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Mentoring the Mentors

Sneh Bhardwaj 086990 51240


Mentoring is an enabling process and an act of communication which is so forceful, conducive and convincing that the other person acts on such counsel.

Some examples from History, Religion, Business

Krishna & Arjuna Chankya & Chandragupta Maurya Roger Enrico, Pepsico

Mentoring is Different

Leadership Counselling Coaching Managing Training Teaching

Benefits to Mentor?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Contribute Acquire and practice a coaching style of leadership Re-energise a plateaued career Extend your network Obtain new perspectives, opinions Gain additional recognition and respect Awareness of own skills Challenge and achievement Self-development Put something back A sense of satisfaction Grow people better Contribute to the future Involvement, focus on others

Mentoring Lessons from Vedanta

The man who is full of faith and has subdued his senses obtains knowledge ; and then he attains supreme peace after obtaining knowledge Upanishads advise student to turn to learned people in case of doubt and difficulty. It does not matter whether they hold any official position or not- but he says that such learned persons should not be aluksha- dry or devoid of any feeling.

Gardening Activity for Mentoring Process and Mentorship Potential Development

1) Mentees are like small plants needing nourishment, handle them with care 2) Sand & Manure make the base or foundation, so foundation for mentee is his first experience & counter with Mentoring. 3) Training program is Fertiliser, a booster to speed up the process. 4) Sunlight is Mentor 5) Flowing water is like transferring knowledge 6) Washing dirty hands is like removing imperfections of mentee whereby mentor gets purified 7) Mentoring requires patience, plant doesnt grow into tree in a day.

Role of Mentor

Advocate Guide Counsellor Motivator Coach Friend

Mentoring Model of Guiding & Learning

Facilitate Learning Guiding the Planning Process Support Experimentation

Appreciative Inquiry for Effective Mentoring

1. Rephrase questions to avoid beginning with a why

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Ask one question at a time Wait for the answer Ask questions that prompt deep thinking Seek to promote insight Ask about, and listen for feelings as well as facts Respond to non-verbal communication with feedback Use non-verbal communication to keep questions from sounding interrogative 9. Move from the general to specific 10. Challenge assumptions and generalisations

Managing Negative Mentees- The UAR Process

Understand, listen and provide feedback Apologise Blamelessly

Resolve and specify Actions

Phases Of Successful Mentoring Relationship

1) The getting acquainted period, 2) The period of setting expectations and goals, 3) The period where goals and expectations are worked through and met 4) The period for closure of the relationship.

360 Degree Mentoring

Define your expectations Encourage Reciprocity Evaluate Process Regularly Foster a Mentoring friendly culture

Shri Krishna. Krishna logically convinces Arjuna, nowhere does he show impatience in handling Arjunas free questioning of his advice. Krishna instead of getting annoyed, shows compassion and restores Arjunas self esteem and self worth.

Evaluating Mentoring
1) Progress checkpoints 2) Feedback 3) Observations and 4) Inquiries.

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