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Name : A.Ram Reddy
Designation : Lecturer
Branch : D.C.C.P.
Institute : SRRS Govt. Polytechnic, Sircilla
Year/Semester : IV Semester
Subject : Business Correspondence
Subject Code : CCP-404
Topic : Application for a situation
Duration : 50 Minutes
Sub Topic : Form and Contents of an
Application for a situation
Teaching Aids : PPT and Animations
CCP404.40 1

On completion of this period, you would

be able to:
 Explain the form and content of an Application for
a situation

CCP404.40 2

In the previous period, you have learnt :

 The form of an application for a situation:
 Of contains writers name and address
 Date
 Inside address
 Salutation
 Introductory paragraph like subject, reference,
introduction about the writer

CCP404.40 3
Form and Contents

Main Paragraph: This part may consist of several

paragraphs to give full details of abilities of the
applicant sought for in the advertisement and other
relevant information

CCP404.40 4
Educational Qualifications: Applicant should
state what educational qualifications (s)he
possesses by giving the following details.
 Qualification
 Name of University/College where studied
 Year of acquiring qualification
 Any special skills or distinctions (first class or
Gold medals)

CCP404.40 5

 If candidate has no FIRST Class/Distinction, it is

better not to mention classes, divisions etc.,
 For Technical Qualifications, the level and the
nature of the skill and also efficiency which the
application display should be started
 For example, if the applicant is a Stenographer,
how fast and well can (s)he take dictation

CCP404.40 6

 If applicant has any job experience in a field

related to the job applied for
 (S)he should furnish the following information
about the experience

CCP404.40 7

 Name of the Organization (s)he worked or

is working with
 Name of the post
 Number of years worked and the
employer’s attitude to his/her work
 Reason for leaving the previous post or
wanting to leave the post if (s)he is still

CCP404.40 8

 Normally low salary, poor promotion chances,

improving qualifications required for present
 Unsuitability of weather of the place of previous
or present work place etc.
 Salary drawn in the previous job and expected
salary, if asked in advertisement.
 However, if (s)he had no experience or has any
experience in some unrelated field, nothing
should be written about experience
CCP404.40 9
Age and Date of Birth:

 Age should be stated in completed years. Date of

birth should also be given with exact date of birth

CCP404.40 10
 Knowledge of local/national language and his/her
ability to work in office with that language
 The extent of such knowledge for instead of how
many languages she/he can only understand, how
many languages she/he can read, write and speak

CCP404.40 11
 Certain hobbies are stated for two reasons. One,
hobbies reflect the personality of the applicant
 Certain hobbies are a plus for certain jobs (Eg:
sight-seeing hobby for medical representatives)

CCP404.40 12
Health and Physical Fitness:
 Certain jobs like Physical Directors or Engineers
working at high altitudes or cold regions require
good and sound health
 While applying for such jobs applicant should
state his Physical traits like height, weight,
endurance capabilities or health

CCP404.40 13
 All the information given by an applicant is about
qualifications and experience and
 even other information (s)he gives also can not be
objective as one can not make critical appraisal of
 it is common practice for employers to insist
applicant for addresses of two or three persons of
good standing (as reference) who have good
acquaintance with the applicant

CCP404.40 14

 So normally applicants give addresses of two

more persons of their acquaintance commanding
good position in society. Such persons are called
 References can be requested and relied on for
giving a good account of the applicant’s

CCP404.40 15
 Normally, copies of the original certificates for
qualifications and experience are enclosed to
 Application should then state that such copies
are enclosed to the letter so that employer can
check for such enclosures after receiving the

CCP404.40 16
Concluding Paragraph:
 This is the last part of the subject matter. Here,
applicant should request the employer for an
interview or
 any such selection procedure that the employer
adopts to select applicants.
 large number of people applying for each post and
selections are made through written tests and

CCP404.40 17
Concluding Paragraph: It is here that many
writers commit mistake of using words that would
mix them the sympathy of he prospective employer,
Give an opportunity to serve in your esteemed
concern, I assure you of my best services to my

CCP404.40 18

 I request you to be kind enough to give me an

opportunity to serve in your reputed firm.
 If selected, I will do my level best to the
satisfaction of my superiors.

CCP404.40 19

 These words sound unnatural and can never gain

the ‘sympathy’ of the reader
 The prospective employer considers the granting
of an interview not out of pity for the applicant
 but out of his necessity and the applicant’s
suitability for the job to be filled
 Be simple and direct in asking for an interview

CCP404.40 20
Concluding Paragraph:
Following sentences are quite effective:

 May I have 15 minutes in which to substantiate

these statements and to answer your further
questions. You may call me at -------
 May I have an interview. The enclosed self
addressed post card will tell me when I may see
you at your convenience

CCP404.40 21

 I trust that you will grant me an interview

 I shall hope to hear form you soon
 I look forward to an interview with you at your
 Although I have gone into considerable detail in
this letter, there are probably questions that can
still want to be answered

CCP404.40 22

 May I come in for an interview. You may reach

me at the address or telephone number given at
the top of my personal record sheet
 I should greatly appreciate an opportunity to
convince you that my services would be a sound
 I hope that my qualifications will merit your

CCP404.40 23
Complimentary Close and Signature:

 Usually, “Yours faithfully” phrase is used as

complimentary close.
 Below that space is left for the signature of the
applicant which he should put in ink.
 Immediately following the signature, the
applicant’s name should be written in capitals
enclosed within brackets.

CCP404.40 24

 The word “Enclosures” is written from the right

margin after Signature and what certificates and
other documents enclosed be mentioned here

CCP404.40 25

So far we have discussed about:

 The meaning of an Application for a Situation
 The form and contents of an Application for a

CCP404.40 26

The application contains :

 Name and address of the writer
 Date
 Inside address
 Salutation
 Main content
 Complementary enclose
 enclosures

CCP404.40 27
1. Enclosure is written
a) On the top right side of the Application.
b) On the left side of the Application after the
complimentary close.
c) On the top left side of the Application.
d) In the middle of the Application.

CCP404.40 28
Frequently Asking Questions

1. What are contents of main paragraph ?

2. What is an enclosure ? Where it is written ?

CCP404.40 29

2. Write down the points which are written in the

Main Paragraph of an Application for a
3. Write the contents which are to be written in
the Concluding Paragraph of an Application for
a situation.

CCP404.40 30

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