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Oswaldo Medina Garibay, Carolina Carmona Vargas, Maria Fernanda Duran Berúmen, Karla Alejandra Morales Norman
, Instituto Cumbres Torreón

Abstract Methods
Alcoholism is a significant problem in Based on the previous survey we can say with certainty on For this research we made a survey about the
Mexico, with a high prevalence of alcohol consumption of alcohol in minors. The objective was to
which side the balance leans more. Of the 50 minors that know if the minors are really aware of the dangers and
use disorders and related health issues. answer the survey, 95% of them consume alcohol. consequences that alcohol consumption at an early age
Mexico has one of the highest alcohol can cause, as well as the danger to which they expose
consumption rates in the world. For this society, being able to cause accidents while intoxicated
that would hurt someone and in the worst case even
research we made a survey about the death. In the study there were 50 minors, around the age
consumption of alcohol in minors. The of 14 to 16.
region is home to several distilleries and
has a thriving industry that exports these
beverages globally. Discussion

The main reasons stated about the consumption of alcohol were

Alcoholism is a social problem that affects both all of
Fun, Relaxation and to escape reality. Yet fun was the one that Mexico and the Laguna Region specifically. As
overstatement with 85% of the respondents. Leaving relaxation mentioned earlier, alcohol consumption in Mexico is
and escape of reality with 7.5% and 2.5% respectively. high, and problematic alcohol use is a significant issue.
“La Laguna” is particularly affected by alcoholism due
to its historical and cultural ties to the production and
consumption of alcoholic beverages, such as wines and
But who is out there to help with finding a solution?
Alcoholism is a problem that affects people from Well, in Mexico there are many social institutions that
all social classes in Mexico, although certain can help solve the problem, such as Secretariat of
factors, such as poverty and lack of access to Health (Secretaría de Salud) which provides healthcare
services and promotes public awareness about alcohol
education and healthcare, can increase the risk of
addiction. National Commission Against Addictions
alcohol addiction. Many studies have shown that (Comisión Nacional Contra las Adicciones, CONADIC)
alcoholism tends to be more common in lower who often develops policies and programs to prevent
socioeconomic groups in Mexico. This is since and treat addictions, including alcoholism.
The minors know how
alcohol is often used as a mechanism to alcohol can damage This will help minors to be responsible for their actions
overcome stress and possible difficult living their relationship, and to consider that something they do for fun can end
conditions in these communities. society as well as their up in severe cases, such as accidents or deaths. With
Also, the cost of alcohol relative to income is health, yet they still this information teenagers will be aware of what they are
consume it.
lower for people in lower socioeconomic groups, doing to themselves and to others. Of course, it is not
making it more accessible and potentially leading 100% certain that minors will avoid drinking alcohol,
but it is certain that most of them will now be aware
to more frequent and excessive drinking.
that their life is not worth a night of fun.

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