Effective Communication and Collaboration Informed Level

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Effective communication and collaboration

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Do luchd-ionnsachaidh na h-Alba,
For Scotland's le with
learners, luchd-foghlaim Alba
Scotland's educators
Do luchd-ionnsachaidh na h-Alba, le luchd-foghlaim Alba
Effective communication and collaboration

Each learner and their family are unique and supporting the development of
positive relationships between practitioners and the family is critically important to
provide effective support.

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Do luchd-ionnsachaidh na h-Alba, le luchd-foghlaim Alba
Effective positive communication, respect and collaborative partnership working between
schools and families are key requirements. They are essential in supporting appropriate and
effective learning and teaching. Practitioners must recognise and sensitively respect the
experiences of learners who require support and their families who will naturally have
queries and concerns during their educational journey.

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Do luchd-ionnsachaidh na h-Alba, le luchd-foghlaim Alba
‘Parents… have unique knowledge and experience to contribute to understanding and
meeting their child's additional support needs……Professionals need to involve parents
and take account of their views on their child's development and education at the earliest
opportunity. Partnership with parents is, therefore, central to ensuring that children and
young people with additional support needs benefit fully from school education.'
Supporting Children‘s Learning Code of Practice (Revised edition) The Scottish Government, 2017

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Do luchd-ionnsachaidh na h-Alba, le luchd-foghlaim Alba
For partnership working to be at its most effective, collaboration is essential; between parents/carers, between
professionals and between parents and professionals. It is also a requirement for the learner to participate as
they are entitled to have their views considered and heard. Pupil support staff are often involved in supporting
the learner to meaningfully participate and share their views.
At all times, good communication will keep parents and staff informed in a 2-way exchange to support their

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Do luchd-ionnsachaidh na h-Alba, le luchd-foghlaim Alba
Good Practice for Parental Engagement

This short film for the Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit shows the importance of effective
communication between parents and schools to support all learners.

Some schools and local authorities have established parental engagement/working groups
to support the development of and improve effective partnership working to:
• Improve the educational experiences, achievements and outcomes for learners
• Share experiences from different perspectives e.g. parents, carers, learners and staff.

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Do luchd-ionnsachaidh na h-Alba, le luchd-foghlaim Alba
Further information

You will find further information to support your understanding and practice on the link
below to the ENQUIRE website. ENQUIRE is funded by the Scottish Government and is
the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning to:

• Raise awareness of children’s rights to extra support in school

• Help families and schools work together to ensure children get the support they need
• Provide advice to children and young people who might be struggling in school.

Families + schools = partners - Enquire

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

Do luchd-ionnsachaidh na h-Alba, le luchd-foghlaim Alba
Education Scotland
Denholm House
Almondvale Business Park
Almondvale Way
Livingston EH54 6GA

T +44 (0)131 244 5000

E enquiries@educationscotland.gsi.gov.uk

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators

For Scotland's learners, with Scotland's educators
Do luchd-ionnsachaidh na h-Alba, le luchd-foghlaim Alba

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