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Rizal’s Life:

Higher Educational
and Life Abroad


At the end of the chapter, the student should be able to:
• Explain the life of Dr. Jose P. Rizal in Ateneo and in University of
SantoTomas (UST);
• Differentiate the system of education during Rizal's time and the present
educational system in the Philippines;
• Imitate Rizal's diligence in studying towards excellence & ideals of
• Distinguish the inspiration of Rizal & the importance of his writings for a
• Trace the relevance of Dr. Jose P. Rizal's higher education and
accomplishments to his desire for freedom;
• Discuss critically the importance of the literary works of Dr. Jose P. Rizal,;
• and Locate the places in the world map the places visited by Dr. Jose P. Rizal.
Education at Biñan, Laguna
• June 1869, Paciano, Rizal’s brother accompanied him to
Biñan to continue his study.
• MONDAY Paciano brought Rizal to the school of Maestro
Justiniano Aquino Cruz
• The school are made of Nipa
• Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz was a disciplinarian
• In the afternoon of his day in school, when the teacher
was having his siesta, Jose meet the bully, Pedro.
• Jose, having learned the art of wrestling from his
athletic Tio Manuel
• Afternoon, a classmate names Andres Salandanan
challenged him to an arm wrestling match. Jose, having
a weaker arm, lost and nearly cracked his head on the
• In succeeding days, he had others fights with the boy of
Biñan. He was not quarrelsome by nature, but never ever
ran away from a fight.
• Jose a spent his leisure hours with teacher Justiniano’s
father in law, a master painter named Juancho.
• He took the opportunity to become an apprentice together
with his classmate Jose Guevarra.
Jose Rizal led a frugal and methodical life in Biñan.
His time was well budgets from 4 o’clock in the morning
such as hearing mass, eating time, studies and leisure
time at times he played in the sweet with friends and
other boys when there was a moon.

He was concentrated on his studies diligently and he

excelled in Spanish, Latin, and all subjects.
Having finished his studies in Biñan, Rizal returned to
Calamba on board the motorboat “Talim”.
Education at the Ateneo
March 1873, he returned to Calamba for the
summer vacation. He did not enjoy his vacation.
second year in Ateneo (1873-74), he received excellent
grades in all subjects and a gold medal as a diligent student
and voracious reader.
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumans.
Rizal also read Travels in the Philippines written by Dr.
Feodor Jagor , a German scientist-traveler who visited
the Philippines in 1859-1860

The Universal History by Cesar. Another book that his

father bought

On his fourth year in Ateneo, Jose Rizal was inspired to

study hard and to write poetry by one of his professors
Father Francisco de Paula Sanchez (best professor at
“Through Education The Country Receives Light (Por la
Education Recibe Lustre la Patria)”
Rizal's formal lessons
Por la Education Recibe Lustre la Patria (Through
Education the Motherland Receives Light, April 1, 1876.)
“Through Education The Motherland Recieves

“Karunungan at Bayan”
In 1874, Rizal wrote literary pieces. They were as follows:
1. Mi Primera Inspiracion (My First Inspiration). It was a
poem dedicated to his mother on her birthday. He was 14 years
old when he wrote the poem. He felt over-joyed, at that time,
because his mother was released from prison.
2. Al Nino Jesus (To the Child Jesus)
3. A La Virgen Maria (To the Virgin Mary)
In 1875, Rizal wrote literary pieces. They were as follows:
1. Felicitacion (Felicitation).
2. El Embarque: Himno A la Flota de Magallanes
(The Departure: Hymn to Magellan's Fleet).
3. Y Es Espanol: Elcano, Primiero en dar la Vuelta (And He
is Spanish: Elcano, the First to Circumnavigate the World).
4. El Combate: Urbiztondo, Terror de Jolo (The Battle:
Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo
In 1876, Rizal wrote poems on various topics - religion,
education, childhood memories, and war. They were as
1. La Tragedia de San Eustaquio (The Tragedy of St.
Eustace). This poem recounts the tragic story of St. Eustace.
2. Un Recuerdo A Mi Pueblo (In Memory of My Town) –
A tender poem in honor of Calamba, the hero's natal town.

Memories of My Town
3. Alianza Intima Entre la Religion y la Buena
Education (Intimate Alliance Between Religion and
Good Education).
This poem shows the importance of religion in
education. For Rizal, education without God is not
education at all.

4. Por la Education Recibe Lustre la patri (Through Education the

Country, Receives Light). It was poem which reflects his highest
regard for education. Education had a significant role which plays in
the molding of a nation, the attainment of its progress and welfare.
5. Ed Cautiverio y el Triunjo: Batalla de Lucena y Prison de Boabdil
(The Captivity and the Trumph: Battle of Lucena and the
Imprisonment o Baabdil). This martial poem described the defeat and
capture of Boabdil, the last Moorish sultan of Granada.

6. La Entrada Triunfal de los Reyes Catolices en Granada (The

Triumphal Entry of the Catholic Monarchs into Granada). This poem
relates the victorious entry of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel into
Granada, last Moorish stronghold in Spain.
A year later, in 1877, he wrote more poems. It was his last year in
Among the poems written that year were:
1. El Heroismo de Colon (The Heroism of Columbus) - This poem
praises Columbus, the discoverer of America.
2. Colon y Juan II (Columbus and John II) - This poem related how
King John Il of Portugal missed fame and riches by his failure to
finance the projected expedition of Columbus to the New World.
3. Gran Consuelo en la Mayor Desdicha (Great Solace in Great
Misfortune) - This is a legend in verse of the tragic life of

4. Un Dialogo Alusivo a la Despedida de los Colegiales

(A Farewell Dialogue of the Students) - This was the last poem
written by Rizal in Ateneo; it is a poignant poem of farewell to his
classmates, the joy, pain and memories they shared together in the
Rizal’s Studies at Ateneo (1872-1877)
He excelled in all subjects and won five medals, earning his
parents' respect. He was considered the most brilliant
Atenean of his time and the "Pride of the Jesuits."

During his stay at the Ateneo, Rizal's grades were all

excellent (Sobresaliente). On March 23, 1877, he received
his degree of Bachelor of Art with honors.
Rizal's academic excellence and literary skills
earned him a position as "prefect" in Spanish
literature and the Academy of Natural Science.

He became the Apostle of Prayer and joined the

Marian Congregations, also serving as the secretary
of the Sodality of Our Lady.
Rizal’s Studies at the University of
Santo Tomas (UST) 1877 1882
His mother Doña Teodora was opposed to his son’s pursuing
higher education in Manila because she were reminded of
the fate of intelligent Filipinos like the priest GOMBURZA
Don Francisco believed of the great future that waited his
son whose intelligence was among the “best” during that
During his first year at UST he studied simultaneously at Ateneo
taking up vocational course leading to the title of "perito agrimensor"
(expert surveyor) with grades of "Excellent" but was not given the
title because he was still 17 years old.

He finally decided to take up medicine with the advice of Fr. Pablo

Ramon, the Director of Ateneo de Manila with the intention and
desire to cure Doña Teodora's failing eyesight.
Experience of Spanish Brutality
Rizal experiences hid first taste of Spanish brutality
when in Calamba spending summer vacation after a
long tendios study as medical student of UST
Rizal’s Artistic Works
Jose Rizal, a literary talent participated in the 1879 Artistic-
literary Lyceum of Manila's poetry contest, submitting his
inspiring poem "To the Filipino Youth," urging the youth to rise
from complacency and showcase their talents and skills.
Sa Kabataang Pilipino
(To the Filipino Youth/ A La Juventad Filipina)
To The Filipino Youth
(Sa Kabataang Filipino/A La Juventad Filipina)
Literary Work of Rizal in University of
Santo Tomas(UST)
Year 1879
He submitted "A La Juventad Filipina" (To the Filipino Youth) to
a literary contest held by the Liceo-Artistico-Literario of Manila.
This poem, dedicated to the Filipino youth, encouraged them to
use their talents to contribute to the betterment of the nation.
Rizal's famous quote, "The Youth is the fair hope of our
Fatherland," was mentioned in this poem.
Year 1880
Rizal participated in another contest by the Liceo-
Artistico-Literario, commemorating the death of
Miguel Cervantes, the author of Don Quixote. His
entry, "El Consejo De Los Dioses" (The Council of
Gods), depicted the equality of Cervantes, Homer,
and Virgil through allegory. Rizal won first place,
but the jury, upon learning he was Filipino, awarded
the first prize to a Spaniard instead.
Both of Rizal's winning poems had a significant
impact. They demonstrated that a native could create
literary masterpieces, challenging the fallacy of
Spanish superiority over Filipinos. The imprint of
nationalism was evident in "A La Juventad Filipina,"
while "El Consejo De Los Dioses" conveyed the
concepts of equality and fairness.
Other Works
1. Abd-del-Azis Y Mahoma. A poem composed by Rizal for Manuel
Fernandez and which declaimed by the latter on the night of
December 7, 1879.
2. Junto Al Pasig (Beside the Pasig). a drama played by Ateneans on
the occasion of Feast of Immaculate Concepcion on December 8,
1880. it was a religious satire where the main character, Leonido,
together with a choir of angels successfully driven out Satan and his
3. A Filipinas (To the Philippines). A sonnet written in 1880 to
praise the Philippines for its beauty and to encourage Filipino
artists to glorify the Philippines through their act works.

4. Al M.R.P. Pablo Ramon, Recto del Ateneo, en Sus Dias. A poem

wrote by Rizal for Father Pablo Ramon who had been so kind and
helpful to Rizal.
The study of Rizal at University of Sto. Tomas (UST) was
not meaningful and fruitful just like when he was at
Ateneo. He found the atmosphere at UST suffocating to his
sensitive spirit. He was unhappy at the Dominican
institution of Higher Learning. The professors were hostile
to him, the method of teaching was far from the brilliant
method at Ateneo and prejudice and racial discrimination
was prevalent.
Because of this situation, Rizal failed to win high
scholastic honors. Although his grades in the first year
of the Philosophy course were all “excellent” they
were not impressive in the four years of his medical
courses. His scholastic records were as follows:
After completing the four years in medical schools
Rizal was no longer happy at the school. He heard
that teaching abroad were much better and more
advance so he decided to leave the country for

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