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Topic – Explanation of the Excercise 7.11 from B.K. DUTTA

-Devarshi Choudhury (21/003)
- Violeena Mazumder(21/069)
7.11 (Binary batch distillation) :Ten kmol of a feed having 65 mole% benzene and 35
mole% toluene is batch distilled at 1 atm pressure. Calculate the moles of distillate
produced and the composition of the bottom product if distillation is done until (a) 75
mole% of the feed benzene leaves with the vapour; (b) the stillpot contains 35 mol%
benzene; (c) 50 mole% of the feed is vaporized; (d) the accumulated distillate contains
75 mole% of benzene. Take α = 2.51.

Given, Condenser

Pressure = 1 atm
Feed = 10kmol
Relative Volatility (α)= 2.51 Stillpot
65% Benzene +
35% Toluene

Heater Steam
(a) 75mole% of the feed benzene leaves with the vapour

Applying material balance, we get D.Xd = 0.75F.Xf

W.Xw = 0.23F.Xf
F.Xf/ W.Xw = 4
F/W = 4.Xw/Xf
Using Rayleigh’s equation [7.51(b)]
ln F.Xf/W.Xw = α ln F(1-Xf)/W(1-Xw)
ln4 = α ln F(1-Xf)/W(1-Xw)
ln4 = 2.51 ln [4Xw(1-0.65)/Xf(1-w)]
Putting Xf = 0.65 (Given)
1.3862 = 2.51 ln [4Xw(0.35)/0.65(1-Xw)]
e^0.5522 = 4Xw(0.34)/0.65(1-Xw)
1.7370 X 0.65/(4 X 0.34) = Xw/ (1-Xw)
Xw = 0.447
F/W = 4 Xw/ Xf
10/ W = 4 X 0.447/ 0.65
W = 3.635 Kmol D = 6.365 = moles of distillate produced

(b) The stillpot contains 35mol% benzene

Xw = 0.35 Xd = 0.65
ln F/W = 1/α-1 ln Xf(1-Xw)/Xw(1-Xf) + ln 1-Xw/1-Xf
ln 10/W = 1/2.5-1 ln 0.65(1-0.35)/0.35(1-0.65) + ln 1-0.35/1-0.35
W = 2.359 Kmol D = 7.641 Kmol

(c) 50 mole% of the feed is vaporized

F/W = 2.0
Putting F= 10 W= 5 Xf = 0.65 α = 2.51
ln F/W = 1/α-1 ln Xf(1-Xw)/Xw (1-Xf) + ln 1-Xw/1-Xf
ln 10/5 = 1/2.51 – 1 ln 0.65(1-Xw) /Xw ( 1-0.65) + ln 1-Xw/1-0.65
Xw =0.516 D = 5 Kmol
(d) The accumulated distillate contains 75 mole% of benzene

Xd = 0.75
F. Xf = D. Xd + W. Xw
F. Xf – D. Xd = W. Xw
W. Xw = 10(0.65)-0.75D
ln F. Xf/ W. Xw = α ln F(1-Xf)/W(1-Xw)
ln 10(0.65)/(6.5-0.75D) = 2.51 ln 10(1-0.65)/W – (6.5-0.75D)
= 2.51 ln [ 10(1-0.65)]/(10-D) – (6.5- 0.75D)
D = 7.29 Kmol
Thus W = 2.71 kmol Xw = 0.381

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