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Čas Passive voice - trpný rod

Přítomný prostý The book is written every day.

Minulý prostý The book was written yesterday.

Budoucí The book will be written.

Somebody cleans this classroom every day.- Převeď tuto

větu do trpného rodu ve všech časech.
Trpný rod v otázce
Otázku tvoříme tak, jak se běžně tvoří otázka se
slovesem být v různých časech.

What is chocolate made from?

Have you ever been stung by a bee?
Is anybody hurt?
When was it finished?
How much money was stolen in the robbery?
How is this word pronounced?

Make a few more sentences.

Trpný rod v záporu
Zápor tvoříme tak, jak se běžně tvoří zápor se slovesem
být v různých časech.
The money will not be returned.
It won't be done tomorrow.
I′m not often invited to parties.
I wasn′t invited.
This road isn′t used much.

Make a few more sentences.

Kdy trpný rod použít?
- Když chceme zdůraznit, co se stalo, a ne, co kdo udělal.

Činný rod

Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.

Trpný rod

Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by Sir Alexander Fleming.

BY nebo WITH?
Chceme-li v trpném rodě přeci jenom činitele děje zmínit,
zpravidla bývá za předložkou BY
America was discovered by Columbus.
Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.

Předložka WITH uvozuje spíše nástroj, než činitele:

The door was opened with a key. - Klíč zde není činitel ale
The door was opened by a burglar. - Lupič je zde činitel.
Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
was cleaned
1. The hotel room _______________ yesterday. ( clean )
was sent
2. The letter _____________ from Paris. ( send )

was visited by hundreds of people every day. ( visit )

3. This website _____________

have been invited to a wedding. ( invite )

4. I can′t go with you. I ________________

was Australia discovered . ( discover / Australia )

5. When _____________________

are usually made ( usually / make ) of wood.

6. Tables and chairs __________________

was found in a deserted car park yesterday morning. ( find )

7. The stolen car ____________

will be repaired tomorrow. (repair )

8. Your car ________________

was given
9. This ring _____________ to me when I was a child. ( give )

was badly hurt when he fell off a tree. ( badly / hurt )

10.He ________________

is it called ? ( it / call )
11.U2 have a new album. Really? What ___________

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