Advantages and Disadvantages

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Do the Discuss the What are the

advantages advantages benefits and
outweigh the and drawbacks?
disadvantages? disadvantages
There is an increasing trend around
the world of married couples who
decide = deciding not to have
children. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages for couples who decide to
do this.
An increasing number of married couples around the world choosing to remain childless. This essay will discuss
the pros and cons of this issue.

One primary advantage of remaining childless for married couples is that they can focus on their work. This is
because they have less responsibility and distractions in their lives compared to the couples that have a child.
Another advantage of this is that they have more spare time. Looking after a child is a full-time job for parents
and taking most of their time, while child-free couples have lots of free time after work. For example, many
couples stop going out late with their friends after having a child as they have to stay at home for looking after
their children.

One disadvantage of couples deciding not to have children is that they can struggle to hang with their peers after
most of them have children. Most parents prefer to spend more time with other couples that have children as
well. Moreover, do not have anyone to look after them in their elderliness is another disadvantage. Children are
the ones who take care of their parents when they get old because their parents did the same for them when
they were young. For instance, the vast majority of the people who live in care homes have no child.

In conclusion, the main benefits of staying child-free for couples are that they can be more career-oriented and
have more free time for themselves, and the main drawbacks are that they could have problems about fitting
into their friends’ group and having no one to take care of them when they become older.
An increasing number of married couples
around the world choosing to remain
childless (adj). This essay will discuss
the pros and cons of this issue.
On the one hand (một mặt), married couples can focus on their work. This is because they have
less responsibility and distractions in their lives compared to the couples that have a child.
Another advantage of this is that they have more spare time. Looking after a child is a full-time
job for parents and taking most of their time, while child-free couples have lots of free time
after work. For example, many couples stop going out late with their friends after having a
child as they have to stay at home for looking after their children.

focus on work less responsibility and distractions

spend most of time taking care of offspring
have more spare time
On the other hand (mặt khác), couples deciding not to have children can struggle to hang with
their peers after most of them have children. Most parents prefer to spend more time with
other couples that have children as well (cũng). Moreover, do not have anyone to look
after them in their elderliness is another disadvantage. Children are the ones who take
care of their parents when they get old because their parents did the same for them when
they were young. For instance, the majority of the people who live in care homes have no

peer: bạn đồng trang lứa

Peer-pressure: áp lực đồng trang lứa
struggle (v) đấu tranh/ vật
the majority = most of: phần lớn
In conclusion, the main benefits of staying
child-free for couples are that they can be
more career-oriented and have more free time
for themselves, and the main drawbacks are
that they could have problems about fitting
into their friends’ group and having no one
to take care of them when they become
What is your opinion about the
advantages and disadvantages of going
abroad for holidays?
go abroad = go overseas = travel oversea
= travel internationally

take a trip to foreign country

for holiday = on vacation

a chance to know more about the culture, the people and the famous places

get more motivation to work

Ý 1:
Different from reading on the Internet or newspaper, it is interesting
experiences for anyone who likes travelling. Before going abroad, we need to
search all the information related to the country’s culture, customs, and
language. Gradually, we will accumulate a great deal of knowledge.
a chance to know more about the culture, the people and the famous places


get more motivation to work

Ý 2:
Secondly, it seems to me that going abroad helps us to get more motivation to
work. There is no surprise when we need to earn a lot of money for these plans.
As a result, it is regarded as a big prize for us after hard-working months.
Besides, this is a good chance for us to improve the language skills and open our
The cost of traveling - it’s not cheap.


The differences of the culture, customs and language are a big barrier (trở ngại)
for many people

Ý 1:
Firstly, compared with traveling domestic places, its cost is much higher. To go
abroad, we have to spend much money on the flight ticket, visa and tour
package. It is too difficult for people having low income. It seems to them that it
is a very luxurious thing.
The cost of traveling - it’s not cheap.

The differences of the culture, customs and language are a big barrier for many

Ý 2:
Secondly, the differences of the culture, customs and language are a big barrier
for many people. Many people supposes that they do not dare to go abroad..
Although they have enough money and time, they are afraid they cannot
communicate with the local people when they need.
In conclusion, although ... has some certain
disadvantages such as ..., it has certain plus
points regarding ...

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