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Chapter 17- Connie

Two weeks before. Leo found out that star girl knew about his
name and than Leo heart was beating with love and he float up
the white light washed his sheet and tired in his classroom, his
friend Kevin call him. You are involve bro. He smiled and dream
and dreaming out of the window. At lunch suddenly he became
self, conscious after school Leo and star girl talks after after
school and across the school field. They walked miles and Leo
driving Stargirl ukulele. When Leo and Stargirl walk they talk
together than Stargirl also Leo do you like me, Leo smile. He
dream about her every second. He had to follow Stargirl
movements Leo liked Stargirl nose and said it’s the rat I'm after.
Than Leo and Stargirl went up to the mountain and Leo and
Stargirl scream together. Leo see Stargirl face still peaceful ever
seen a face Leo and Stargirl walked across the desert holding
hand saying nothing to each other
CHAPTER 18- Niko Pauga
‘’They were alone. They were the only ones in school. At least that's how it seemed in the following
Leo and Stargirl are so smitten and ''loopy in love'' that they walk to class together, meet up in the
hallways, and daydream about each other when they can't be together. ''As we approached each
other, the noise and the students around us melted away and we were utterly alone, passing,
smiling, holding each other's eyes, floors and walls gone, two people in a universe of space and
It's clear that they are completely unaware of anyone else. But then Leo starts to notice that
maybe it isn't just his imagination that they seem to be alone - maybe they actually are.
Leo is escorting Stargirl down the stairwell to her next class when he notices something strange.
Students move aside to let him and Stargirl through. No one speaks to them, and no one looks at
them or smiles at them. It's a crowded stairway, and yet he feels like he and Stargirl are invisible. ''I
had an urge to look down at myself, to make sure I was there.''
Leo hopes to get to the bottom of this strange behavior, but things get even weirder at lunch.
Normally there are people at the table with Leo and Kevin, but today it's only them. Stargirl, who
used to draw a crowd, now only has two friends sitting with her. Leo asks Kevin what is going on,
but Kevin is reluctant, unwilling or hesitant, to tell Leo the truth.
17- 18
CHAPTER- 17 - Connie

 Q1- why did Leo follow Stargirl ?

 =

 Q2- did Leo dream about Stargirl. True or False.

 =

 Q3- do Leo and Stargirl love each other? True or False.

 =
CHAPTER- 18 – Niko Pauga

 Q1- how did the student at school treat stargirl after the
basketball game losse?
 = they treat her like a hero

 Q2- How did stargirl feel about the getting the silent
 = she didn’t seem to notice it she just talk to Leo
Thank you

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