Peacock Uhrm1e PPT c06

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Understanding Human

Resources Management
A Canadian Perspective

Prepared by Melanie Peacock PhD, MBA, CPHR

1 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.


Orienting, Training, and Developing Employees

2 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Learning Outcomes

1. Describe the benefits of employee orientation.

2. Outline the steps in the instructional systems

design approach (ADDIE) to training and

3. Describe the components of a needs assessment.

4. Explain the three key issues that should be focused

on during program design.

3 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Learning Outcomes cont.

5. Discuss various types of training methods.

6. List four methods to evaluate training.

7. Explain how a career development program

integrates individual and organizational needs.

4 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.



A structured process for new employees to become

familiar with the organization and their work; critical to

socialization, which is the embedding of organizational

values, beliefs, and accepted behaviours

5 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.



The acquisition of skills, behaviours, and abilities

to perform current work

6 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.



The acquisition of skills, behaviours, and abilities

to perform future work or to solve an

organizational problem

7 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Benefits of Orientation
• Lower turnover

• Increased productivity

• Improved employee morale and identification with the


8 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Benefits of Orientation cont.
• Lower training costs

• Facilitation of learning

• Reduction of anxiety

9 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.


• Continuous process

• Cooperative endeavour

• Careful planning
• Attention to Occupational Health & Safety

10 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Training and Development:
Instructional Systems Design (ADDIE)
1. Needs Assessment

2. Program Design

3. Program Development

4. Training Delivery or Implementation

5. Evaluation of Training

11 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Phase 1: Conducting the Needs Assessment

• How important is this issue to the success of the


• What competencies do employees need?

• What competencies do employees have?

• What is the gap between the need and the have?

12 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Phase 1: Conducting the Needs Assessment

• Organizational level

• Task level

• Person level

13 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Phase 2: Designing the Program

• Instructional goals

• Trainee characteristics

• Learning principles

14 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Learning Principles
• Clear outcomes

• Relevance

• Activity

• Solving problems

• Feedback

15 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Phase 3: Developing the Program

• Create content

• Beta testing program

• Review by subject expert or benchmarking

16 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Phase 4: Implementing the Program

• Examine what is to be learned

• Determine who will be the trainer

• Consideration of required skills and abilities to train

17 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Training Methods (1 of 3)
• On-the-job training

• Apprenticeship training

• Co-operative and internship programs

• Classroom instruction

• Self-directed learning

18 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Training Methods (2 of 3)
• Audio visual

• Simulation

• E-learning

• Special projects or tasks

• Seminars and conferences

19 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Training Methods (3 of 3)
• Case studies

• Management games

• Role-playing

• Coaching

20 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Phase 5: Evaluating the Program

• Reactions

• Learning

• Behaviour

• Results

21 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Training Focus

• Basic skills

• Teamwork

• Investment

22 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Career Development

• Dynamic process

• Individuals responsible for own career planning

• Organization responsible for supplying information

and providing support

• Organizational needs linked with individual needs

23 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

Career Development cont.
• Creating favourable conditions

• Management support

• Goal setting

• HRM practices

• Mentorship

24 Copyright © 2019 by Nelson Education Ltd.

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