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• The Epistle to the Romans is

regarded by many people as a
scriptural masterpiece and the
greatest of Paul’s epistles.

• To prepare for his future arrival in Rome.

• To clarify and defend his teachings.

• To promote unity between Jewish and

Gentile members of the

• Modern readers of 1 Corinthians can find

strength in Paul’s words to the Saints in
Corinth, who struggled with disunity, false
doctrines, and immoral wickedness in the
society in which they lived.

• Paul’s Second Epistle to the Corinthians

stands out for its themes of comfort in the
midst of affliction, strength in the midst of
weakness (as exemplified by Paul himself),
and the discerning of true teachers from
false ones.
Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the

• The Epistle of Paul to the Galatians was

written to Christians who were straying
from the Lord by embracing false teachings.
Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the

• “Ephesians is an epistle for all the world, for

Jew and Gentile, for husband and wife, for
parent and child, for master and servant. It
was the mind and will of God in Paul’s day; it
is the voice of inspiration in our day; it is an
epistle of universal appeal and application.
Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the
• In his Epistle to the Philippians, Paul gave
the Saints in Philippi encouragement and
exhorted them to stand fast in the faith.
Paul also exhorted the Saints to claim the
unifying and exalting blessings that would
come from humbling themselves (see
Philippians 2:3).
Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the
• When Paul wrote his Epistle to the
Colossians, false teachings and practices in
Colossae were influencing the Saints there
and threatening their faith.
1st and 2nd Epistle of Paul the
Apostle to the Thessalonians
• In his first letter to the Thessalonians, Paul
reiterated his sincere devotion to God and to teaching
the gospel. He also responded to the Thessalonian
Saints’ concerns regarding the Second Coming of
Jesus Christ. Paul later wrote a second letter to the
Thessalonian Saints when he learned that false ideas
about the coming of Jesus Christ were continuing to
cause concern.
1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, and

• The books of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus

are known as the pastoral Epistles because they
contain instruction to help leaders regulate the
Church. In these epistles Paul described the
qualifications of bishops, who are to be
examples of practical gospel living.
Letter to the Hebrews

• The Epistle to the Hebrews was written to

encourage a group of Christians to keep
believing and not to return to their former
ways. Hebrews also shows the significance
of many symbols found in the law of Moses
and their fulfillment in Jesus Christ.
Letter of St. James

• James is the first of the seven “general

Epistles” included in the New Testament—
the others being 1 and 2 Peter; 1, 2, and
3 John; and Jude.
• James did not expound much in detail upon
doctrines of the gospel. Rather, this epistle
provides teachings of Christian wisdom and
examples of how disciples of Jesus Christ
should live their lives as expressions of
their faith in Jesus Christ—we are to be
“doers of the word, and not hearers only” (
James 1:22).
1st and 2nd Letters of St. Peter

• The Apostle Peter was the preeminent witness of

Jesus Christ in the early Christian Church. His two
epistles were written at a time of great persecution
and apostasy. Peter sought to help Church
members understand that if they endured
persecution well, they would receive salvation and
eternal glory (see 1 Peter 1:6–9; 3:12–14; 4:12–14;
• In his second epistle, Peter encouraged
disciples of Jesus Christ to seek after the
traits that would enable them to obtain a
divine nature like the Savior.
1st, 2nd and 3rd Letter of St. JOhn
John and Jude wrote their epistles at a time
when apostasy was threatening the Church.
Even though it had been only a few decades
since the death of Jesus Christ, false
teachers were teaching a “doctrine”
different from that taught by the Apostles
2nd Letter of St. John

The Epistle of 1 John was written at a time

when apostasy was spreading in the
Church. In this epistle John addressed the
dangerous spread of apostate influences in
the Church and gave an apostolic warning
to the Saints to have no fellowship with
darkness but to stay in the safety of gospel
2nd Letter of St. JOhn

In this epistle, John expressed concern over

apostate influences in the Church. At the
same time, he also expressed joy for Church
members who had remained strong and
3rd Letter of St. JOhn
In this brief epistle, John praised Gaius, a
Church member who was loyal during a
time of rebellion against Church leaders.
John’s teachings provide insights on
apostasy in the New Testament Church and
can inspire modern-day Saints who remain
faithful to Church leaders despite
The book of Revelation
The book of Revelation encourages followers of
Jesus Christ to remain faithful in the midst of
persecution and trials. This book is also known
as the Apocalypse, which in Greek means a
revelation, uncovering, or unveiling of that
which is hidden.

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