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Summary on Tutorials of SolidWorks 2021





2.1.1. Sketching the circle: New Part, select the Plane.

2.1.2. Adding dimensions: Property Manager for 2D Profile, Sketch toolbar, Origin, Pointer, Green Check Mark (or Enter), Smart Dimension on the Sketch toolbar and
Modify, Exit Sketch.
2.1.3. Extruding the base feature: Property Manager for 3D Profile, Boss-Extrude1.
2.1.4. Saving:
2.1.5. Sketching the ring boss: Features toolbar, Extruded Boss/Base on Features toolbar, Planes, creating a circle inside the other.
2.1.6. Offset entities: Offset Entities, Offset Distance, Reverse.
2.1.7. Extruding the ring boss: Exit Sketch toolbar, Trimetric on the Standard Views to visualize the element better.
2.1.8. Sketching the hole: Extrude Cut on Features toolbar.
2.1.9. Creating a hole: Exit Sketch toolbar, Trimetric.
2.1.10. Adding fillets: Fillet on the Features tool bar , Trimetric on the Standard Views.
2.1.11. Sketching the tall cyllinder extrusion: Extruded Boss/Base on Features toolbar, Centerline as a construction line (typing coordinates along X and Y).
2.1.12. Adding the tall cylinder hole: Extrude Cut on the Features toolbar, Smart Dimension on the Sketch toolbar, Hidden Lines Visible on the View toolbar.
2.1.13. Adding fillets to the tall cylinder: Shaded with Edges on the View toolbar.
2.1.14. Creating a Circular Pattern: View – Hide/Show - Temporary Axes, Linear Pattern - Circular Pattern.
2.1.15. Creating a New Drawing: Options from Standard toolbar, Making Drawing from Part, Sheet Format/Size, Tools – Options – Document Properties – Detailing,
Clear marks-holes-part, View Palette tab on the Task Pane, Scale, Centers marks-holes-part, Section View.
2.1.16. Creating Detail View: Detail View on Drawing toolbar.
2.1.17. Creating an Isometric View: Model View on toolbar Drawing.
2.1.18. Adding Center Marks: Center Mark on Annotation toolbar.
2.1.19. Adding Centerlines: Centerline on Annotation toolbar.
2.1.20. Placing Dimensions: Options on Stantard toolbar, Document Properties, units, tolerance/precision.
2.1.21. Moving Objects:
2.1.22. Placing Detail Dimensions:
2.1.23. Modifying the Text of Dimensions:

2.2. Tutorial 2: Lesson 1 – Parts

2.2.1. Sketching the Base: Rectangle on Sketch toolbar, Seletct, Sketch Relations on View – Hide/Show – Sketch Rekations, Add Relations, Z and Shitf+Z.
2.2.2. Sketching the Base: thickness of 3D element.
2.2.3. Adding a boss: Normal to on Sketch Ink toolbar, Circle inside Rectangle.
2.2.4. Making the hole: Extruded Cut on Features toolbar, Normal to on Sketch Ink toolbar.
2.2.5. Adding the fillets: Fillet on Features toolbar.
2.2.6. Shelling Part: Rotate View on View toolbar, Shell on Features toolbar, Parameters – Thickness.
2.2.7. Editing features: Trimetric, Boss-Extrude1, Rebuild on Standard toolbar.
2.2.8. Modifying the base fillets:
2.2.9. Recreating the face fillets:
2.2.10. Adding a realistic appearance: RealView Graphics.

2.3. Tutorial 3: Lesson 2 – Assemblies

2.3.1. Creating the base feature:

2.3.2. Completing the base feature:
2.3.3. Completing the base feature:
2.3.4. Completing the lip on the part:
2.3.5. Changing the colour of a part:
2.3.6. Creating the assembly: Assembly.
2.3.7. Making the components: Mate on Assembly toolbar, Mate Coincident.
2.3.8. Adding more mates:
2.3.9. Using display states: Display State, Display Mode, Hidden Lines Visible.
2.4. Tutorial 3: Lesson 3 – Drawings

2.4.1. Opening a drawing template: New on Standard toolbar – Drawing, Sheet Format.
2.4.2. Editing the sheet format:
2.4.3. Setting the detailing options:
2.4.4. Creating a drawing as a part:
2.4.5. Moving Drawing Views:
2.4.6. Adding Dimensions to a Drawing:
2.4.7. Modifying Dimensions:
2.4.8. Checking the Part and Rebuilding the Assembly:
2.4.9. Adding another Drawing Sheet:
2.4.10. Inserting another View:
2.4.11. Printing the Drawing:

Aula 1 - SolidWorks Comandos Básico

Aula 13 - SolidWorks Estrutura Metálica 1º Parte
1.1. Icons located on the right side of screen:
When opening the “Solid Works” software, it displays the icons shown below at the upper right corner of the screen.


Solid Works Resources

Design Library

File Explorer

View Palette

Appearances, Scenes, and Decals

Custom Properties

3D Experience Market Place

By clicking on each icon, it expands its palette with several options.

Solid Works Resources Design Library File Explorer

By clicking on each icon, it expands its palette with several options.

View Palette Appearances, Scenes, and Decals Custom Properties

1.3. “Drawing” toolbar:
1.4. “Annotation” toolbar:
1.5. “Sketch” toolbar:
1.6. “Markup” toolbar:
1.7. “Evaluate” toolbar:


Click in menu “Evaluate” and on button “Measure” to check dimensions.

1.8. “SOLIDWORKS Add-Ins” toolbar:
1.9. “Sheet Format” toolbar:
2.1. Tutorial 1: Introduction to SOLIDWORKS
Before starting learning the icons shown in the previous slides, firstly start learning the 5 basic tutorials available through the “ Help” icon. Thus, click in the “Help” icon once, and click in the
option “Tutorials”.
2.1.1. Sketching the circle:
After clicking on “Tutorials” option, the following window appear:
Click in the first tutorial called “Introduction to SolidWorks”.
It starts asking us to click in the down arrow beside “New” icon, and on the option “New”, located on the upper left corner of the screen.

“New” icon
After clicking on “New” icon select the option “Part” and click “OK”.

“Part” button

Click in the “Features” toolbar and click in the “Extruded Boss/Base” icon, to show the “Front, Top and Right Planes” shown below.

“Extruded Boss/Base” tool bar

Hover the cursor over the “Top plane” to highlight it, and after click in it to select it.
2.1.2. Adding dimensions:
After selecting the “Top plane” the display changes so that the “Top Plane” is facing you now.
Observe the “Sketch” toolbar that is opened. Now click in the “Circle” icon.


“Sketch” toolbar
As the “Circle” “Property Manager” opens in the left side of the screen.

Move the “Pointer” over the “Origin”. Note how the appearance of the “Pointer” changes, indicating a coincident relation between the center of the circle and the “Origin”.



By clicking on the center of the “Origin” the following coordinates appear on the “Property Manager” :
Move the mouse and notice a preview of the circle dynamically following the “Pointer”. In the example shown below its radius is measuring 1.11 inches.

Click anywhere to finish the circle and click in the “Green Check Mark ” in the “Property Manager”.

“Green Check
After clicking on the
“Green Check Mark”, the
central blue circle
Circle finished disappear.
Note: if the “Modify” dialog box does not appear, follow the procedures show below:
Click “Smart Dimension” button to select it and select the circle.

“Smart Dimension”

As doing so, the dimension for this case can be shown in different formats as following:
Move the “Pointer” to where you want the dimension and click to add it. As doing that the “Modify” dialog appears.

Type “128mm” in the dialog box and type “Enter” or click in the “Green Check Mark ”.

Notice how the dimension changes

Type 128mm
After typing “Enter”, the measure
typed as “128 mm” is automatically
converted to “5.04 inches”.

At anytime you can double-click the dimension added to the circle and type another value followed by “ Enter” in order to bring back the “Modify” dialog box.

Click “Exit Sketch” to exit the “Sketch” toolbar.

“Exit Sketch”
2.1.3. Extruding the base feature:
You exit the “Sketch” with the 2D Profile when you are ready to the 3D cylinder drawing.

After leaving the 2D Profile, a new “Property Manager” is shown on the left panel. So, click in the down arrow beside “Blind” and see the options. Click the
option “Blind”.

To set it depth, click this box and

type “7”, for instance
After defining the depth click the “Green Check Mark ” to finalize this function.

“Green Check Mark”

“Boss-Extrude1” appears in the “Features” Property Manager tree in the left panel.
2.1.4. Saving:
Click “Save” on the “Standard” toolbar, type the name “Pressure Plate”, and save it with the extension “*.sldprt”.

“Standard” toolbar

2.1.5. Sketching the ring boss:
Click in the “Features” toolbar and click “Extruded Boss/Base” icon, to show the “Front, Top and Right Planes” shown below.

“Extruded Boss/Base” toolbar

Click “Top” on the “Standard Views” toolbar.

Click “Circle” on the “Sketch” toolbar, move the “Pointer” over the origin, click to place the center of the circle, click to finish the circle and click the “ Green Check Mark” in the “Property

Click “Smart Dimension”, select the inner circle, move the “Pointer” to place the dimension. In the “Modify” dialog box type 75mm, and type “Enter”.
2.1.6. Offset entities:
Click “Offset Entities” in the “Sketch” toolbar.

“Offset Entities” toolbar

Click in the blank box “Offset Distance” and type the value 5.00mm, for instance.

Type a value in the

“Offset Distance” box
Select “Reverse”

Select the inner circle and click in the “Green Check Mark ”.
2.1.7. Extruding the ring boss:
Click “Exit Sketch” to exit the “Sketch” toolbar.

“Exit Sketch”

Click “Trimetric” on the “Standard Views” toolbar.

Click in the body of the element and the dimensions will automatically appear. So, click in the dimension you want to change the value and type “ Enter”. For instance, click in the depth
dimension and type “7mm”.
After click in the outside diameter of the internal circle, click in the yellow upward arrow beside it and pull it upward just to let it extend a little bi so that the dimension appears (such as “1.20”
as shown in this example”. click in the dimension and type another value of “12 mm” and type “ Enter” or click “Green Check Mark “.

Click in this
yellow arrow and
pull it upward

Click in this
dimension and
change it to “12
After typing “12
mm” type “Enter”
Your drawing now may look like the following:
2.1.8. Sketching the hole:
Now click “Extrude Cut” on the “Features” toolbar.

Select the top face of the boss extrude. Click “Top” on the “Standard Views” toolbar to visualize it better.
Click “Circle”, move the pointer over the origin, draw a circle from the origin, change its dimension to “25 mm”, and click the “ Green Check Mark ”.
2.1.9. Creating a hole:
Click “Exit Sketch” to exit the “Sketch” toolbar.

“Exit Sketch”

Click “Trimetric” on the “Standard Views” toolbar.

In the “Property Manager”, under Direction 1, select “Through All” for ”End Condition”. Click the “Green Check Mark” to finalize the command and have the final product with a hole.

See how a projection appears

through all elements.
2.1.10. Adding fillets:
Click “Fillet” on the “Features” toolbar.


Click “Trimetric” on the “Standard Views” toolbar for a better view of the element.

In the “Property Manager” as shown below select the following:

Select “Constant Size Fillet”

Type “2 mm” for the radius

After, select the top face of the ring boss and the outside face of the base:

Now click in the “Green Check Mark ” and see the final product as shown below:
2.1.11. Sketching the tall cylinder extrusion:
Click “Extruded Boss/Base” on the “Features” toolbar.

“Extruded Boss/Base”

Select the top face of the base cylinder.

Click “Top” on the “Standard Views” toolbar.


Expand the “Line” flyout menu on the Sketch “Command Manager” and select “Centerline”.


The “Centerline” acts as a construction line for the next circle. It keeps the center of the circle vertical with respect to the origin.
Move the pointer over the origin until the pointer changes to and click to start the “Centerline”.

Move the mouse above the start of the “Centerline”.

The pointer changes to to indicate the centerline is vertical.

When the line is about 45 mm long, click again to end it, and then press “Esc”.


Click “Circle” on the “Sketch” toolbar.

Move the pointer over the endpoint of the line (not the endpoint by the origin).

The pointer changes to

Click to start the circle. And move the pointer to define the circle and click to finish. Click the “ Green Check Mark ” to finish it.
Click in the vertical centerline to select it, click in blank box called “Y” under the “Control Vertex Parameters” located on the “Property Manager”, and type a value of “35mm” that will be the
distance from the origin to the center of the circle. And click the “Green Check Mark ”.

Click the “Centerline”

Type “35mm”

Or click “Smart Dimension”, change the diameter of the circle to “27 mm”, click in the “Green Check Mark”, and click in the graphics area.
With the circle drawn, click in the vertical centerline to select it, click in the “Pointer”, and move it downward.
Click “Exit Sketch” on the “Sketch” toolbar.
Click “Trimetric” on the “Standard Views” toolbar.


So, you can visualize the element better.

Click in the yellow upward arrow, hold it and
pull it upward. As doing that, the dimension
appears. Now click in the dimension and
type the vale of “30mm”.

Now click in the dimension

and type the vale of “30mm”.
2.1.12. Adding the tall cylinder hole:
Click “Exit Sketch” on the “Sketch” toolbar.

“Extruded Cut”

Select the top face of the tall cylinder extrusion. Click “Circle” on the “Sketch” toolbar and draw a new smaller circle from the origin of the existing circle of the top surface of this element.
Click “Smart Dimension” on the “Sketch” toolbar, create the dimension of the diameter of the circle, and after click in the dimension and type the value “15mm”, and press “ Enter”.

Click “Exit Sketch” on the “Sketch” toolbar.

In the “Property Manager”, under “Direction 1”, select “Through All” for the “End Condition”, and click the “Green Check Mark”.

Select “Through All”

And click the “Green Check Mark ” to obtain the final shape as shown below.
Click “Hidden Lines Visible” on the “View” toolbar.

“Hidden Lines Visible”

2.1.13. Adding fillets to the tall cylinder:
And now click “Fillet” on the “Features” toolbar.

“Hidden Lines Visible”

Select 4 items for the fillet as shown:

1. The top face of the tall cylinder extrusion.
2. One edge on each side of the tall cylinder where it intersects the ring extrusion.
3. The edge of the hole that cuts through the tall cylinder on the bottom of the first extrusion.
Click “Green Check Mark ” to finish the command.
And click “Shaded with Edges” on the “View” toolbar to visualize the element better as following:

“Shaded with Edges”

2.1.14. Creating a Circular Pattern:
Create six tall cylinder extrusions with cuts and fillets evenly spaced about the central axis of the part using the Circular Pattern tool.
Click “View” > “Hide /Show” > “Temporary Axes”.

“Temporary Axes”
On the “Features” toolbar, expand the “Linear Pattern” flyout toolbar and click “Circular Pattern”.

“Circular Pattern”
In the “Property Manager”, under “Direction 1”:
1. Select the temporary axis in the center of the part for “Pattern Axis”;

Select this axis

2. Select “Equal spacing” to pattern the number of instances uniformly around the axis within 360°;
3. Set “Number of Instances” to “6”.

“Equal spacing”

“Number of Instances”
“Cut-Extrude 2” “Cut-Extrude 2”

“Boss-Extrude 7”
(in my drawing it
appears as 7)

And click the “Green Check Mark ” to obtain the final shape as shown below.
Click “View” > “Hide /Show” > “Temporary Axes” to turn off the axes and see as they disappear from your drawing.

Click “Fillet” on the “Features” toolbar.

“Hidden Lines Visible”

Select two edges as shown. You need to select one edge on the inside of the ring and one edge on the outside of the ring, for each of the 6 cylinders created.

Select one edge on the inside

Select one edge on the outside

And click the “Green Check Mark ” to obtain

Type “2mm” the final shape as shown below.
2.1.15. Creating a New Drawing:
Select “Options”
Click “Options” on the “Standard” toolbar.

Click under “Tangent edges”, select “Removed” to hide transition edges between rounded
or filleted faces, then click “OK”.
Select “Removed”
Select “Display Style”
Click “File” > “Make Drawing from Part”.

“Make Drawing from Part”

In the “Sheet Format/Size” dialog box:
1. Clear “Only show standard formats” to see all format options.
2. Select “A (ANSI) Landscape”.
3. Click “OK”.

Clear “Only show standard formats”

Clear “Only show standard formats”

SOLIDWORKS creates a drawing using the
“A (ANSI) Landscape” sheet format.
Click “Tools” > “Options” > “Document Properties” > “Detailing”.
Under “Auto insert on view creation”, clear “Center marks-holes–part” and click “OK”.
You manually add center marks later on.

Clear “Center marks-


Select “Options”
On the “View Palette” tab of the “Task Pane”:
1. Clear “Auto-start projected view”.
2. Drag the “Top” view into the drawing area.

“View Palette”
Clear “Auto-start projected view”

Click “Top” view, hold it and drag it to

the drawing area.
“Top” dragged to the drawing area
In the “Property Manager”:
1. Under “Display Style”, click “Hidden Lines Removed”.
2. Under “Scale”, select “Use custom scale” and set the scale to “1:2”.

Select “Hidden Lines Removed”

Select “Use custom scale”

Select “1:2”
Click “Section View” on the “Drawing” toolbar.
In the “Property Manager”, under “Cutting Line”, click “Vertical”.

“Section View”

Move the pointer above the center point of the

plate and click to start the section line

Select “Vertical”

Select “Auto-start section view”

In the “Property Manager”, under “Cutting Line”, click “Vertical”.
Move the pointer to the right to place the view
and click to finish

Click “Flip Direction” to invert

the direction of the cut if needed
2.1.16. Creating a Detail View:
Click the “Detail View” on the “Drawing” toolbar.

“Detail View”

Move the pointer over the section view and click to place the center of the detail circle. Move the pointer to define the detail circle and click to finish. Move the pointer to place the detail view
and click to add the view.
And click the “Green Check Mark ”.
Click “Save” on the “Standard” toolbar.

Click “Save All” if prompted to save referenced

models to also save the part.

Accept the default file name and click “Save”.

Detail created
2.1.17. Creating an Isometric View:
Click “Model View” on the “Drawing” toolbar.

“Model View”

In the “PropertyManager”, under “Part/Assembly to Insert”, click “pressure_plate”. And click “Next”.

After click “Next”

Click “Pressure Plate”

Under “Orientation”, click ”Isometric”.
Under “Display Style”, click “Shaded”.
Under “Scale”, select “Use custom scale” and set the scale to “1:2”.
Move the pointer to place the view.
And click the “Green Check Mark ”.

Select “Isometric”

Select “Shaded”

Select “Use custom scale”

Typet “1:2”
Isometric created
2.1.18. Adding Center Marks:
Click “Center Mark” on the “Annotation” toolbar.

“Center Mark”

In the Top view, click the outside edge of one of the tall bosses in the pattern as shown.

Click in the Graphics Area to propagate the center to all the other holes in the pattern. And click the “Green Check Mark ”.
2.1.19. Adding Centerlines:
Click “Centerline” on the “Annotation” toolbar.


In the section view, select the two edges of the top hole. Repeat for other holes in the section and detail views to add three more centerlines.

And click here

Click here
So, the “Centerline” symbol appears automatically

And click the “Green Check Mark ”.

2.1.20. Placing Dimensions:
Click “Options” on the “Standard” toolbar.


On the “Document Properties” tab, select “Units” and in “Unit system”, select “MMGS”, then click “OK”.

Click “Smart Dimension” on the “Annotation” toolbar.

“Smart Dimension”
Move the pointer to the edge of the outer circle of the ring (top view) and click.
Under “Tolerance/Precision”, make sure “Unit Precision” is set to “None”, so that decimal places do not appear on the dimension.

Select “None”
Select “None”
After placing the dimensions, you can
select all of the by holding “Shift” and
selecting each dimension. In this way
you can change the units to “None” to
all of them.
2.1.21. Moving Objects:
To move an object in the drawing, click in it, and hover the mouse over the object to be moved until the orange dashed lines appear around it. So, click in edge of the orange dashed lines and it
turns into blue. Select the blue dashed lines and mover it freely to anywhere in the drawing.
2.1.22. Placing Detail Dimensions:
Move to the detail view and select the left edge of the plate.
Select the right edge of the plate.
Move the pointer to place the dimension and click.
The length dimension 37 appears.
Place the two other dimensions on the detail view.

To get this dimension of 37.00

Click here
Click here
2.1.23. Modifying the Text of Dimensions:
Select the cylinder boss diameter (27) dimension.
In the “PropertyManager”, under “Dimension Text”, click in front of “<MOD-DIAM>”.
Type “6x”. The dimension now indicates that there are six cylinders of the same size in the drawing.

Type “6x” without deleting

the text between <>
Select the center hole diameter (25) dimension.
In the “PropertyManager”, under “Dimension Text”, click after “<DIM>”.
Type a space and “THRU”. The dimension now indicates a through all cut.

Type “THRU” after <DIM>

2.2. Tutorial 2: Lesson 1 - Parts
2.2.1. Sketching the Base:
Click “Extruded Boss/Base” on the “Features” toolbar.
Select the “Front Plane”.
Click “Corner Rectangle” on the “Sketch” toolbar and draw a rectangle on the screen.


Release the Corner Rectangle tool by doing one of the following:

Click the button for the tool you are currently using;
Press “Esc”;
Press “Enter”
Click the button for the next tool you want to use.;
Click “Select” on the “Standard” toolbar.

The colored tags show Sketch Relations. Show or hide sketch relations by clicking “View” - “Hide/Show” -
“Sketch Relations”.

“Sketch Relations”

The rectangle can be resized by

holding and dragging the blue sides
or the vertex of it.

Click “Smart Dimension” on the “Sketch” toolbar, click above the line of one side of the rectangle to
place the dimension.
At any time click in any dimension created, click in the “Property Manager”, click the box where the
dimension is shown below the “Primary Value”, and change it.
To change the unit, click “Options” on the “Standard” toolbar, and in “Document Properties” – “Units”
and select the option “MMGS (millimeter, gram, second)”, and click “OK”.
Apply the zoom as you wish through the “View” toolbar.
Press “Z” to zoom out or press “Shift”+Z” to zoom in.

“Zoom to area”

“Zoom to fit”

After placing the dimensions on the rectangle, click “Exit Sketch” on the “Sketch” toolbar to exit the function “Smart Dimension”.

Click “Exit Sketch”

2.2.2. Sketching the Base:
Click in the vertex of the rectangle, and an orange arrow will appear. Click the arrow, hold it and drag it to increase the depth of the rectangle.

Click in the dimension related to its thickness and change it to “30”, for instance.
2.2.3. Adding a boss:
Click the front face of the model to preselect the sketch plane for the next feature.
Click “Extruded Boss/Base” on the “Features” toolbar.

“Extruded Boss/Base”

Click “Normal to” on the “Sketch Ink” toolbar.

“Normal to”

Click “Circle” on the “Sketch” toolbar.

Draw a circle anywhere on the “Front” face of the extruded rectangle. Add dimensions to it and from the center of the rectangle to the vertex of the rectangle for the vertical and for the
horizontal. After placing the dimensions, only change the values of the horizontal and vertical to 60, so that to bring the circle to the center of the rectangle.

Click “Exit Sketch” on the “Sketch” toolbar to exit the function “Smart Dimension”.

Click “Exit Sketch”

After clicking “Exit Sketch” the “Property Manager” appears on the left as shown below.
Thus, click in the blank box as indicated to change its depth.

Change the depth to “25”

And click the “Green Check Mark ”.

Note: Do not click the “Green Check Mark” before clicking “Exit Sketch”, otherwise the “Property Manager” will not appear, and the depth of the rectangle will have to be modified as discussed
in the item 2.2.2.
2.2.4. Making the hole:
Click “Extruded Cut” on the “Features” toolbar.

“Extruded Cut”
Select the front face of the circular boss.

Front face of the circular boss

Click “Normal to” on the “Sketch Ink” toolbar.

“Normal to”
Click “Circle” on the “Sketch” toolbar.
Move the pointer to the center of the boss. The pointer changes to indicate that the center of the circle is coincident with the center of the boss.

Click “Exit Sketch” on the “Sketch” toolbar. The sketch closes and the “Cut-Extrude PropertyManager” appears.

If it does not appear, click “Extruded Cut” on the “Features” toolbar, click in the smaller circle, and in the “Property
Manager”, under “Direction 1”, set “End Condition” to “Through All”.
And click the “Green Check Mark ”.
2.2.5. Adding the fillets:
Click “Fillet” on the “Features” toolbar.

Under “Fillet Type”, click “Constant Size Fillet”.
Select the front face of the base.
Under ”Fillet Parameters”, set ”Radius” to “5”.
Under “Items To Fillet”, select “Full Preview”.
The face is highlighted and a preview of the filleted face is
Select “Constant Size Fillet”

Select the four edges at the corners of the base.

As you select each edge, its name is added to Edges, Faces,
Features and Loops and the preview is updated.
And click the “Green Check Mark ”.

Select “Full Preview”

Type the fillet radius

Apply the same commands seen in the prior slide to create the fillets for the boss, with the value of 1.5 mm for the fillet radius.

Select “Constant Size Fillet”

Select “Full Preview”

Type the fillet radius

2.2.6. Shelling the part:
Click “Rotate View” on the “View” toolbar.

“Rotate View”
Rotate the part to see its bac, press “Esc” to release the tool “Rotate View” and click in the back of the part to select it.
Click “Shell” on the “Features” toolbar.
Under “Parameters”, set “Thickness” to “2”.


Type the thickness

The shell operation removes the selected face and leaves a thin-walled part.
Click “Trimetric” on the “Standard Views” toolbar.
Click “Section View” on the “View” toolbar.

“Section View”

Select “Top Plane”

And click the “Green Check Mark ”.

2.2.7. Editing features:
2.2.8. Modifying the base fillets:
2.2.9. Recreating the face fillets:
2.2.10. Adding a realistic appearance:
2.3. Tutorial 3: Lesson 2 - Assemblies
2.3.1. Creating the base feature:
2.3.2. Completing the base feature:
2.3.3. Completing the base feature:
2.3.4. Completing the lip on the part:
2.3.5. Changing the color of a part:
2.3.6. Creating the assembly:
2.3.7. Making the components:
2.3.8. Adding more mates:
2.3.9. Using display states:
2.4. Tutorial 3: Lesson 3 - Drawings
2.4.1. Opening a drawing template:
Click “New” on the “Standard” toolbar, click the option “Drawing” and click “OK”

In the “Sheet Format/Size” dialog box, under “Standard sheet size”, select “A (ANSI) Landscape” and click “OK”.
If required, in the “Property Manager”, click “X” because you do not want to insert a view into the drawing.
2.4.2. Editing the sheet format:
A sheet format typically includes page size and orientation, standard text, borders, title blocks, and so on. Sheet formats can be customized and saved for future use.
Each sheet of a drawing document can have a different format. Sheet formats have the extension “*.slddrt”.
A template forms the basis of a new document. Drawing templates can include predefined views, multiple drawing sheets, and so on. Drawing templates have the extension “ *.drwdot”.
You can create drawing sheets in new drawing documents and drawing templates using the sheet format that you customize.
Next, you edit the sheet format by changing some text properties.
1. Right-click anywhere in the drawing sheet and select “Edit Sheet Format”.
2. Click “Note” on the “Annotation” toolbar.

3. Type the name of your company in there, select it and change its format.
4. Click outside of the text area to save your changes.
5. Right-click anywhere in the drawing sheet, and select “Edit Sheet” to exit the edit sheet format mode.
6. To replace this format as the standard A-Landscape format, click “File” - “Save Sheet Format”, and save it anywhere.

Note: when you choose this sheet format for your own drawings, you do not need to perform these edits again.
2.4.3. Setting the detailing options:
Next, set the default dimension font, and set the style of dimensions, arrows, and other detailing options. For this lesson, use the settings described below. Later, you can set the detailing
options to match your company’s standards.
You can set options to custom the SOLIDWORKS software functionality to your needs. System Options are stored in the registry and are not part of the documents. Therefore, these options
affect all documents, current and future. Document Properties apply only to the current document. The Document Properties tab is available only when a document is open. New documents get
their document settings (such as Units, Image Quality, and so on) from the document properties of the template used to create the document.
Click “Option” on the “Standard” toolbar.


On the “Document Properties” tab, under “Drafting Standard”, click “Annotations”.

Under “Text”, click “Font”. The “Choose Font” dialog box appears.
Under “Height”, set “Points” to “12”, then click “OK”.
Under ”Drafting Standard”, click ”Dimensions”.
Select “Remove in Trailing zeroes” to remove all trailing zeroes from the dimensions displayed.
Click “OK”.
2.4.4. Creating a drawing as a part:
Open the file of the part done in the Tutorial 1 that had been saves as “Tutor 1”. Then return to the drawing window.
Click “Model View” on the “Drawing” toolbar.

“Model View”

In the “Property Manager”, under “Part/Assembly to Insert”, select “Tutor1” and click “Next”.


For “Orientation”, click “Front A” under “Standard” views.
For “Orientation”, select “Preview” to display a preview in the graphics area.
Under “Options”, select “Auto-start projected view” to automatically display the “Projected View PropertyManager” when you place an orthogonal model view.
Under “Display Style”, click “Hidden Lines Removed”.
Under “Scale”, select “Use custom scale” and set to “1:4”.



“Auto-start projected view”

“Hidden Lines Removed”

Move the “Pointer” into the graphics area. Click to place the front view as “Drawing View1”, as shown below.

The “Pointer” changes to a

symbol like this, with a
preview front view of your
drawing “Tutor1”
Move the pointer up, and click to place “Drawing View2”, then move to the side and click to place “Drawing View3”.

“Drawing view 2”

“Drawing view 4”

“Drawing view 3”
2.4.5. Moving Drawing Views:
2.4.7. Modifying Dimensions:
2.4.8. Checking the Part and Rebuilding the Assembly:
2.4.9. Adding another Drawing Sheet:
2.4.10. Inserting another View:
2.4.11. Printing the Drawing:

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