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The job of a coach is to have a solid understanding of game strategy and the
team personnel in order to put the team in the best position to win. That means
combining a solid game plan with good game management. Every inning, the
coach must review the details of the offensive situation, decide which strategies
to use, and help players to execute the plays that will help them to win.

Coaches must prepare for games just as well as players do. What a coach does
can have as much bearing on the results as the players` skills. Successful coaches
use certain basic rules and strategies-combined with their own personal
philosophies-to lead their team.

Coaches should consider these elements as they build their philosophy and game
plan. However, nothing is absolute, and strategies may change from game to
game depending on the opponent and the coach`s own personnel. Players must
also understand the basics of the game and their coach`s philosophy; they too
must become student of the game.
Batting Counts
Count sequence :
0-0 When facing an over power pitcher, the batter should swing at the
first strike. Batter should not get in the habit of always taking the first
pitch; the pitcher can take advantage by going right at the batter to get the
first strike. In a sacrifice situation, the batter should bunt the first strike.
This is a good count for executing the bunt -and - run, suicide squeeze or
hit -and -run.

1 -0, 2 - 0 This is a hitter`s pitch. The pitcher does not want to go 3 -0.
This is a good count for executing the bunt -and -run, suicide squeeze, or
hit -and -run.

3 - 0 This is usually a take. However, if a team needs a big hit

(and not another base runner) and has a power hitter at the plate, the
coach might get her the green light to swing at the pitch if she likes it.

2 - 1 This is a good count to let the batter hit.

3 - 1 This is a hitter`s pitch. Good hitters should have the green light;
coaches should give the take sign only if they think the batter has the better
chance of getting on with a walk instead of a hit.

0 - 2 The batter should make two strike adjustments: choke up, enlarged
the strike zone, and swing at any close. The batter must try to make contact
and put the ball in play. Be careful about stealing on this pitch because you
don’t want a double play on a strikeout. This count does not present many
play options.

3 - 2 This count should be treated the same as 0 - 2. The batter must be

ready to hit. On a full count with two outs, a runner at first is automatically
going on the pitch. The runner should do the same on a 3 -1 count with two
outs. If the pitch is a ball, she safely get second anyway, and if it is a strike,
the play turns into a hit-and-run. With two outs, a runner staying at first
has little chance of scoring.
Occupied bases
 Nobody on
 R1
 R2
 R3
 R1+2
 R1+3
 R2+3
 Bases loaded
Leadoff batter None Get on Base Use a disciplined strike

Look for a pitcher’s

May take one chart,
looking for a walk
Runner at first None Avoid the double play, Ball low in the strike
force out, and line drive zone that the batter can
bunt down
Usually use a sacrifice
Runner at None Advance the runner Pitch batter can hit
Second behind the runner for a
right hander, an outside
pitch; for a lefthander,
an inside pitch
Two Score the runner Ball to drive hard
through the infield
 Power game
 The running game
 The short game


1. Power game- ability to hit speed, movement and location,

hit for average, hit for power, place hit, situation hit, and hit
with all counts.

 LONG BALL HITTERS – Puts pressure on the battery-

one mistake can result into a score
2. Running game- Ability to straight steal, delayed steal, double steal.
Game sense to seize opportunities to run.

 Speedster beat out infield hits, stretch singles into doubles,

advance through plays and game sense.

 Puts pressure on the catcher, battery and defense.

3. Short game- ability to sacrifice bunt, push bunt,, pitch selection, and
bat control.

 Hard slap, soft slap, running slap, running drag, squeeze, fake slap
and bunt, timing hit, drop bunt and whatever else it takes to put
pressure on the defense, get runners on base, force errors and
advance runners.

 Puts pressure on the defense, often brings the OF in, and opens up
the possibility of a ball over the OF without requiring long-ball
The coach should strive to know the rules better than the
opponent does. The coach must also know how and when to
apply the rules in a game and how to properly approach
and question the umpire. Know and understand the
following rules and procedures:

 How to protest and appeal

 Rules for batting out of order, an unreported player,
or an illegal player
 Correct penalties of rule violations
 Rules regarding fair and foul balls, being out of the
batter’s box, and a hit batter
 Interference and obstruction rules
 Rules for illegal pitches or conferences
 Coaches and players need to know their opponent.
 They should pay attention to the opponent`s tendencies and chart
the opposing batters` statistics with hitting charts


 As a coach, you must know and be able to interpret the statistics that your
hitters put up.
 This is what they are trying to do: beat the defense by putting the ball in play.
 Coaches should evaluate their team`s offensive statistics regularly
throughout the season.

Coach seeks to develop players` skills with a goal of preparing them to play
softball at the higher level possible and to have fun while doing so. This is a very
important principle for young players because as soon as the fun goes out of
the game so do they. Avoid repetitions and boring practice sessions. You can
make practices fun by using a variety of drills and gimmicks, adding repetition to
the drills to make them challenging. Changing your practice schedule occasionally
will help the team practices and playing softball daily practice session will
increase the fun and engagement for you and the players.

REMEMBER: The coach must enjoy the experience of coaching as much as the
players enjoy playing.

• Keep players busy throughout the practice to maintain their interest.

• Practices like competition.
• Every player is different from the other players in some way. They learn at
different speeds and develop and apply skills in different ways. The more options
you have in teaching the skills, the better you will be able to meet the individual
needs of your players.

 Pitching too much on throwing the wrong way can lead to

serious arm problems.
 Use safety batting helmets and other safety equipment.
 Warm up and stretch-remember to pay particular attention to
your throwing arm.
 Drink plenty of water.
 Learn how to slide correctly.
 No hesitation for sliding or diving.
 To protect your arm, don’t throw when you’re tired. Be familiar
with RICE- Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate.
 This is effective for most minor sprains and strains associated
with athletic injury.

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