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●High-quality, ethically sourced from Khewra Mine (Pakistan, world's 2nd largest) for natural
purity and rich minerals
●Traditional methods preserve quality, while certifications (ISO 22000, SMETA) ensure
ethical sourcing
●Grinder bottles for fresh grinding at the table, maintaining purity and enhancing your culinary
●UAE Market Opportunity
●Affluent consumers seeking luxury and health-oriented products perfectly align with Namak
Nour's unique qualities
Industry Analysis
• Sourced from Khewra mines
• Unique for its color and mineral composition
• Pakistan holds a lot of natural reserves of Pink salt
• Major producer and exporter
• There are challenges as well
• Main exporters H M salt company and Hub Pak salt refinery
Domestic country analysis
• Widely used In food, health practices and spa treatments
• Popular due to its flavor and texture
• Relies on government support
• Supportive policies
• Transparent taxation and export approvals are important
• Collaboration with government
• Significant contributor
• Investment is required
• Diverse product offering
Cage Analysis
• Diverse food landscape
• Growing appetite for international flavors
• Increasing focus on health and fitness
• Strict regulations
• Trade free agreements
• Cost effective
• Provide access to regional and international markets
• Significant market potential
• Balance competitive pricing and product quality
• Targeting premium segments in urban centers and exploring mid-tier segments can
optimize market reach
Foreign Country Analysis (UAE)
• Multicultural population with diverse cultural preferences
• Fusion of traditional Emirati culinary traditions with
international flavors
• Pink salt resonates with UAE’s cosmopolitan customer base
• Growing trend towards health-conscious eating habits
• Opportunities for product innovation
Foreign Country Analysis (cont.)
• Import regulations
• Trade agreements
• Customs procedures
• Market demand
• Distribution channels
• Transportation & logistics
• Competitive landscape
● Cultural preferences
● Price sensitivity
● Regulatory hurdles
PEST Analysis
Political Factors: Social Factors
• Trade regulations • Cultural preferences
• Health trends
• Political stability
• Government support Technological Factors
Economic Factors • Transportation infrastructure
• Economic growth • Packaging & preservation
• Income levels
Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
Power distance:
• Strong hierarchical structure
• Potential partnerships
• Compliance with formal protocols
Uncertainty avoidance:
• Low tolerance for uncertainty
• Straightforward marketing
• Help minimize perceived risk
Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions (cont.)
• Individualism vs. Collectivism (Score=25):
• Collectivist culture prevails in the UAE
• Namak Nour will emphasize community values in its marketing efforts
• Family health and culinary experiences
• Masculinity vs. Femininity (Score=50):
• Neutral score suggests a balanced cultural orientation
• Dual approach will be used to cater to the broad audience
• Position pink salt as both beneficial for health & a family-oriented lifestyle
Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions (cont.)
Long-term vs. Short-term Orientation:
• Low score in long-term orientation
• Indicates short-term focus within the culture
• Emphasizes respect for tradition & fulfilling social
• Highlighting traditional aspects & immediate benefits of pink
• Promoting quick wins for health or culinary enhancements
Infrastructure Development and Marketing
Institutional Development Matrix
Favorable Infrastructure:
• Advanced transportation & logistics (reduced
distribution costs)
• Efficient import processes (faster delivery times)

Competitive Marketing Landscape:

• Opportunity for brand visibility (digital platforms,
retail presence)
• Requires strong marketing strategy (highlight unique
qualities & health benefits)
Market Analysis
Market Size
• Global food spending to reach $8.85 trillion by 2025, driven
by changing lifestyles and organic trends
• Ranked 6th in Middle East region for food spending, fueled
by tourism and diverse food options
• Food outlet revenue in UAE to reach $8.9 billion by 2025,
reflecting a growing demand
Market Attractiveness
• Young and expanding population
• High disposable income, diverse preferences, and openness to
new culinary experiences
• Organic segment valued at $36 million in 2021, projected to
reach $70 million by 2025
Consumer Segmentation Matrix
• We're targeting the "Marginals" segment
• The UAE's diverse population aligns well with
"Marginals" who prioritize functionality over cultural
• Marginals value a product's practical benefits more
than cultural connection.
• Himalayan pink salt boasts health benefits (minerals,
lower sodium) that resonate with Marginals' focus on
Demographic Segmentation
• Focus on Female Shoppers - Washi's (2012) study
shows 54.3% of UAE grocery shoppers are women,
highlighting their influence on purchasing decisions.
• Targeting Expatriate Communities - 88.5% of UAE
residents are expats, primarily from India, Bangladesh,
and Pakistan (high salt usage cultures).
• Marketing will cater to these communities' culinary
traditions and high salt usage.
• Strategic Advantage - Targeting established
consumption patterns optimizes market penetration
within key demographics.
Segmentation (cont.)
Psychographic: Health-Conscious Consumers
• Rising demand for organic foods reflects a shift towards healthy eating habits (Muhammad et al., 2015)
• Consumers prioritize well-being and are willing to pay a premium for organic products (Basarir & Gheblawi, 2012)
• Namak Nour caters to this segment by offering a premium Himalayan pink salt with perceived health benefits
Geographical: Targeting Expat Communities
• Focus on Dubai – city with high concentrations of expats from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh (known for high salt usage
• Dubai's diverse environment positions it well for market entry
• This strategy optimizes reach and impact within key demographics
Behavioral: Convenience Seekers
• Namak Nour's grinder packaging caters to consumers who value convenience and freshly ground salt
• Targets busy individuals seeking pure, finely ground salt without additives
• Aligns with the growing trend of products enhancing cooking efficiency while maintaining health and purity
Buying Situation- Himalayan Pink Salt vs
Table Salt
Health-conscious shoppers in a supermarket seasoning aisle compare options based on:
• Health benefits (Himalayan pink salt's mineral content and lack of additives)
• Taste, purity, and price
Packaging influences
• highlighting origin, natural qualities, certifications (organic, non-GMO)
Grinder appeal
• freshness, convenience over pre-ground table salt
• Promotional offers and educational content can sway the final decision
Consumer Buying Behavior in the UAE- A
Multi-Faceted Approach
• Health & Lifestyle- Growing health consciousness drives demand for organic products and healthier
• Environmental Awareness- Consumers favor eco-friendly products and sustainability practices Green
packaging and lower carbon footprints are appealing
• Cultural & Country of Origin- Origin perceptions influence buying decisions Associating Namak
Nour with high-quality manufacturing standards can be beneficial
• Social Influences- social media and influencer recommendations heavily impact buying behavior
• Economic Factors- Disposable income allows consumers to indulge in luxury and premium goods,
positioning Namak Nour well
Competitive Landscape
• Two Direct Competitors
• Cape Foods
• Natural
• Premium Pricing
• Market for high quality salt
• Marketing Activities
Competitive Landscape
• Two Direct Competitors
• Cape Foods
• Natural
• Premium Pricing
• Market for high quality salt
• Marketing Activities
Product Offering:
• Himalayan pink salt available in grinder bottles for freshness and purity, meeting
premium quality expectations.
Health & Safety Certifications:
• SMETA Certification: Ensures ethical trading and labor standards.
• ISO 22000 Certification: Guarantees top food safety management practices.
Regulatory Compliance:
• Fully compliant with UAE import standards, including food safety, labeling, and
packaging regulations.
Packaging and Labeling:
• Compliance with local regulatory requirements.
• Bilingual labels in Arabic and English for inclusivity and ease of understanding.
• Features certifications (ISO 22000, SMETA) to affirm quality and safety.
• Prominently displays Pakistan as the country of origin, highlighting authenticity and exclusivity.
Advertising Strategy:
• Targeted advertising campaign on Instagram, optimized for health-conscious consumers in the UAE.
• Precise demographic, interest, and behavior targeting for maximum relevance.
• Flexible advertising spend with a CPC range of PKR 54.75 to PKR 551.25 and a CPM of approximately AED
Content Marketing:
• Educational content about the health benefits of Himalayan pink salt.
• Promotion of nutritious recipes that showcase the mineral-rich attributes of the salt.
• Engagement through blogs, social media posts, and newsletters to foster consumer interaction and loyalty.
Pricing Justification:
• Positioned as a luxury item in the affluent UAE market.
• Premium pricing reflects the superior quality, unique attributes, and premium packaging.
Cost Considerations:
• Regulatory compliance and stringent food import regulations increase operational expenses.
• Exchange rate fluctuations between the Pakistani Rupee and the UAE Dirham affect profit margins.
• Careful management of distribution and retail margins to optimize revenue sharing.
Retail Pricing:
• Cost per unit: $0.44 (120 PKR).
• Set retail price at $6.11 (22 AED/1700 PKR) to cover import duties, distributor margins, marketing expenses,
and exchange rate risks.
• Supplier: Milan Foods
• Goods Transported to Port of Karachi By local Transporter
• Clearance and Forward Processing Agent Pakistan: Freight Solutions Pakistan Pvt Ltd
• Shipping Company: Maersk Pakistan pvt Ltd
• Clearance and Forwarding Agent UAE: Green Way Cargo
• Transporting Company UAE: BVM Transport LLC
• Retailer: Khan Baba
Total Cost Forecasted
Container Cost
Promotional Rates
Business Financing
Net Profit Without Loan
Net Profit With Loan
Break Even Analysis
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