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Job-Order Costing:

A Comprehensive
Content 1. Understanding Job-Order Costing

2. Flow of Inventory Costs in Job-Order Costing

3. Predetermined Overhead Rates in Job-Order

Section 1

Understanding Job-Order Costing

Definition and Purpose

01 02
Definition of Job-Order Purpose of Job-Order
Costing Costing
Job-order costing is an accounting system It helps in determining the profitability of
used to assign costs to the products or individual jobs, enabling organizations to
services that an organization produces, make informed decisions about pricing,
particularly beneficial for companies that resource allocation, and cost management.
produce unique or custom products.
Components of Product Costs

Direct Material Costs

Discuss the concept of direct materials and provide examples, such as raw
materials that can be easily traced to the production of the product, illustrating
their significance in job-order costing.

Direct Labor Costs

Explain the role of direct labor costs and how they are attributed to specific jobs,
showcasing their impact on the overall cost structure.

Manufacturing Overhead
Explore the concept of manufacturing overhead costs, including indirect materials,
indirect labor, and other production expenses, and their relevance in job-order
Application of Job-Order Costing

01 02 03
Direct vs. Indirect Costs Benefits and Limitations Audience Engagement
Differentiate between direct and indirect Highlight the advantages and potential Engage the audience with a brief
costs and their allocation to specific jobs, challenges associated with job-order interactive exercise or quiz related to job-
providing clarity on how these costs are costing, offering insights into its practical order costing to reinforce understanding.
managed within the job-order costing implications for organizations.
Section 2

Flow of Inventory Costs in Job-Order Costing

Raw Materials and Inventory Accounts

Raw Materials Inventory Requisition and Allocation

Explain the process of recording all raw materials, Illustrate the flow of raw materials costs when
both direct and indirect, in the Raw Materials requisitioned for manufacturing, highlighting the
inventory account, emphasizing the significance of distinction between direct and indirect materials in
accurate cost allocation. the allocation process.
Labor Costs and Work in Process

Direct vs. Indirect Labor

Elaborate on the distinction between direct and indirect labor costs, emphasizing
their impact on the Work In Process inventory account and the Manufacturing
Overhead account.

Non-Manufacturing Labor Costs

Discuss the treatment of non-manufacturing labor costs as period costs and their
allocation to expense accounts, providing a comprehensive overview.
Manufacturing Overhead Allocation

01 02 03
Components of Application to Jobs Real-world Scenario
Manufacturing Overhead Explain the process of applying Share a practical scenario of manufacturing
manufacturing overhead costs to jobs using overhead allocation in a manufacturing
Detail the components of manufacturing setting to contextualize the concept for
a predetermined manufacturing overhead
overhead costs, including indirect students.
rate, highlighting the significance of
materials, indirect labor, and other
accurate allocation.
production expenses, and their recording in
the Manufacturing Overhead account.
Finished Goods and Cost of Goods Sold

Transition to Finished Goods

Discuss the movement of total job costs from the Work In Process inventory
account to the Finished Goods inventory account upon job completion,
emphasizing the cost accumulation process.

Cost of Goods Sold

Explain the treatment of costs when inventory is sold, emphasizing the role of the
Cost of Goods Sold expense account in reporting production costs.

Student Activity
Engage students in a brief activity to calculate the cost of goods sold for a
hypothetical job to reinforce learning.
Section 3

Predetermined Overhead Rates in Job-Order Costing

Concept of Predetermined Overhead Rates

01 02 03
Understanding Allocation Base and Cost Visual Representation
Predetermined Rates Driver Utilize visual aids to depict the relationship
between predetermined overhead rates and
Define the concept of predetermined Explain the role of allocation bases or cost allocation bases for enhanced
overhead rates and their significance in drivers in determining predetermined comprehension.
allocating manufacturing overhead costs to overhead rates, linking the concept to
jobs, providing a foundational practical examples.
Application and Case Study

01 02 03
Practical Application Real-world Example Interactive Discussion
Illustrate the practical application of Share a case study of an organization Engage students in a discussion on the
predetermined overhead rates in a implementing predetermined overhead potential benefits and challenges of using
manufacturing setting, emphasizing the rates, showcasing the impact on cost predetermined overhead rates, encouraging
role of allocation bases in accurate cost management and decision-making. critical thinking and analysis.
Conclusion and Recap

Key Learnings
Summarize the key concepts of job-order costing and predetermined overhead
rates, reinforcing the core takeaways from the presentation.

Student Reflection
Encourage students to reflect on the practical implications of job-order costing in
real-world scenarios, fostering critical thinking and application of concepts.

Q&A Session
Conclude with an interactive Q&A session to address any queries or concerns
from the students, promoting active engagement and knowledge retention.
Thank You

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