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Find any real objects in your

surroundings that form a shape. The
first three students who can find it
will go in front and describe the
shapes they found.
Laurean, Holie Jean C.
R i c a r d o, E l m e A .
T i b u r i o, Tr i n a E v e T.

Perimeter- is the total length of the sides of the

The word perimeter comes from the Greek
word ‘’peri’’ meaning around and ‘’metron’’
meaning measure.
To measure and solve the perimeter of any plane
figure, we need to use measuring tape such as a ruler
or meter stick.

Now we are going to solve for the perimeter of this

triangle using this formula.

P= side+side+side
Remember the triangle has 3 sides or we can also use
this formula.

P= S+S+S
P= 4cm+ 4 cm+ 4 cm
P= 12 cm

The formula of square is

P= S+S+S+S
or P= 4S
P= 5cm+ 5 cm + 5 cm + 5 cm
P= 20cm

‘’Pizza measurement’’

P= l+w+l+w
or the other formula is P= 2l+ 2 w

P= 8m + 5m= 8m+ 5m
P= 26m

‘’Perimeter and the fairy’’

by: Elme Ricardo

Once upon a time in the beautiful palace of Metron, there lived a prince named Perimeter.
He is the son of queen Peri and king Meter. Perimeter has a beautiful life and always gets
what he wants. Perimeter doesn't care about the treasure that his parents have but he always
wants the food and he doesn't want to share it with other people. He is very greedy about
his food.

One day, Perimeter met a beggar in his palace. The beggar asks Perimeter for food but Peri
is very angry and pushes the beggar away.
As Perimeter pushes the beggar, it turns into a beautiful fairy. ‘’I am Trina and I am the fairy
of food. I will punish you for being greedy’’

Fairy Trina use her power and turn Perimeter into a meter stick. But fairy Trina has a
last word. ’’Your curse will vanish if you can form the snacks into a rectangular shape.
Using a ruler , you will measure the formed rectangular snacks and solve the perimeter
of it.

The formula in finding the perimeter

of a trapezoid is

P= a+b+c+d
P= 11m+ 8m = 13m+8m
P= 40m

The formula of parallelogram is

P= a+a+b+b or
p= 2(a+b)

P= 13m+ 13m+ 8m+ 8m

Instruction: Using the grade paper and coloring materials, draw
them using block letters, then calculate the perimeter. You can
use your nicknames as well. You are only given 10 minutes to
complete the activity.

Instruction: Solve the perimeter of a given shape. Start

answering when the music starts and stop if the music is

What is perimeter class?

What is the formula for finding
the perimeter of a triangle?
What is the formula for finding
the perimeter of a rectangle?
Formula for finding the
perimeter of a Square?
Formula for finding the
perimeter of a trapezoid and
Instruction: Solve the perimeter of a given figure.
Instruction: Find any real objects in your
surrounding that have a shape of triangle,
square, rectangle, trapezoid or parallelogram.
Measure and use the given formula in finding
the perimeter, kindly solve it.
Instruction: Get 1 whole sheet of paper and solve the perimeter of following
figure. Show your solutions.
Choose any shapes and provide your
own measurement of it. Solve also the
perimeter of it and kindy show your
Thank you for listening!

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