This strategy implies the ST has to submit to transformation to
make the TT ‘‘transparent, fluent and natural’’. 16
The role ideology plays in changing the denotative meaning of a term when used in
sensitive texts, such as religious or semi-religious texts or others.
Ideology is no longer deemed as merely linguistic transference. Instead it is a social
historical phenomenon in which different ideology and conflict encounter with each
other and a translation is thus the result of their reconciliation.
It also aimed to propose a way by which a cultural equivalence can be used in such
cases. Some groups of communities prefers to return to a ‘‘sacred past’’ and
dogmatically rejects ‘‘modernity’’.
Adopting foreignization strategy (Venuti, 1995, 1998) and descriptive strategy
(Hatim, 2001 is needed. In translating of sensitive texts (religious and political), it
demands the approach of all-fold concept of ideology since equivalence alone is not
enough to render the connotative meaning and the effect of the source text.
These equivalents may provide accuracy and formulate the questionable agreement
on a final ideologically translatable concept and the thesis call to stabilize a project 17
for a ‘‘standardized’’ translation to such controversial religious
Domestication Foreignization

Nida and Taber say that a good translation is acceptable for Those foreign words which still used can we called as “Cultural
target language. They call it as “transparency” and Index”. The purpose is the readers can enrich their knowledge
“domestication”. According to the supporter of this ideology, by reading something foreign. In other words, it is a form of
there are 3 key-terms; those are fluency, transparency, and foreignization ideology by transference: translating with
domestication. preserving source language values.
• The translation included some words from SL
• Emphasizing meaning • Feels like a translation when read
• Natural be read • Using SL structure
• Has its own language structure • Showing the time of the original text
• Time when it is translated • Didn’t reducing or adding the content of SL
• Adding and reducing SL text • Stand for SL genres
• Didn’t emphasizing genres
Example of Foreignization in
Example of Domestication
in translation

Source Text (ST) Target Text (TT) Target Text (TT)

Your heart is as white as snow. Hatimu seputih kapas. Hatimu seputih salju.

On line business during covid Niaga lewat jejaring selama Bisnes on line selama covid 19
19 is needed masa covid 19 diperlukjan diperlukan

cessie, T-bond, spin-off, dan pengalihan hak atas kebendaan bergerak tak
berwujud, surat utang pemerintah,
cessie, T-bond, spin-off, dan buy-back.
buy-back. memisahkan usaha secara parsial sebagian
aktiva dan passiva perusahaan antar
perusahaan, perjanjian pembelian kembali hasil
pembesaran mitra dengan harga yang sudah di
Example of Foreignization
in translation

Source Text (ST) Target Text (TT) Target Text (TT)

Hujan deras sekali Raining cat and dog Raining very heavily

Sedia payung sebelum hujan Being alert before disaster arrives Preparing umbrella before raining
Methods and Techniques of translation

Foreignization Domestication
Translation procedures
The translating procedures based on Nida (1964) :

2) Organizational procedures:
1) Technical procedure:
constant reevaluation of the attempt
Analysis of the source and made; contrasting it with the
target languages ; a through existing available translations of
study of the source language the same text done by other
text before making attempts translators, and checking the text’s
translate it and making communicative effectiveness by
judgments of the semantic asking the target language readers
to evaluate its accuracy and
and syntactic approximations
effectiveness and studying their
(pp. 241-45): reactions (pp. 246-47).
Translation Strategies

e. Bell (1998:188) differentiates

between global (those dealing with
a. Krings (1986:18) defines translation strategy
as “translator’s potentially conscious plans for whole texts) and local (those
solving concrete translation problems in the dealing with text segments)
framework of a concrete translation task,” strategies and confirms that this
b. Seguinot (1989) believes that there are at least distinction results from various
three global strategies employed by the kinds of translation problems.
translators: (i) translating without f. Venuti (1998:240) indicates that
interruption for as long as possible; (ii)
translation strategies “involve the
correcting surface errors immediately; (iii)
leaving the monitoring for qualitative or basic tasks of choosing the foreign
stylistic errors in the text to the revision stage. text to be translated and developing
c. Loescher (1991:8) , the notion of consciousness a method to translate it.”
is significant in distinguishing strategies which g. Jaaskelainen (1999:71) considers
are used by the learners or translators. strategy as, “a series of
d. Cohen (1998:4) asserts that “the element of competencies, a set of steps or
consciousness is what distinguishes strategies
processes that favor the acquisition,
from these processes that are not strategic.”
storage, and/or utilization of
Translation method

According to Newmark (1988b) , translation methods relate to whole texts, translation procedures are used for sentences and the smaller units of language(p.8 )
Procedure of translation Meaning Examples

Word-for-word translation The SL word order is preserved and the words translated singly by their most common meanings, Tsu : I like that clever student
out of context. Seperti namanya, metode ini mengalihkan informasi dari bahasa sumber ke Tsa : Saya menyukai itu siswa pintar
bahasa target satu demi satu kata. Penerjemahan dilakukan secara urut, tanpa memerhatikan
konteks. Penerjemahannya juga dilakukan secara harfiah (literal), termasuk penerjemahan
istilah-istilah budaya dalam Bsu. Baiknya, metode ini diterapkan apabila struktur Bsu sama
dengan struktur Bsa, atau dalam penerjemahan informasi yang hanya berisi kata-kata tunggal
yang tidak dibentuk menjadi frasa, klausa ataupun kalimat. Metode ini juga dapat digunakan
untuk penerjemahan awal apabila menemukan suatu ungkapan yang sulit.
Literal translation The SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest TL equivalents, but the lexical Tsu : It’s raining cats and dogs .
words are again translated singly, out of context. Metode penerjemahan ini masih Tsa : Hujan kucing dan anjing
menerjemahkan informasi dari bahasa sumber secara kata demi kata. Metode ini pun bisa
digunakan sebagai langkah awal dalam penerjemahan, sama persis seperti word-for-word
translation. Perbedaan antara Literal Translation dan metode sebelumnya ialah pada susunan
gramtika Bsu yang diubah sedekat mungkin pada susunan gramatika Bsa.
Faithful translation Produce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL Tsu : He is a broker in Bursa Efek Jakarta
grammatical structures. Disebut penerjemahan setia karena metode ini tetap terikat pada Tsa : Dia seorang pialang di Bursa Efek Jakarta
struktur gramatika BSu. Akibatnya pembentukan makna secara kontekstual dalam metode ini
akan terasa kaku dan menimbulkan ketidaksesuaian terhadap kaidah Bsa. Hal ini akan sangat
terlihat pada penerjemahan istilah budaya.
Semantic translation Only, in as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic value of the SL text. It takes Tsu:His heart is as white as snow
advantage of semantics associated with meaning with individual data elements in dictionry to Tsa: Hatinya sangat suci dan tulus.
create an equivalent meaning in the scond system . Perbedaan metode ini dan faithful translation
hanyalah terletak pada komprominya dalam menerjemahkan istilah budaya. Unsur estetika
bahasa sumber tentu tetap dijadikan hal yang utama, tetapi masih diberikan toleransi dalam
batas wajar dalam penerjemahan maknanya sehingga bisa disimpulkan bahwa metode ini
memiliki keluwesan yang lebih dibandingkan metode faithful translation.
Procedure of translation Meaning Examples

Adaptation/saduran The freest form of translation, and is used mainly for plays (comedies) and poetry, the themes, Tsu: Hey Jude, don”t make it bad.
characters, plots are usually preserved, the SL culture is converted to the TL culture and the text is Take a sad song and make it better.
rewritten. Remember to let her into your heart.
Then you you can start to make it better.
Metode adaptasi merupakan metode yang paling ekstrim dilakukan. Metode ini dilakukan jika
dalam bahasa umber tidak ditemukan dalam bahasa sasaran. Misalnya ‘konsep hidup bersama Tsu: : Kasih, dimanakah
sebelum menikah’ yang serupa dengan ‘kumpul kebo’ namun dapat diterjemahkan menjadi konsep
‘keluarga’. Mengapa kau tinggalkan aku.
Ingat ingatlan kau padaku.
Janji setiamu tak kan ku lupa .

Free translation Produces the TL text without the style, form, or content of the original. Tsu: Tatik is growing with happiness
Penerjemahan bebas (free translation) menekankan pada pengalihan pesan sedang Tsa: Tatik hatinya berbunga bunga
pengungkapannya dilakukan sesuai kebutuhan calon pembaca. Metode ini merupakan
penerjemahan yang mengutamakan isi dan mengorbankan bentuk teks BSu. Biasanya, metode ini
berbentuk parafrase yang dapat lebih panjang atau lebih pendek daripada teks aslinya. Newmark
tidak menyebut penerjemahan bebas sebagai “karya terjemahan”, karena adanya banyak
perubahan pada teks BSa.

Idiomatic translation Reproduces the ‘message’ of the original but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring .
colloquialism and idioms where thes do not exist in the original. Tsu : He is a book worm
Penerjemahan idiomatis (idiomatic translation) berusaha menemukan padanan istilah, ungkapan, Tsa: Dia seorang kutu buku.
dan idiom yang tersedia dalam bahasa sasaran. Metode ini bertujuan mereproduksi pesan dalam Tsu: You are the sunshine of my life.
teks BSu, tetapi sering dengan menggunakan kesan keakraban dan ungkapan idiomatik yang tidak Tsa : Kau adalah pelita hidupku.
didapati pada versi aslinya. Oleh karena itu, banyak terjadi distorsi nuansa makna.
1. The sun played peek-a-boo with the clouds (Matahari
bermain cilukba dengan awan).
2. The wind cried in the dark (Angin menangis di gelap
3. The lights blinked in the distance (Sinar berkedip dari
4. The snow kissed my cheeks as it fell (Salju mencium pipiku
ketika turun).
5. The iron danced across the silken shirt (Setrikaan menari-
nari di atas kemeja sutra).
Procedures of translating culture-specific concepts (CSCs)
• Procedure of CSCs based on Graedler (2000:3) :
1. Making up a new word.
2. Explaining the meaning of the SL expression in lieu of translating it.
3. Preserving the SL term intact.
4. Opting for a word in the TL which seems similar to or has the same “relevance” as the SL term.

• 4 major techniques translation of CBTs based on Harvey (2000:2-6) :

1. Functional Equivalence: It means using a referent in the TL culture whose function is similar to that of the source
language (SL) referent.
2. Formal Equivalence : It means a word-for-word translation.
3. Transcription ( For example , reproducing or where necessary, transliterating the original term): It stands at the
far end of SL-oriented strategies
4. Descriptive translation: It uses generic terms (not CBTs) to convey the meaning.
Procedures and techniques of translation according to Newmark (1988b) :

Procedure of translation Meaning Example

Transference The process of transferring an SL word to a TL The following are normally transferred:
text. – Names of all living and most dead people;
– Geographical and topographical;
– Names of periodicals and newspapers;
– Titles of as yet untranslated literary works,
plays, films;
– Names of private companies and
– Names of public
Naturalization Adapts the SL word first to the normal – Edimbourgh, humeur, redingote, that
pronunciation, then to the normal morphology of cherisme. Note, for German, Performanz,
the TL. (Newmark, 1988b:82) aitrakiiv, Exhalation.
Cultural equivalent Replacing a cultural word in the SL with a TL – Baccalauriai (the French) : A level
one. however, “they are not accurate” – Abitur (MatUTa) (the German/Austrian) : A
(Newmark, 1988b:83) level
– Palais Bourbon (the French) : Westminster
– Montecitorio (the Italian) : Westminster
– Charcuterie : delicatessen (now English deli
– Notaire: Solicitor
– Le cyclisme : cricket baseball
– Tea break : cafe-pause
– Carte a identity : car licence
Functional /Dynamaic equivalent Requires the use of a culture-neutral word. – Baccalauriat : Trench secondary
(Newmark1988b:83) . Functional equivalence, school leaving exam
sometimes called dynamic equivalence or – Sejm : Polish parliament
meaning based translation, is a translation – Roget : dictionnaire ideologique
method in which the translator attempts to reflect anglaise
the thought of the writer in the source language It conveys an essential thought
rather than the words and forms. The translator expressed in a source text. In this ,
will read a sentence or other unit of thought, try translator focuses more on the
to understand it as well as possible, and then culture and linguistics expression.
write that thought in the target language. The The dynamic equivalence tends to
forms of the source language are not important, employ a more natural rendering
because they are not the same as the forms of the but with less literal accuracy (
target language. Eugene Nida) .

Formal equivalent Formal equivalence approach tends to emphasize Sebagai contoh, kalimat “It’s very hot” yang
diucapkan seseorang kepada temannya yang
fidelity to the lexical details and grammatical duduk di dekat jendela di suatu siang yang
structure of the original language, In translation panas dapat diterjemahkan menjadi “Maaf,
theory, formal equivalence refers to translating by bisakah buka jendelanya?”. Jika ini
terjemahannya, inilah kesepadanan dinamis.
finding reasonably equivalent words and phrases Namun, jika terjemahannya adalah “Udaranya
while following the forms of the source languaage panas sekali”, maka kesepadanan yang dicapai
as closely as possible. adalah kesepadanan bentuk.

Descriptive equivalent The meaning of the CBT is explained in several Samurai: the Japanese aristocracy
words. (Newmark, 1988b:83) from the eleventh to the nineteenth
century; its function was to provide
officers and administrators
Literal equivalent Formal equivalent Dynamic/ functional t equivalent

Kursi Chair office post

Chair Position

seat seat occupation function appointment

Sit employment chair incumbency


handshake billet

sit seat

Established equivalent

John the carpenter John si Tukang kayu

Abraham's Bosom Pelukan Ibrahim
Book of vision Kitab visi
Alimony and palimony Tunjangan dan

How are you Apa kabar

Componential analysis Comparing an SL word with a TL word Mule : stubborn, obstinate
which has a similar meaning but is not
an obvious one-to-one equivalent, by
demonstrating first their common and
then their differing sense components.”
(Newmark, 1988b:114 )
Synonymy Near TL equivalent. (Newmark, – personne gentille : kind person
1988b:84) – conte piquant : racy story
– awkward or fussy : difficile
– puny effort : effort faible.

Through-translation The literal translation of common Superman : Ubermmsch

collocations, names of organizations and
components of compounds. (Newmark,
Transpositions Involves a change in the grammar from Contoh di bawah
SL to TL (Newmark, 1988b:86)

Modulation The translator reproduces the message of the original Bsu: Nobody doesn’t like it
text in the TL text in conformity with the current norms Bsa: Semua orang menyukainya
of the TL, since the SL and the TL may appear dissimilar
in terms of perspective. (Newmark, 1988b:88) . Teknik
penerjemahan yang diterapkan dengan mengubah
sudut pandang, fokus atau kategori kognitif dalam
kaitannya dengan BSu. Perubahan sudut pandang
tersebut dapat bersifat leksikal atau struktural.
Recognized translation The translator “normally uses the official or the – Mitbestimmung ( in management) : co-determination
generally accepted translation of any institutional term.” – Rechtsstaat : constitutional state
(Newmark, 1988b:89)

Compensation Loss of meaning in one part of a sentence is Tsu : “ Me?” exclaimed Mrs . Albert Forrester , for the
compensated in another part. (Newmark, 1988b:90) first time in her life regardless of grammar .
Tsa : “ Apaan?” teriak Ny . Albert Forrester , untuk
pertama kali dalam hidupnya lupa pada tata bahasa

Paraphrase The explanation is much more detailed than that of –

descriptive equivalent. (Newmark, 1988b:91)

Couplets Translator combines two different procedures. –

(Newmark, 1988b:91)

Notes Additional information in a translation. (Newmark, By translating Hemingway’s ‘at Handley V by dans le
1988b:91) bar Handley, in der Handley
Borrowing Teknik penerjemahan yang dilakukan dengan meminjam kata atau ungkapan dari BSu.

Pure borrowing Peminjaman itu bisa bersifat murni Contoh Peminjaman murni:
(pure borrowing) tanpa Bsu: Hard disk, mixer
penyesuaian atau peminjaman tanpa Bsa: Hard disk, mixe

Naturalized Borrowing Peminjaman dengan penyesuaian pada Contoh Peminjaman naturalisasi:

ejaan ataupun pelafalan. Kamus resmi Bsu: Computer, Information
pada BSa menjadi tolok ukur apakah Bsa: Komputer, Informasi
kata atau ungkapan tersebut merupakan
suatu pinjaman atau bukan.

Kalke (Calque) Teknik penerjemahan yang dilakukan dengan menerjemahkan frasa atau
kata BSu secara literal. Teknik ini serupa dengan teknik penerimaan (acceptation

Bsu: Directorate General
Bsa: Direktorat Jendral
Translate into good Indonesian.

A man, an ostrich, and a cat

A man walks into a bar with an ostrich and a cat and sits at the bar. The bartender walks over to them and says, "What can I get
for you?"
The man says "I'll have a beer", the ostrich says, "I'll have a beer", and the cat says, "I'll have half a beer and I'm not buying." So
the bartender says, "OK, that will be $3.87."
The man reaches into his pocket and brings out the exact change and pays him. About an hour later the bartender goes back
over to them and says, "What'll you guys have?"
The man says, "I'll have a beer", the ostrich says, "I'll have a beer", and the cat says "I'll have half a beer and I'm not buying."
The bartender gets them their beer and says "That'll be $3.87."
The man reaches into his pocket and brings out the exact change and pays him. A couple of days later they come back into the
bar and the bartender walks over and asks "What do you guys want today?"
The man says, "I'll have a scotch", the ostrich says, "I'll have a bourbon", and the cat says, "I'll have half a beer and I'm not
buying." So the bartender says "OK, that will be $7.53." The man reaches into his pocket and brings out the exact change and
pays him.
The bartender's curiosity got the best of him and he asks, "Why is it that every time I tell you the amount you owe you always
have the exact change in you pocket?"
The man said, "I found a bottle with a genie in it and she granted me 3 wishes. My first wish was that I always have the exact
change in my pocket for anything I buy."
The bartender says, "That's a great wish...better than asking for a million dollars. A million dollars will run out but that never will.
What were your other 2 wishes?"
The man says, "That's where I screwed up. I asked for a chick with long legs and a tight pussy."
Transposition/shift or pergeseran
PERESERAN ADA DUA Catford (1965:73)
vel shift
tegorical shift

1. Level shifts are if a source language item at one linguistic level has a target language
translation equivalent at a different level. Dalam pergeseran ini, Catford menyatakan bahwa
sebuah bahasa sumber yang berada pada tingkat linguistik tertentu memiliki bahasa
terjemahan dengan sistem bahasa yang sepadan dalam tingkat linguistik yang berbeda
(1965: 73). Umumnya pergeseran ini terjadi di sekitar perihal kosa kata (leksikal) dan tata
bahasa (gramatikal).
Contoh : grammar to lexis ‘she is eating’ diterjemahkan menjadi ‘Dia sedang makan’ to be + v-ing
(grammar) diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan leksikon ‘sedang’

Category shifts are departures from formal correspondence in translation that involve structure shifts,
ss shifts, units shifts (rank changes), intrasystem-shifts. Pada pergeseran jenis ini kebebasan dalam
nerjemahkan sangat diutamakan, karena dalam menerjemahkan banyak mengikuti aturan penulisan
hasa sasaran sehingga hasil penerjemahan tidak terlihat seperti bahasa terjemahan. Pergeseran
egori ini terbagi atas beberapa kelompok.
Jenis2 transposisi/pergeseran
Transpositions Four types of transpositions Definisi Contoh
1 Structural Transposition Pergeseran pada susunan tata Bahasa atau struktur Bahasa. Contoh : Pasif menjadi aktif
Dalam pengelompokan pergeseran kategori, pergeseran struktur inilah Tus: Your message has been sent
Tsa: Kami telah mengirim pesan anda
yang paling sering terjadi. Secara gramatika, pergeseran struktur dapat
muncul pada berbagai tataran (kata, frase, klausa, atau kalimat), namun Tus: Running boy
masih dalam tingkatan yang sama. Sebagai contoh, sebuah kalimat dalam Tsa: Anak berlari
bahasa sumber diterjemahkan masih dalam tingkatan kalimat juga, Tsu: School yard
Tsa: Halaman sekolah
walaupun secara gramatika kalimat dalam bahasa sasaran berbeda. Tus: He pulled at the heavy iron frame and it slowly
Tsa: Ditariknya bingkai besi berat tersebut dan perlahan

2 Unit Transposition Pergeseran pada unit gabungan susunan Bahasa sprt dari frasa ke klausa, Contoh : Preposisi menjadi konjungsi.
kalimat atau sebaliknya. Departure form formal correspondence in which Tsu: After that, I walked her home
Tsa: Setelah kami berbelanja, aku mengantarnya pulang
the translation equivalent of a unit at one rank in the Source Language is a Tsu: The flowers in the garden(.Phrase)
unit at a different rank in the Target Language.
Tsa : Bunga-bunga tumbuh di kebun.(Sentence)
Back Translation : The flowers which grow in the garden
Tus:That was three days ago (phrase)
dari kata ke frasa atau frasa ke klausa Tsa: Tiga hari yang lalu. (clause)
Tus: Time for a wee dram (phrase)
dari clausa ke kalimat atau Tsa: Saaatnya untuk minum sedikit penambah tenaga

3 Word Class Transposition. Pergeseran kelas kata ini terjadi ketika kelas kata dalam bahasa sumber Tsu: He is very smart. (Adjective)
berbeda dengan kelas kata dalam bahasa sasaran. Tsa: Dia memiliki kecerdasan ringgi. (noun)
Tus: the man enthused. (verb)
Peregeseran pada klas kata sprt dari noun ke adjective, verb, dll atau Tsa: Kata lelakin itu dengn antusias (noun)

4 Intersystem Pergeseran sistem bahasa karena ketiadaan kesamaan sistem atara Bahasa Tsu: Many books
Tsa: Banyak buku
sumber dan Bahasa sasaran. . Pergeseran ini adalah pergeseran atau TSu: This is the place for rabbits.
perubahan yang terjadi di dalam sistem bahasa yang sama. TSa: Ini tempat untuk kelinci.
Sesuai dengan namanya, pergeseran ini terjadi pada kasus-kasus yang
Teknik Penjelasan contoh
Kompensasi (compensation) Teknik penerjemahan yang dilakukan dengan menyampaikan Bsu: You can let your imagination go wild.
pesan pada bagian lain dari teks terjemahan. Hal ini dilakukan Bsa: Anda dapat membiarkan khayalan mengembara sejauh
karena pengaruh stilistik (gaya) pada BSu tidak bisa di terapkan
pada BSa. Teknik ini sama dengan teknik konsepsi.

Diskripsi (description) Teknik penerjemahan dengan menggantikan sebuah istilah atau Bsu: Green room
ungkapan dengan deskripsi bentuk dan fungsinya. Bsa: Ruang tunggu para artis sebelum mereka tampil

Kreasi diskursif Teknik penerjemahan dengan penggunaan padanan yang keluar Bsu: Husband for A Year (Rebecca Winters)
(discursive creation) konteks. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menarik perhatian calon Bsa: Suami Sementara
pembaca. Teknik ini serupa dengan teknik proposal.

Padanan lazim (Established equivalent) Teknik dengan penggunaan istilah atau ungkapan yang sudah Bsu: efficient and effective.
lazim (berdasarkan kamus atau penggunaan sehari-hari). Teknik Bsa :efisien dan efektif (sangkil dan mangkus).
Bsu: John the carpenter.
ini mirip dengan penerjemahan harfiah. Bsa: John si tukang kayu.

Teknik Amplifikasi (amplification) /addition Teknik penerjemahan dengan mengeksplisitkan atau memparafrase suatu Bsu: ”.... and it was put into the Thames.”
informasi yang implisit dalam BSu. Teknik ini sama dengan eksplisitasi, Bsa: “…. dan dibenamkan di sungai Thames.”
penambahan, parafrasa eksklifatif. Catatan kaki merupakan bagian dari
amplifikasi. Teknik reduksi adalah kebalikan dari teknik ini.

Generelisasi (generalization) Teknik ini menggunakan istilah yang lebih umum pada BSa untuk BSu yang Bsu: Penthouse, mansion
lebih spesifik. Hal tersebut dilakukan karena BSa tidak memiliki padanan Bsa: Tempat tinggal
yang spesifik. Teknik ini serupa dengan teknik penerimaan (acceptation).
Partrikulasi Teknik penerjemahan dimana penerjemah menggunakan istilah yang lebih Bsu: air transportation
(particularizaton) konkrit, presisi atau spesifik, dari superordinat ke subordinat. Teknik ini Bsa : Pesawat
merupakan kebalikan dari teknik generalisasi.
Amplifikasi linguistik Teknik penerjemahan yang dilakukan dengan menambahkan unsur-unsur Bsu: The David you are sculpting is
(linguistic amplification) linguistik dalam BSa. Teknik ini lazim diterapkan pada pengalihbahasaan you
konsekutif dan sulih suara. Bsa: Patung David yang Anda ukir
adalah diri Anda sendiri
Kompresi linguistic Teknik yang dilakukan dengan mensintesa unsur-unsur linguistik pada BSa. Bsu: The mind is actually shaping
(linguistic compression) Teknik ini merupakan kebalikan dari teknik amplifikasi linguistik. Teknik ini the very thing that is being
lazim digunakan pada pengalihbahasaan simultan dan penerjemahan teks film. perceived.
Bsa: Akal membentuk segala
sesuatu yang ada
Variasi (variation) Realisasi dari Teknik ini adalah mengubah unsur –unsur linguistic atau para- Naskah drama “Macbeth” oleh
linguistic yang nmempengaruhi variasi linguiostik: perubahan tone tekstual, William Shakepearse (Inggris)
gaya bahasa, dialek sosial, dialek geografis. Teknikm ini lazim digunakan dalam ditedrjemahkan dalam dielek sprt
menerjemahkan naskah naskah drama. Jawa, Sunda, Batak dll. Atau
Reduksi (reduction) Teknik yang diterapkan dengan penghilangan secara parsial, karena
penghilangan tersebut dianggap tidak menimbulkan distorsi makna. Dengan Bsu: SBY the president of republic
kata lain, mengimplisitkan informasi yang eksplisit. Teknik ini kebalikan dari of Indonesia took a leave in order
teknik amplifikasi. to campaign for his party
Bsa: SBY mengambil cuti agar
dapat berkampanye untuk
(subsitution) Teknik ini dilakukan dengan mengubah unsur- Gesture such as nodding is translated
unsur linguistik dan paralinguistik (intonasi atau into setuju, shrugging shoulders is
isyarat). translated into saya tidak tahu.
Jenis 2 Kesepadanan /Equivalence
Nida dan Charles Taber 1982 : formal correspondence (padanan formal) dan dynamic equivalence (padanan dinamik).
1. Kesepadanan Denotatif Denotative Equivalence yang berhubungan dengan adanya muatan ekstralinguistik suatu teks yang
mengarah pada faktor-faktor tekstualnya leksis 2. Kesepadanan Konotatif Connotative Equivalence yang berhubungan dengan
pilihan kata secara leksikal, terutama yang berkaitan dengan kata yang mempunyai kedekatan sinonim. Koller juga menyebut
kesepadanan ini “stylistic equivalence”. 3. Kesepadanan Normatif Teks Text-Normative Equivalence yang berkaitan dengan jenis-
jenis teks yang akan diterjemahkan dengan cara mendeskripsikan dan menghubungkan pola penggunaan antara 2 bahasa dengan
menggunakan analisis fungsi teks. 4. Kesepadanan Pragmatik Pragmatic Equivalence yaitu kesepadanan yang berorientasi pada
penerima pesan atau teks dengan menganalisis kondisi yang ada untuk di terapkan pada suatu keadaan penerimamasyarakat
tertentu. Koller menyebutnya juga dengan “communicative equivalence”, sedangkan Nida menyebut dengan “dynamic
equivalence”. xlviii 5. Kesepadanan Formal Formal Equivalence yaitu yang dikaitkan dengan bentuk dan keindahan bahasa pada
suatu teks, yang termasuk didalamnya adalah permainan kata-kata dan ciri-ciri gaya bahasa tertentu. Mona Baker dalam Leonardi
2000 menyatakan bahwa kesepadanan dapat dicapai pada beberapa tingkatan yang berbeda, yang berhubungan dengan proses
penerjemahan yang termasuk didalamnya adalah hal-hal yang mencakup perbedaan aspek dalam penerjamahan yang
menggabungkan antara pendekatan linguistik dan komunikatif.
Problems of translation


• Languages use different phrase, clause, and idioms to
express the same meaning.
Examples of how source texts (SL) and target texts (TL) are
both linguistically and culturally incongruous languages from
the perspective of text discourse.
1. Theological expressions
2. Ritual expressions
3. Abstract moral concepts
4. Delexicallized expressions
5. Material culture
6. Linguistic voids

Lexical Meaning

Linguistic voids Grammatical Meaning

Nababan (1997), in his book entitled “Aspek Teori

Penerjemahan dan Linguistic constraints or
untranslatability, Problems of Contextual Meaning
Pengalihbahasaan” said that meaning of a word ( Catford ,1965:93 ).
sometimes have
different meanings is caused by some aspects.
Semantic constraints Textual meaning

Socio cultural meaning; At leas involves

two cultures ; translation without translation

It means that meaning can be textual, contextual , even beyond the line of the text.
Other problems also arises such as lexical-semantic problems, syntactical problems, rhetorical problems, pragmatic problems.
1. Syntactical problems
2. Rhetorical problems
3. Pragmatic problems: an example of a marketing translation
In this study, translation in general,
translational problems and mainly translation
strategies were described, and different
theories of translation strategies were
mentioned. It was shown that different
theorists suggest various definitions of
translation strategies according to their
different perspectives. Moreover, it was
mentioned that Baker (1992) lists the most
applicable set of strategies. She does not just
name the strategies, but she also shows the
application of each.
1. His voice was calm and steady, but his body language was
quite hostile and threatening.
2. Many US presidents develop signature body language that
one can easily recognize when they are speaking in public.
3. My grandmother was the sweetest lady alive, but when she
got angry, she could use language that would fry bacon.
4. I'm usually pretty even-tempered, but as soon as I get
behind the wheel of a car I start spouting language that
could fry bacon.

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