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Name : P. Samba Murthy, HCCP
Designation : Head of Department
Branch :D.C.C.P.
Institute : SRRS Govt. Polytechnic, Sircilla
Semester : V - Semester
Subject : Banking – I
Subject Code : CCP – 504 (B)
Topic : Indian Banking Industry–Growth
Duration : 50 minutes
Sub-Topic : Nationalization of Banks
Teaching Aids : PPT
CCP504B.17 1

 On completion of this period, you would be able

 Understand the arguments in favour of the
nationalization of banks.

CCP504B.17 2
 So far we have discussed about the factors which
led for the nationalization of banks in the country.
 So also the reasons for nationalization of banks
which inspired by a larger social purpose and has to
subserve national priorities and objectives.

CCP504B.17 3

 The main arguments in favour of nationalization

of banks in the country are discussed

CCP504B.17 4
Ownership and control in a few hands
 Indian banks were owned and controlled by a
few big shareholders and allocation of bank
credit in accordance with their own interests.

CCP504B.17 5
Concentration of wealth and power

 The banks in India were controlled by a few

industrial houses which used the public funds
of the banks to build up huge industrial estates.

CCP504B.17 6
Failure to mobilize resources

 Private commercial banks had failed to mobilize

the savings of the community, small towns and
lower income groups.

CCP504B.17 7
Discrimination against small
business units and agriculture

 The commercial banks generally favored large

industrial and business units.
 Ignored to finance the small business units and
agriculture sector.

CCP504B.17 8
Misuse of funds

 The funds were used for the hoarding of

essential commodities and for speculation.

CCP504B.17 9
Credit to Directors
 The funds were not utilized for the economic
development of the country but for the promotion
of the interest of the directors.

CCP504B.17 10
Indifference to agricultural sector

 The agricultural sector was almost ignored by the

commercial banks and most of their branches were
existed in the urban areas.

CCP504B.17 11
Financing Economic Plan

 Nationalized banks would make their

resources available to the government for
financing economic plans of the country.

CCP504B.17 12
Safety of depositors

 Nationalization will provide 100 per cent safety

and security to the deposits of the people
which will inspire confidence in the banking
system and thus increase the bank deposits.

CCP504B.17 13

 Nationalization eliminates wasteful

competition and raises the efficiency of the
working of the banks.

CCP504B.17 14

Integrated monetary policy and its effective

implementation request unified control of both
the central and commercial banks

CCP504B.17 15

Nationalization of banks is necessary for

achieving socialism;

CCP504B.17 16

 The main motive behind nationalization of banks

are like to avoid the concentration of economic
power only in a few hands, to assure public
interest, to use the savings mobilized for the
general economic development and also to protect
the interest of depositors.

CCP504B.17 17

 It also played a key role in improving the rate of

savings in the country which enabled to launch
massive programmes of development of industries
and agriculture sectors.

CCP504B.17 18
Frequently asked questions

2) Do you think that the nationalization of banks by

the government of India was a wise move?
Critically examine.
3) Write a note on nationalization.

CCP504B.17 19

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