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Physical Fitness

✔ Directions: In this activity, you will be assessed if you still
remember the different folk dances in the Philippines. Fill out
the table with the needed information. Choose your answer
from the box.
Batangas Mindoro Mindanao Leyte Laguna Surigao





Festivals dances help improve physical
Exercise is a type of physical activity that requires planned,
structure, and repetitive bodily movement to improve or
maintain one or more components of physical fitness.
Physical activity does not require energy expenditures and
produce progressive health benefits
Festival dances draw the people’s culture by portraying the
people’s way of life through movements.
Exercise program is a planned activity detailing a range of
written Exercises
✔ Technology nowadays is an important aspect of our daily lives.
Life has become more convenient and enjoyable.
✔ Reducing our hardship in doing our work increases the output of
our job.
✔ However, this has had grave effects on the physical body, with
the lack of physical activities, our body cannot function at its
✔ Eventually, it may lead towards varied health problems.
✔ But do you know that simple physical activities like jogging,
walking, swimming, biking, dancing, etc. can help you maintain
your physical fitness?
✔ In addition, in a study conducted at the University of British
Columbia, researchers found that regular aerobic exercise, (the
kind that gets your heart and your sweat glands pumping),
appears to boost the size of the hippocampus, the brain area
involved in verbal memory and learning (Godman, 2013).

✔ Hence, regular exercise will help boost and develop sound mind
and body.

✔ Basketball is a team sport in which two teams,

most commonly of five players each, opposing
one another on a rectangular court, compete with
the primary objective of shooting a basketball
through the defender's hoop, while preventing the
opposing team from shooting through their own
What is Exercise?
❑ It is a type of physical activity that
requires planned, structured, and
repetitive bodily movement to
improve or maintain one or more
components of physical fitness.

✔ It is a planned activity detailing a range of

physical exercise and the amount of time each
exercise should be performed where it is
typically tailored to individuals’ needs.
Example Exercise
✔ Monday: 40-minute moderate-pace jog or brisk walk.
✔ Tuesday: Rest day.
✔ Wednesday: Walk briskly for 10 minutes. Then, complete the
following circuits, resting 1 minute after each set but not between
exercises. Stretch afterward.
✔ Circuit #1: 3 sets alternating 10 lunges for each leg, 10 pushups,
10 situps
✔ Circuit #2: 3 sets alternating 10 chair-dips, 10 jumping jacks, 10
air squats
✔ Thursday: Rest day.
✔ Friday: 30-minute bike ride or moderate-pace jog.
✔ Saturday: Rest day.
✔ Sunday: Run, jog, or take a long walk for 40 minutes.
1. Reduce the risks of any illness like heart disease, stroke,
type 2 diabetes, colon and breast cancer, high blood pressures
------ Regular physical activity prevents or delays the
development of high blood pressure, and exercise reduces
blood pressure in people with hypertension. Physical activity
can also lower blood cholesterol levels which then decrease
the risk of developing CVD.
1. Reduce the risks of any illness like heart disease, stroke,
type 2 diabetes, colon and breast cancer, high blood pressures
------ Regular physical activity prevents or delays the
development of high blood pressure, and exercise
reduces blood pressure in people with hypertension.
Physical activity can also lower blood cholesterol levels
which then decrease the risk of developing CVD.
2. Helps the prevention of weight gain
------ Physical activity increases people's total
energy expenditure, which can help them stay in
energy balance or even lose weight, as long as
they don't eat more to compensate for the extra
calories they burn.
------Physical activity decreases fat around the
waist and total body fat, slowing the development
of abdominal obesity.
3. Helps with weight loss when combined with diet
------ When losing weight, more physical activity
increases the number of calories your body uses
for energy or “burns off.”

-----The burning of calories through physical

activity, combined with reducing the number of
calories you eat, creates a “calorie deficit” that
results in weight loss.
4. Increase cardio-respiratory and muscular fitness.
------ Getting regular physical activity, especially
aerobic exercise, can improve cardiorespiratory

-----Aerobic exercises can help promote heart

and lung health and improve how well the body
circulates and utilizes oxygen.
5. Reduces depression

------ Regular exercise may help ease depression

and anxiety by:
….Releasing feel-good endorphins,
natural cannabis-like brain chemicals (endogenous
cannabinoids) and other natural brain chemicals
that can enhance your sense of well-being.
6. Helps reduce abdominal obesity
------ Physical activity increases people's total
energy expenditure, which can help them stay in
energy balance or even lose weight, as long as
they don't eat more to compensate for the extra
calories they burn.

-----Physical activity decreases fat around the

waist and total body fat, slowing the development
of abdominal obesity.
❑ Participate in a lifetime physical activity program

❑ Eat right

❑ Maintain recommended body weight through

adequate nutrition and exercise

❑ Sleep 6 to 8 hours every night

❑ Take personal safety measure

❑ Create your own exercise program:

❑ Before starting an exercise program, set short-
term and long-term goals these goals should be:
S-M-A-R-T and follow the principle of training
(F-I-T-T Principles)
✔ Your goal should be clear and easy to
✔ A common goal, “get healthy,” is too general.
✔ There are so many ways to get healthy.
✔ How do you want to do it? Is it losing weight?
Start exercising? Stop smoking? Break it down
and it will be easier to manage.
✔ A goal to “lose weight” is not enough.
✔ How will you track your progress and how you
will know when you have reached your goal?
✔ Making your goal measurable means adding a
✔ The goal needs to be realistic.
✔ This will help you figure out ways you can realize
that goal and work towards it.
✔ The achievability of the goal should be stretched
to make you feel challenged, but defined well
enough that you can actually achieve it
✔ Set goals that are important to where you are in
your life right now.
✔ Don’t set a goal that someone else is pressuring
you to attain-that isn’t very motivating.
✔ Include an end-point.
✔ Knowing that you have a deadline motivates you
to get started.
✔ Since healthy weight loss is about 1-2 pounds
per week, set your deadline accordingly.
✔ For example we can use 3 months. “I will lose
7% of my body weight in 3 months.”
✔ how often you will exercise.
✔ Frequency often depends on various factors,
including the type of workout you're doing, how
hard you're working, your fitness level, and your
exercise goals.
✔ Intensity has to do with how hard you work
during exercise.
✔ How you increase or decrease intensity depends
on the type of workout you're doing
✔ how long you exercise during each session.
✔ There isn't one set rule for how long you should
exercise, and it will typically depend on your
fitness level and the type of workout you're
✔ The type of exercise you do is the last part of the
FIIT principle.
✔ It is easy to manipulate to avoid overuse injuries
or weight loss plateaus.
✔ A person who wants to live a healthy and satisfying life should engage
in activities like participating in Festival dance that lead to his personal
fitness goals, which eventually contribute to a meaningful life.
Perform the following festival dance steps based
on the instruction given.
Single Foot Stepping
a. Step your right foot forward
(count 1) then immediately close
it to your left foot (count 2). Hold
your spear

b. Step your left foot backward

(count 1) then immediately close
it to your right (count 2).

c. Do this alternately in 8 counts.

Hop Step Left:
a. Stepping your left foot forward
while raising your both hands. (count
1). Then raise your right foot in rear
while the body is slightly forward.
(count 2)..

b. Stepping your right foot forward
while raising your both hands. (count
1). Then raise your left foot in rear
while the body is slightly forward
(count 2)
c. Do this alternately left and right in 8
a. Stepping right foot sideward
(count 1). Then hop your right foot
in place. (count 2).

b. Stepping left foot sideward

(count 1).

c. Then hop your left foot in place.

(count 2).

Do this in alternately in 8 counts.

Cross Turn a. Step your right foot cross over left
foot (count 1), then make a full turn to
the left and finish facing the
audience/front (count 2)

b. Step your left foot cross over the

right foot. (count 1) then make a full
turn to the right. (count 2) and finish
facing audience/front.

c. Repeat (a) twice moving sideward

left (4 counts).

d. Repeat (b) moving sideward right

(4 counts).
1. What did you feel after doing the activities?

2. What happened to your heart rate?

3. Which activity has the highest and lowest heart rate?

4. What could be the barriers of having low heart rate?

5. What are the possible activities at home, school and community

that could help you achieve your level of fitness?

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