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Name : A.Ram Reddy
Designation : Lecturer
Branch : D.C.C.P.
Institute : SRRS Govt. Polytechnic, Sircilla
Year/Semester : IV Semester
Subject : Business Correspondence
Subject Code : CCP-404
Topic : Application for a situation
Duration : 50 Minutes
Sub Topic : Different situations of writing
Circular Letters, Model Letters.
Teaching Aids : PPT and Animations
CCP404.38 1

On completion of this period, you would

be able to:
 Explain meaning of an Application for a situation
 Distinguish between solicited and unsolicited
 List the points in application for a situation

CCP404.38 2

In the previous period, you have learnt :

 The meaning of circulars

 A circular letter is written to convey the same
information to many people
 It is written to inform the change of address,
admission of partners, establishment of
branch etc.,

CCP404.38 3
Application for a Situation

 A letter containing a request to an employer for a
job is Application for a Situation

 Situation means job

CCP404.38 4

 An application for a situation is also a business

letter in as much as it contains an offer of services
 Offer of goods or services is a Business
 Hence, application for a situation is studied as a
part of Business Correspondence
 The applications are written by the unemployed
persons. They may be written by even the
employed persons who are looking for better jobs

CCP404.38 5
Applications are of two kinds: i.e.,
Solicited Applications:

 Employers advertise the posts vacant in their

Organizations through News Papers, Magazines
and invite applications from people
 They prescribe certain qualifications, experience
and skills
 Invite applications only from those who have the
requisite qualifications

CCP404.38 6

 Applications written in response to advertisements

by employers are called Solicited Applications
 They should contain all the information sought for in
the advertisements and more but not less
 These advertisements are popularly known as
“Wanted Columns”

CCP404.38 7
Unsolicited Applications:

 Sometimes employers or those who are looking for

better jobs learn about vacancies existing in some
 The source may be through their friends or
 It may also happen that the people in search of jobs
make a guess that

CCP404.38 8

 Certain organizations may need employees with

the qualifications experience and skills, which they
 In both the cases these people write letters
introducing themselves and asking to be
considered for the vacant posts

CCP404.38 9

 Such applications which are written without being

invited through advertisements
 But on finding out, but on finding out about the
vaccines are called unsolicited applications are
called Unsolicited Applications

CCP404.38 10
Application for a Situation
The points to be noted in writing
Application for a Situation:

 When the application is in answer to an

advertisement in a news paper, it should state
clearly the name of the newspaper
 In which the advertisement appears and the date
of its appearance

CCP404.38 11
 If it is an unsolicited application, the applicant
should explain his interest in the kind of work for
which he applies
 The nature of the position for which the
application is made should be stated
 Qualification and experience if any should come
next. In stating these, the nature of the position
and the needs of the employer should be taken
into account

CCP404.38 12

 The clever applicant should stress qualifications in

which he excels and which he thinks the employer
will value
 One must avoid making exaggerated claims on the
one hand and undue modesty amounting to
timidity on the other

CCP404.38 13
 The statement should be definite
 While stating his qualifications, he should state the
name of the college from which he passed
 If the applicant has previous business experience,
the period of service, name or names of employers
should be stated
 If he has left his previous employment, he should
also state the reasons for leaving
 If he has no experience, let him stress his
educational record and other activities
CCP404.38 14
 When the applicant happens to be employed
some where, he should state clearly why he is
desirous of leaving his position
 Age, habits, any special qualification that may be
of use to the employer should be stated next
 The applicant should also state the minimum
salary he expects, if such a statement is asked for
 The body of the letter is divided into paragraphs,
each dealing with a separate idea

CCP404.38 15
 Copies of testimonials or letters of
recommendation should be enclosed
 The originals may be presented or sent later if
 It is perhaps better to give names of references
 Previous permission should be obtained from the
references for the use of their name
 It is customary to end the application with a brief
assurance of the applicant’s Endeavour to give
satisfaction if he should be selected for the post
CCP404.38 16

 A better practice would be to conclude the letter

with a request for an interview unless this
possibility is excluded by the advertisement
 The address should be Sir (where also oneness
or formality is desired) or Dear Sir

CCP404.38 17

 Various forms of close are in use e.g.; Yours

faithfully, yours obediently, yours respectfully etc.
of these yours faithfully seems most appropriate
 For, after all, we are not soliciting favours ; we
are giving a prospective master a chance to
secure a really efficient servant

CCP404.38 18
So far we have discussed about:
 Application for a situation is a letter requesting an
employer for a job
 It may be solicited or unsolicited
 Name of the applicant, qualifications, experience,
age, salary, expected etc., should be included in
letter of application

CCP404.38 19

1. Unsolicited Application is written :

b) In response to an advertisement.
c) By an individual expecting the vacancy.
d) By an Employer.
e) By the Company.

CCP404.38 20

1. Solicited Application is written :

b) In response to an advertisement.
c) By the Company
d) By an individual knowing himself the vacancy.
e) By the Employer.

CCP404.38 21

1. Application for a situation contains

b) Name of the applicant
c) Age
d) Qualifications
e) All the above.

CCP404.38 22
Frequently Asked Questions

2. What is meant by an Application for a situation?

3. What is the difference between solicited and
unsolicited applications?
4. Write any four contents of application for a

CCP404.38 23

1. What is the Difference between an Unsolicited

Application and a Solicited Application?

2. Explain the points to be written in an Application for a


CCP404.38 24

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