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Purpose of advertising?

• Communication with clients/customers: This communication is of

the utmost importance for the success of any business/organisation.
• The relationship of an organisation with its customers/audience
often depends on the quality of communication between the
organisation and its customers/clients.
Marketing: It is important for an organisation to tell the outside world what it has to offer,
which is where marketing comes in.

Marketing involves promoting and selling products or services; determining potential

clients’/customers’ needs; deciding what to sell and at what cost; convincing customers/clients
to buy those products or make use of those services.
• Marketing can be done by means of advertising (on
Marketing radio, television) and in newspapers, magazines,
methods brochures and product catalogues that are distributed
in mailboxes and at traffic lights.
Advertising as • Advertising entails paying to have ideas, products
or services presented or promoted in the mass
a marketing media (such as newspapers, magazines, among
others = printed media) to tell people about
method products or services.
Advertising is done in order to:

• inform people about a particular product/service, where and

how they can get hold of the product/service, and how
much it will cost.
• remind people about a product/service. If a product/service
goes out of sight, people may forget about it. Organisations
therefore need to constantly remind people about the good
qualities and benefits of a particular product or service.
• persuade people to buy the product or use the service.
In order to successfully advertise
products or services, organisations use
the AIDA-formula to design their


AIDA stands for: attention, interest,

desire, action
A good advertisement should attract
the attention of the reader. This can
be done through the use of

Attention colour

an interesting question or statement,

pictures and bold lettering

This is done by providing

After grabbing the attention of
interesting facts about the
readers/viewers, the
product/service, such as its good
advertisement should stimulate
qualities and the benefits of
readers’ interest in the
buying the product or using the

1 2
Now that readers are interested This is done by appealing to
in the product, the organisation their needs, and promising that
needs to get the readers to want these needs will be met if they
what they have to offer. should buy the organisation’s
products or use their services.

• The organisation now needs to get the readers to take action – to buy the product or
use its services.
• This is done by using action words or phrases – (for example, “Buy now and avoid
disappointment”), offering a special discount (for example, “Buy one and get one
free”), or a competition, (for example, ”Buy now and stand a chance to win a brand
new iPad to the value of R5000”).
• The organisation should also provide its contact details and details of where and how
the product can be found ( for example, “Now available at your nearest Clicks and
Dischem Pharmacies”).
Understanding customers’/clients’

Physical/psychological needs The need for safety and

According to Maslow’s
that relate to a person’s security, which relates to the
hierarchy of needs, people are
biological survival, such as the need for a predictable routine,
motivated by five different
need for food, water, oxygen order, protection, and freedom
types of need. These are:
and sleep. from fear.

Esteem needs which relate to The need for self-

Affiliation needs which include
the need for respect and self- actualisation/self-realisation
the need to give and receive
respect, which in turn, involves which relates to a person’s need
love, as well as the need to
a person’s need to evaluate to become everything he or she
belong to a certain group.
him/herself positively. is capable of becoming.

In addition to determine the This will help the

physical/psychological organisation to promise the
needs of the target audience that it (the
audience, an organisation organisation) can meet that
also needs to establish in need and thereby create the
which of the categories desire element of the
those needs fall. AIDA-formula.
Characteristics of the target audience which
determine their needs:

In order to determine the needs of the target audience so

that it can create a desire for its product/services, an
organisation must also determine the following
characteristics of the target audience:
1. Geographical needs
The geographical characteristics, or physical location of a group.

Is it rural or urban?

Upmarket suburb or township?

To what social class does the target audience belong?

What is their lifestyle and the needs that arise as a result of that lifestyle?
2. Demographic needs

• Demographic needs or conditions of life of the group refers to their

age, gender, education, language, occupations and so on.
This refers to the lifestyle and value trends of the group, such as:



3. Psychographic Interests


This refers to their
• Nationality
• Language
4. Culture and • Recipes

subcultures of • Traditions

the group • Religion

• Ethnicity

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