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A Crystal Ball

 PRIPREMILA: Zrinka Galić

A Crystal Ball
Answer the question in your notebook:
Is it possible to predict the future? Are we responsible for our future or is
our future „written in the stars”?
People have always wanted to know about their future. These are some
of the ways people try to find out about what will happen to them. Do
this task in your book, pg 100.
Read the proverbs and translate them into Croatian in your
notebook. Choose one you like best and explain why.
Read the text. Put the sentences in the correct place (book,
pg 101). Then click on the speaker, listen and check.
Write in your notebook what you think about Roxana.
Write this in your notebook:
WILL for the Future
Use of the will-future (Upotreba)
 1. future actions happen without the speaker's intention
The sun will shine tomorrow.
 2. predictions, assumptions
I think Sue will arrive in Paris at 6 pm.
 3. spontaneous actions
Hang on! I'll have a word with you.
Form (tvorba) : will + infinitive

 Will I be happy? Yes, you will.

 Will you tell me your secret? No, I won’t.

 What will happen? I think they will have to do the task again.
 How will she feel? She won’t be happy.
Here is a pack of cards which „can predict the future”. Guess what each card
means and write the sentences in your notebook. Use will, won’t+infinitive.
e.g. You’ll be a rock star. You won’t get an A.
Then click on the speaker and check.
Practice online:

Good luck, everybody!

 Sholud you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

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