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Muscular Triangles and Blood

Supply of Neck
Kiran Yameen
Study Objectives
• To study the Muscular Triangles of Neck;
- Anterior triangle
- Posterior triangle

• To study the Blood Supply of Neck;

Muscular Triangles of Neck
• Sternocleidomastoid muscle divides the neck

- Anterior triangle

- Posterior triangle
Anterior Triangle
• Above - Body of mandible

• Posteriorly - Sternocleidomastoid muscle

• Anteriorly - Midline
Anterior triangle is further subdivided into;
• Carotid triangle

• Digastric triangle

• Submental triangle

• Muscular triangle
Carotid Triangle
• Base - Digastric muscle (posterior belly)

• Medially - Lateral border of omohyoid muscle

(superior belly)

• Laterally - Anterior border of SCM muscle

• Bifurcation of common carotid artery and
branches of external carotid artery

• Lingual, facial and superior thyroid veins

• Hypoglossal, internal laryngeal and external

laryngeal nerves
Digastric Triangle
• Base - Digastric muscle (posterior belly)

• Medially - Digastric muscle (anterior belly)

• Laterally - Lower border of mandible

• Submandibular gland and lymph nodes

• Facial, submental and mylohyoid arteries and


• Hypoglossal and mylohyoid nerves

Submental Triangle
• Base - Hyoid bone

• Medially - Midline

• Laterally - Digastric muscle (anterior belly)

• Anterior jugular vein

• Lymph nodes
Muscular Triangle
• Base - Midline

• Superolaterally - Omohyoid muscle (superior


• Inferoaterally - SCM muscle

• Sternothyroid muscle

• Sternohyoid muscle

• Parts of larynx, trachea, their vessels, nerves

and lymph nodes
Posterior Triangle
• Posteriorly - Trapezius muscle

• Anteriorly - SCM muscle

• Inferiorly - Clavicle
• Splenius capitis muscle

• Levator scapulae muscle

• Posterior scalene muscle

• Middle scalene muscle

• Anterior scalene muscle

• Omohyoid muscle (inferior belly)

• Trunks of brachial plexus

Posterior triangle is further subdivided by inferior
belly of omohyoid muscle into;

• Occipital triangle (above) - large

• Supraclavicular triangle (below) - small

Occipital Triangle
• Posteriorly - Trapezius muscle

• Anteriorly - SCM muscle

• Inferiorly - Omohyoid muscle (Inferior belly)

• Splenius capitis muscle

• Levator scapulae muscle

• Posterior scalene muscle

• Middle scalene muscle

• Anterior scalene muscle

• Trunks of brachial plexus

Supraclavicular Triangle
• Posteriorly - Omohyoid muscle

• Anteriorly - SCM muscle

• Inferiorly - Clavicle
Arteries of the Head and Neck
Common Carotid Artery
• Right common carotid artery- arises from
brachiocephalic artery

• Left common carotid artery - arises from arch

of aorta
• Divides into;
- External carotid artery - structures in neck,
face, and scalp; it also supplies tongue and

- Internal carotid artery - brain, eye, forehead,

and part of nose
External Carotid Artery
• One of the terminal branches of common
carotid artery.

• Supplies structures in neck, face, and scalp; it

also supplies tongue and maxilla.

• Divides into;
- Superficial temporal artery
- Maxillary artery
Branches of External Carotid Artery
• Superior thyroid artery
• Ascending pharyngeal artery
• Lingual artery
• Facial artery
• Occipital artery
• Posterior auricular artery
• Superficial temporal artery
• Maxillary artery
Veins of the Head and Neck
• Facial Vein
• Superficial Temporal Vein
• Maxillary Vein
• Retromandibular Vein
• External Jugular Vein
• Internal Jugular Vein
• Subclavian Vein
External Jugular Vein
• Formed by the union of posterior auricular
vein with posterior division of
retromandibular vein.

• Drains into subclavian vein.

Internal Jugular Vein
• A large vein that receives blood from brain,
face, and neck.

• Joins subclavian vein to form brachiocephalic

Tributaries of Internal Jugular Vein
• Facial vein
• Pharyngeal veins
• Lingual vein
• Superior thyroid vein
• Middle thyroid vein

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