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Designation : Lecturer
Branch : Commercial & Computer Practice (CCP)
Institute : GPW/Guntur
Year/Sem : II Yr Sem 4
Sub-Code : CCP-403
Duration : 50 minutes
Sub Topic : Spearman’s RANK CORRELATION-VI
(When RANKS are NOT given) & Misc. Problems
Teaching Aids : PPT ANIMATION

CCP403.17 1

On completion of this topic, you would be

able to :
 Calculate Spearman’s Rank Correlation

 When ranks are equal

CCP403.17 2

In the previous class, you learnt

 Calculating Spearman’s Rank Correlation
when ranks are not given

CCP403.17 3
In this class, let us see how to calculate

 Rank Correlation

 When ranks are equal

CCP403.17 4
Equal ranks

 In some cases, two or more values in the

series get EQUAL RANKS

 Then, for both the values (which got equal

ranks), the average rank be given

CCP403.17 5
Equal ranks

 If 2 individuals get equal ranks at 5th place, they

should be given average rank

 Eg: Rank = 5 + 6 = 5.5


CCP403.17 6
Equal ranks

 If 3 individuals get equal ranks at 5th place, they

should be given average rank

 Eg: Rank = 5 + 6 + 7 = 6

CCP403.17 7
Equal ranks – Explanation

 If 2 or more items get equal ranks, the rank

given for calculating COC is average of ranks
which the items would have got, if they differed
slightly from each other

CCP403.17 8
Equal ranks

Formula: R = 1 – (6 ∑D2 + 1/12 (m3-m) + 1/12 (m3-m) +

. .)

Where R = COC
m = No. of items with common ranks
D = Rank Differences
N = No. of Pairs

CCP403.17 9
Example 1 - Equal ranks

Calculate Rank COC for the data below:

X 80 78 75 75 68 67 60 59

Y 12 13 14 14 14 16 15 17

CCP403.17 10
Solution to Ex. 1

Step 1:

 First give RANKS to the values in “X” and

“Y” series

 Then calculate COC

CCP403.17 11
Solution Contd

Calculation of Rank Correlation Coefficient

X Rx Y Ry D2 = (Rx-Ry)2
80 8 12 1 49.00
78 7 13 2 25.00
75 5.5 14 4 2.25
75 5.5 14 4 2.25
68 4 14 4 0
67 3 16 7 16.00
60 2 15 6 16.00
59 1 17 8 49.00
∑D2= 159.5

CCP403.17 12
Solution contd

R = 1 – 6 ∑D2 + 1/12 (m3- m) + 1/12 (m3- m) + . .

N3- N

= 1 – 6 159.5+ 1/12 (23-2) + 1/12 (33-3)

83- 8
= 1 – 6 159.5 + 0.5 + 2

= 1 – 972 = 1 – 1.929 = - 0.929


Therefore, Spearman’s Rank COC = - 0.929

CCP403.17 13
Example 2

From the following data calculate the coefficient of rank

correlation between X and Y

X 20 25 60 45 80 25 55 65 25 75

Y 45 50 55 50 60 70 72 78 80 63

CCP403.17 14
Solution to Ex. 2
Calculation of correlation coefficient by ranking method

X R1 Y R2 D = (R1-R2) D2

20 1 45 1 0 0.00
25 3 50 2.5 0.5 0.25
60 7 55 4 3 9.00
45 5 50 2.5 2.5 6.25
80 10 60 5 5 25.00
25 3 70 7 -4 16.00
55 6 72 8 -2 4.00
65 8 78 9 -1 1.00
25 3 80 10 -7 49.00
75 9 63 6 3 9.00
ΣD2 = 119.5

CCP403.17 15
Solution contd

 In X series three are ranked equal at 2nd place, so

the average rank 2  3  4  3

 In Y series two are ranked equal at 2nd place, so

the average rank 2  3  2.5

 The item 25 is repeated 3 times in X series, so m=3

 The item 50 is repeated 3 times in X series, so m=2

CCP403.17 16
Solution contd..

 1 1 
6  D 2 +  m3 -m  +  m3 -m  
R=1-  
12 12
N 3 -N
 1 1 
6  119.5+  33 -3 +  23 -2  
=1-  
12 12
103 -10
6  119.5+2+0.5
CCP403.17 17
Example 3

Coefficient of correlation between two varieties X

and Y is 0.3. Their covariance is 9. Variance of X
is 16. Find Standard Deviation of Y series.

Solution to Ex. 3
Co-variance = ∑XY, where x and y are the deviations
of the values of X and Y series from their respective

CCP403.17 18
Solution contd

Variance of X series is 16, i.e.,

σ x = √16 = 4

r= ∑XY
N σxσy

= ∑xy X 1
N σxσy

CCP403.17 19
Solution contd

Substituting the given values in formula

0.3 = 9 X 1

1.2 σy = 9

σy = 9 = 7.5

Therefore, Standard Deviation of Y series = 7.5

CCP403.17 20
Example 4

Coefficient of correlation between two varieties X

and Y is 0.64. Their covariance is 16. Variance of
X is 9. Find Standard Deviation of Y series.

Solution to Ex. 4
Co-variance = ∑XY, where x and y are the deviations
of the values of X and Y series from their respective

CCP403.17 21
Solution contd

Covariance = ∑xy / N

x   9  3
r   xy / N xy
 ( xy / N ) X (1/ xy )
 xy / N  16, x  3, r  0.64

CCP403.17 22
Solution contd

Substituting the given values in formula

0.64 = 16 / 3σy

1.92 σy = 16

σy = 16 = 8.33

Therefore, Standard Deviation of Y series = 8.333

CCP403.17 23

 When two or more values in the series get EQUAL

RANKS, the should be given AVERAGE VALUE for
calculating Rank Correlation Co-efficient.

 Accordingly, there will be a slight change in the

formula also.

CCP403.17 24

• In the Rank Correlation (equal ranks) formula,

“M” stands for:
(a) Deviations
(b) No. of items with common ranks
(c) Rank Differences
(d) None of the above

CCP403.17 25
Frequently Asked Questions

1. Calculate the rank coefficient of correlation

of the following data:

X 100 120 135 135 115 110 120

Y 50 40 60 80 80 55 65

CCP403.17 26

1) Calculate Rank Correlation for the following data:

P 7 1 4 6 5 3 2

Q 5 1 2 3.5 3.5 7 6

Ans: R = + 0.125

CCP403.17 27
2) For more problems on Spearman’s RANK
Correlation, please refer to:
a) “Statistics – Problems and Solutions” by V.K.Kapoor
b) “Fundamentals of Statistics” by S.C.Gupta
c) “Statistical Methods” by S.P.Gupta
d) “Quantitative Techniques” by S.L.Agarwal &
e) Any other text book suggested by your teacher
f) Previous years’ exam question papers of SBTET
CCP403.17 28

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