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Nexus between Financial Development

Economic Growth

Asad Ali Minhas

Problem in the hand

Economic Growth

Economic Growth Financial Development

Literature review
• Schumpeter (1912)
Focuses on Economic development, Innovation
• Greenwood & Jovanovic (1990)
Income distribution, Economic Growth & Financial Development
• Becsi & Wang (1997)
Financial Intermediation
• Rajan & Zingales (1998)
Market Structure
• Akpen et al (2017)
• Private Sector Credit, market capitalization, Total Deposits
Private credit

Market capitalization GDP

Total bank deposits

Financial Development Economic Growth

Organization of thesis
The thesis will comprise six chapters, a list of references / bibliography and appendices.
 Chapter 1 will constitute the problem background, aim of the research, research questions/hypothesis and
objectives and introduction to the organization/sector over which the research is being conducted etc.
 Chapter 2 will provide information on research methodology – nature and kind of research, sample size,
sampling method, data collection methods employed during the study, kind of data collected, and the way
the data is integrated.
 Chapter 3 will provide critical review of the existing literature containing the critical academic debate
about (the topic) with the views of the academicians’ and practitioners’ on the matter.
 Chapter 4 will comprise the research data of secondary – collected and integrated. It will also show
findings of the data and their interpretation and analysis.
 Chapter 5 will comprise a critical debate on the study drawing on the literature review and contrasting it
with the findings of this study.
 Chapter 6 will constitute recommendations and conclusions to the study.
Task id Task Date Start Date End
T1 Literature review 8/20/2023 8/25/2023
T2 Final compiling of literature review 8/25/2023 8/30/2023
T3 Constructing conceptual frame work 8/28/2023 9/2/2023
T4 Elaborating problem statement, aim, research questions 9/2/2023 9/7/2023
T5 Compiling for chapter 2 9/7/2023 9/12/2023
T6 Data collection, data analysis 9/12/2023 9/17/2023
T7 Data compilation and giving form to chapter 3 9/17/2023 9/22/2023
T8 Compiling chapter 4 9/22/2023 9/27/2023
T9 Compiling chapter 5 9/27/2023 10/2/2023
T10 Compiling chapter 6 10/2/2023 10/7/2023
T11 Binding chapters 10/7/2023 10/12/2023
8/20/2023 8/30/2023 9/9/2023 9/19/2023 9/29/2023 10/9/2023
• Akpan, E. S., Eleazar, N. C. & Eweke, G. o., 2017. Causality between Non-Oil Export,
Financial Sector Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from Nigeria. Journal
of Mathematical Finance , 7(1).
• Becsi, Z. & Wang , P., 1997. Financial development and growth. Economic Review,
82(4), pp. 46-62.
• Greenwood , J. & Jovanovic, B., 1990. Financial Development, Growth, and the
Distribution of Income. The Journal of Political Economy, 98(4).
• Rajan, . R. G. & Zingales, L., 1998. Financial Dependence and Growth. The American
Economic Review, 88(3), pp. 559-586.
• Schumpeter, J. A., 1912. The Theory of Economic Development. s.l.:s.n.

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