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Arnyl Mendoza
Ice Age
 An ice age is a long period of reduction in the
temperature of Earth's surface and atmosphere,
resulting in the presence or expansion of
continental and polar ice sheets and alpine
glaciers. Earth's climate alternates between ice
ages, and greenhouse periods during which
there are no glaciers on the planet.
 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change is an intergovernmental body of the
United Nations. Its job is to advance scientific
knowledge about climate change caused by
human activities. The World Meteorological
Organization and the United Nations
Environment Programme established the IPCC
in 1988.
 Global climate change is not a future problem.
Changes to Earth’s climate driven by increased
human emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases
are already having widespread effects on the
environment: glaciers and ice sheets are shrinking,
river and lake ice is breaking up earlier, plant and
animal geographic ranges are shifting, and plants
and trees are blooming sooner.
 Effects that scientists had long predicted would
result from global climate change are now occurring,
such as sea ice loss, accelerated sea level rise, and
longer, more intense heat waves.
 The Philippines are particularly vulnerable to climate
change, which is threatening to hamper attainment of
the MDGs. This Joint Programme's goal was to
improve the country's capacity to plan and implement
projects to mitigate the impact of climate change, with
a focus on the most disaster-prone eastern seaboard.
 The programme brought together eight UN agencies,
the Interagency Committee on Climate Change,
donors and other partners over a period of more than
three years to complete the country’s knowledge base
and strengthen institutional capacities to manage
climate change risks.
 tural hazards in the world and widely recognized that global climate
change is exacerbating the natural hazards that threaten the country.
The impacts of climate change are expected to be more severe, with
sea level rise, more intense rainfall events (thus more floods and
landslides), longer dry spells and stronger moonsoon rainfall
variability to have important implications for water resources,
agriculture, forestry, coastal areas, public health and human
settlement. Increasing climatic variability and more frequent extreme
weather events will have serious consequences for the entire nation,
as demonstrated by the high costs of recent extreme weather events
and related disasters. Along with the ongoing initiatives on climate
change adaptation (CCA), this project would focus on developing
practical examples and methodologies that demonstrate the benefits
of mainstreaming CCA to enable targeted communities to adapt to
potential impacts of climate variability and change through the
projects' objectives.
 Developing and demonstrating approaches that would
enable targeted communities to adapt to the potential
impacts of climate variability and change. This would be
achieved by strengthening existing institutional frameworks
for climate change adaptation, and by demonstration of cost-
effective adaptation strategies in agriculture and natural
resources management. The Philippine Climate Change
Adaptation Project (PhilCCAP) has the objective of
increasing communities' adaptive capacity by improving:
farm management capability under conditions of climate
risk; access to information on weather forecasting and
climate patterns; access to risk management options such as
weather index insurance; and the strengthening of
Arnyl Mendoza

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