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Name : M.L.Kameswari.
Designation : Sr. Lecturer
Branch : Commercial and Computer Practice
Institute : GPW, Bheemunipatnam.
Year/Semester : IV semester.
Subject : Quantitative Techniques-II
Sub Code : CCP 403
Topic : Regression equations and
Regression coefficients
Duration : 100 Minutes
Sub-topic : Problems on Regression Equations
by taking deviations from Assumed
Teaching Aids : PPT

CCP403.38 TO 39 1

On completion of this period, you would be able

 Understand solving of Regression Coefficients
 By taking deviations from assumed mean

CCP403.38 TO 39 2

In the last class you solved

 Exercise on Regression Equations through Regression

 by taking deviations from assumed mean

CCP403.38 TO 39 3
Example 1

From the data given below, find

a) The two regression equations
b) The coefficient of correlation between
the marks in economics and statistics
c) The most likely marks in statistics when
marks are in economics are 30

Marks in 25 28 35 32 31 36 29 38 34 32

Marks in 43 46 49 41 36 32 31 30 33 39

CCP403.38 TO 39 4
Solution to Ex. 1

Let us denote the marks in economics by the variable

X and the marks in statistics by the variable Y

CCP403.38 TO 39 5
Calculation of Regression Equations

X = 32 Y = 38
X x=(X – X) x2 Y (Y – Y) y2 xy
25 -7 49 43 5 25 -35
28 -4 16 46 8 64 -32
35 +3 9 49 11 121 33
32 0 0 41 3 9 0
31 -1 1 36 -2 4 2
36 4 16 32 -6 36 -24
29 -3 9 31 -7 49 21
38 +6 36 30 -8 64 -48
34 +2 4 33 -5 25 -10
32 0 0 39 +1 1 0
∑X = ∑x2 = ∑Y = ∑Y2 = ∑xy =
320 140 380 398 -93
CCP403.38 TO 39 6
Solution contd

X = ∑X = 320 = 32
N 10

(d) Coefficient of regression of Y on X is given by

byx = ∑( X- X) (Y – Y) = ∑xy

(X – X)2 ∑x2

= -93 = - 0.6643

CCP403.38 TO 39 7
Solution contd

(b) Coefficient of regression of X on Y is given by

byx = ∑( X- X) (Y – Y) = ∑xy

(Y – Y)2 ∑y 2

= -93 = - 0.2337

CCP403.38 TO 39 8
Solution contd

Regression equations

Equation of the line of regression of X on Y is

X – X = bxy(Y – Y)

X – 32 = -0.2337(Y-- 38)
= -0.2337Y + 0.2337(38)
= -0.2337Y + 8.8806
X = 0.2337Y + 32 + 8.8806
X = 0.2337Y + 40.8806

CCP403.38 TO 39 9
Solution contd

Regression equation of Y on X

Y - Y = byx(X – X)

Y – 38 = - 0.6643(X – 32)
Y = - 0.6643X + 0.6643(32) + 38
Y = - 0.6643X + 21.2576 + 38
Y = - 0.6643X + 59.2576

CCP403.38 TO 39 10
Solution contd

Correlation coefficient

r2 = byx . bxy = (-0.6643)(-0.2337) = 0.1552

r = √ + 0.1552=+ 0.394

 Since both the regression coefficients are negative,

r must be negative, hence leaving + sign we get

r = - 0.394.
CCP403.38 TO 39 11
Solution contd

Estimating most likely marks in statistics (Y)

when Economics (X) are 30.

Y – Y = byx(X – X)

Y= - 0.6643X + 59.2576
Y= - 0.6643(30) + 59.2576
= -19.929 + 59.2576
= 39.3286
When economics marks = 30
Statistics marks = 39

CCP403.38 TO 39 12
Example 2


Arithmetic mean 36 85

Standard deviation 11 8

 Correlation coefficient between X and Y = 0.66

 From the data given Find the two regression
 Estimate value of X when Y = 75

CCP403.38 TO 39 13
Solution to Ex. 2

Regression equation of Y on X

Y – Y = r (σy / σx) (X – X)

Y – 85 = 0.66 (8 / 11) (X – 36)

= 0.48X – 17.28
Y = 0.48X – 17.28 + 85
Y = 0.48X + 67.72

CCP403.38 TO 39 14
Solution contd

Regression equation of X on Y
X – X = r (σx / σy) (Y – Y)

X – 36 = 0.66 (11 / 8) (Y – 85)

= 0.908(Y – 85)
= 0.908Y – 77.18
X = 0.908Y – 77.18 + 36
X = 0.908Y – 41.18

CCP403.38 TO 39 15
Solution contd

Value of X when Y = 75

X = 0.908 Y – 41.18

X = 0.908(75) – 41.8
= 68.1 – 41.18
= 26.92

CCP403.38 TO 39 16
Example 3

The correlation coefficient between the variables X and Y

is r = 0.60. If x = 1.50, y = 2.00, X = 10,Y 20, find the
equations of (i) Y on X (ii) X on Y

CCP403.38 TO 39 17
Solution to Ex. 3

Equation of the Regression lines of Y on X is

Y–Y =r (X – X)
Y – 20 = 0.6 (X – 10)
= 0.8X – 8
Y = 0.8X – 8 + 20
Y = 0.8X + 12

CCP403.38 TO 39 18
Solution contd

Equation of the Regression lines X on Y is

X–X =r (Y – Y)
X – 10 = 0.6 (Y – 20)
= 0.45 (Y – 20)
= 0.45Y – 9
X = 0.45 Y – 9 + 10
X = 0.45 Y + 1

CCP403.38 TO 39 19

 In this class you solved

 Exercise on regression equations through
regression coefficients
 by taking deviations from assumed mean
 and given assignment

CCP403.38 TO 39 20
Frequently Asked Questions
The following table gives the relative values of two
variables X 42 44 58 55 89 91 66

Y 56 49 53 58 65 76 58

Determine the regression equations which may be

associated with these Values and calculate Karl
Pearson’s coefficient of correlation.

Answer is : Y = 0.897X – 34.5121,

X = 1.949Y – 51.977, r = 0.8715

CCP403.38 TO 39 21
1. Given the following values estimate the yield
of wheat when the rainfall is 15.5cm
Mean S.D

Yield of wheat (kg/unit area) 10.7 8.1

(Annual Rainfall (cm)) 20.4 5.0

Coefficient of correlation between yield and

rainfall = + 0.52

Answer is : 6.5722kg/Unit area

CCP403.38 TO 39 22

2. Find two regression lines for data

X: 120 90 80 100 110

Y: 40 36 40 45 40

Answer is : X on Y, X = 60.60 + 0.980Y,

Y on X, Y = 36.2 + 0.04X

CCP403.38 TO 39 23

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