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Parenting Styles and the

Study Habits of Grade 8

Presented by:
AUGUSTO, Ella Jane L.
CHAVEZ, Mariel C.
DE DIOS, Hanica Jane A.
ODO, Ivy P.
The study investigated the parenting styles of parents and
study habits of grade 8 students of Northern Plain High School and
analyzed if there is a significant relationship between the variables.
The aim was to enumerate the parenting styles practiced by the
students’ parents, elaborate the study habits of the students and to
identify if there is a significant relationship between parenting styles
and study habits. 30 Grade 8 students from Northern Plain High
School, selected through simple random sampling and their parents
served as the study's respondents. The quantitative-
nonexperimental through the use of descriptive-correlational
research design was adopted for this investigation.
The descriptive method was used to describe the parenting
styles of the students’ parents in terms of (1) Authoritative, (2)
Authoritarian, (3) Permissive and (4) Neglectful parenting style.
The descriptive method was also used to determine the study
habits of the students in terms of (1) time management, (2) self-
discipline, (3) concentration and (4) memorization. As revealed by
the correlational approach, the parenting styles of parents was
found to be not significantly correlated with the students’ study
habits. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to
determine the relationship between the parenting styles of parents
and study habits of grade 8 students.
This study was guided by the following objectives:
1. To enumerate the parenting styles of the students’ parents in terms of:
2. To elaborate the study habits of the students in terms of:
time management
3. To identify if there is a significant relationship between parenting styles and study habits of
Comments/Suggestions of the Panel Action/s Taken
 Revision of the research title (Impact of  The researchers revised the title as per
Parenting Styles to the Study Habits of
agreement by the panel members.
 The Revised Research Title is
Title “Parenting Styles and Study Habits of
Grade 8 students”
 Remove the word “Impact” in the title

 Improve the introduction.  The researchers made a revision in the
 Make it more concise. introduction.
 The researchers include the 4 types of parenting styles
 In the SOP 1, include the 4 such as Authoritative, Authoritarian, Permissive and
types of parenting styles.
Neglectful (Uninvolved) parenting style.

 The researchers also add 4 study habits in SOP 2

 In SOP 2, add what kinds of such as the time management, self-discipline,
Statement of the study habits the researchers concentration and memorization that are parallel in the
Problem need to correlate with
parenting styles. SOP 1.

 The SOP 3 is already fine.  The researchers didn’t change the SOP 3.
 Improve the Objectives, base it from the  The researchers Improve the
Statement of the Problems. Objectives based from the
Objectives of the Study Statement of the Problems

 Write the Scope and Limitation accordingly
to the Statement of the Problem.  The researchers craft the Scope
Scope and Limitation and Limitation based on the SOP
of paper.

 Revise words as suggested (“future  The researchers change the
researchers” changed to “other words “future researchers” and
researchers”) changed to “other researchers”)
Significance of the Study
Comments/Suggestions of the Panel Action/s Taken

 Organize the RRL in such way that it will  The researchers looked for more
Review of Related not be in paragraph form. studies and literature and correct
Literature (RRL) the format as suggest by the
panel members.

 Summarize, discuss similarities,  By adding an introduction and
differences, and uniqueness outlining the study's
commonalities, differences, and
Synthesis uniqueness, the researchers
completely revised their earlier
draft of the synthesis.
 Put theories that will support the
study.  The researchers put theories
that are necessary in
Theoretical Framework supporting the paper.

 Improve the theoretical paradigm
 The researchers improve the
paradigm as suggest by the
Theoretical Paradigm
panel members.
 The researchers did not double
 Do not double space space the conceptual
Conceptual Framework


 Improve the figures.  The researchers edited and

improve the figures

Conceptual Paradigm
 Define terms conceptually and
operationally  The researchers defined the
terms conceptually and
 Improve the definitions  The researchers improved the

Definition of Terms definitions

 Include the parameters  The researchers included the


 Revise the assumption.  The researchers revised the
 Re-arrange (rely on the changes in the  The researchers revised the
SOP’s) hypothesis and rely it in the
changes made the statement
Hypothesis of the problems.
 Change the alternative hypothesis to  The researchers changed the
null hypothesis alternative hypothesis to null

Comments/Suggestions of the Panel Action/s Taken

 The Research Design is already fine.  The researchers did not made
any changes in Research Design.
Research Design

 Add the justification why the researchers  The researchers add justifications
chose their research setting. why Northern Plain High School

Research Setting is their chosen research setting.

 Add the justification why the
researchers chose Grade 8 students as  The researchers gave
their respondents. justifications on why the
Research Respondents Grade 8 students are the
chosen respondents.


 There should be 2 sets of instruments  The researchers put the

Research Instruments research instruments that are
provided by the statistician.
 Fix the spacing.  The researchers fixed the
Data Gathering  Avoid hanging pages. spacing and remove any
Procedure hanging pages

 Use the tools that will be provided by  The researcher used the tools
the statistician. that are provide by the
Statistical Treatment

This chapter presents the discussion of findings, analysis and

interpretation of the results from the data gathered.

 The data were gathered using survey questionnaires and

weighted mean and ranking, Pearson Product Moment
Correlation and T-test were used to calculate the results.
 Tabular and textual presentations are both provided for a
clear discussion.
Table 1. Parenting styles of the students’ parents

Authoritative Parenting Style Rank Interpretation
Mean (WM)
1. I am responsive to my child’s feelings and needs.
4.67 1 Always
1. I take my child’s wishes into consideration before I
4.43 5 Always
ask him/her to do something.
1. I explain to my child how I feel about his/her
4.50 3 Always
good/bad behavior.
1. I encourage my child to talk about his/her feelings
4.53 2 Always
and problems.
1. I encourage my child to freely “speak his/her mind,”
even if he/she disagrees with me. 4.27 7.5 Always

1. I explain the reasons behind my expectations.

4.20 10 Always
1. I provide comfort and understanding when my child
4.27 7.5 Always
is upset.
1. I respect my child’s opinion and encourage him/her
4.30 6 Always 4.20 – 5.00 – Always
to express them.
1. I consider my child’s preferences when I make plans 3. 40 – 4.19 – Frequently
for the family (e.g., weekends away and holidays). 4.47 4 Always 2.60 – 3.39 - Sometimes
1.80 – 2.59 - Seldom
1. I treat my child as an equal member of the family. 1.00 – 1.79 - Never
4.23 9 Always

Average Weighted Mean (AWM) 4.36 --- Always

Table 2. Parenting styles of the students’ parents
Authoritarian Parenting Style Rank Interpretation
Mean (WM)

1. When my child asks me why he/she has to do

something, I tell him/her it is because I said so, I 1.63 9 Never
am your parent, or because that is what I want.

1. I punish my child by taking privileges away from

2.60 5 Sometimes
him/her (e.g., TV, games, visiting friends).

1. I yell when I disapprove of my child’s behaviour. 2.27 7 Seldom

1. I spank my child when I don’t like what he/she does
2.00 8 Seldom
or say.
1. I use threats as a form of punishment with little or
1.07 10 Never
no justification.
1. I openly criticize my child when his/her behavior
2.33 6 Seldom
does not meet my expectations.
1. I find myself struggling to try to change how my
2.63 4 Sometimes Legend:
child thinks or feels about things.
1. I feel the need to point out my child’s past 4.20 – 5.00 – Always
behavioral problems to make sure he/she will not 3.17 2 Sometimes 3. 40 – 4.19 – Frequently
do them again. 2.60 – 3.39 - Sometimes
1. I remind my child that I am his/her parent. 2.93 3 Sometimes 1.80 – 2.59 - Seldom
1. I remind my child of all the things I am doing, and I 1.00 – 1.79 - Never
3.60 1 Frequently
have done for him/her.
Average Weighted Mean (AWM) 2.42 --- Seldom
Table 3. Parenting styles of the students’ parents

Permissive Parenting Style Rank Interpretation
Mean (WM)

1. I find it difficult to discipline my child. 2.83 2 Sometimes

1. I give into my child when he/she causes a
commotion about something. 2.77 5 Sometimes

1. I spoil my child. 2.20 9 Seldom

1. I ignore my child’s bad behavior. 2.13 10 Seldom
1. I never say no to my child. 2.30 8 Seldom
1. I let my child chooses what they want to do.
2.70 6 Sometimes

1. I am always putting the wants of my child before

my own. 2.80 3.5 Sometimes

1. I let my child stay up late even though they need to

get up early the next day for school. 2.97 1 Sometimes
1. I ask my children to do tasks but at their own 4.20 – 5.00 – Always
convenience. 2.80 3.5 Sometimes 3. 40 – 4.19 – Frequently
1. I seem more like a friend to my child rather than a 2.60 – 3.39 - Sometimes
parent. 2.63 7 Sometimes 1.80 – 2.59 - Seldom
1.00 – 1.79 - Never
Average Weighted Mean (AWM) 2.61 --- Sometimes
Table 4. Parenting styles of the students’ parents

Neglectful (Uninvolved) Parenting Style Rank Interpretation
Mean (WM)

1. I speak with a cold and unfriendly tone towards my

children. 1.17 3.5 Never

1. I am unresponsive to my child's feelings. 1.00 8.5 Never

1. I dismiss my child's emotions. 1.00 8.5 Never
1. I don't talk to my child very much. 1.00 8.5 Never
1. I spend little time with my children and make them
feel they are unwanted. 1.13 5 Never

1. I give my children less positive feedback or praise

1.17 3.5 Never

1. I express less affection towards my children.

1.27 2 Never

1. I lack of interest in my children’s activities. Legend:

1.37 1 Never
4.20 – 5.00 – Always
1. I offer no encouragement when my child fails a task. 3. 40 – 4.19 – Frequently
1.10 6 Never
2.60 – 3.39 - Sometimes
1. I am addicted to substance misuse. 1.00 8.5 Never 1.80 – 2.59 - Seldom
1.00 – 1.79 - Never
Average Weighted Mean (AWM) 1.12 --- Never
Table 5. Summary of the parenting styles of the
students’ parents

Parenting Style Rank Interpretation
Mean (WM)

Authoritative 4.36 1 Always

Authoritarian 2.42 3 Seldom

Permissive 2.61 2 Sometimes

Neglectful 1.12 4 Never

Average 2.63 --- Sometimes

Table 6. Study habits of the students

Time Management Rank Interpretation
Mean (WM)

1. I allot my time for what needs to be prioritized first.

4.27 1.5 Always
1. I accomplish tasks on due dates accordingly.
3.83 4 Frequently
1. I always finish my assignments on time. 4.27 1.5 Always
1. I use my time effectively without procrastination.
2.60 10 Sometimes
1. I create a schedule for the deadline of activities and
3.50 6.5 Frequently
other tasks.
1. . I figure out how I spend my time to avoid rushing at
the last minute of deadlines. 3.17 9 Sometimes

1. I keep up to date on my reading and homework

3.53 5 Frequently Legend:
1. My allotted time in performing the tasks should be 4.20 – 5.00 – Always
3.33 8 Sometimes
free from interruptions. 3. 40 – 4.19 – Frequently
1. I avoid spending my time on trivial matters. 2.60 – 3.39 - Sometimes
3.50 6.5 Frequently
1.80 – 2.59 - Seldom
1. I feel I use my time effectively. 4.10 3 Frequently 1.00 – 1.79 - Never
Average Weighted Mean (AWM) 3.61 --- Frequently
Table 7. Study habits of the students

Rank Interpretation
Mean (WM)

1. I wake up early in the morning to start the task I

4.37 2 Always

1. I do not allow myself to be distracted by trivial

4.30 3 Always
things while studying.
1. I always organize my study time table. 4.20 4.5 Always
1. I use my study time wisely. 4.17 6 Frequently
1. I do not imagine something else while I am in
3.70 9 Frequently
studying period.

1. If I have planned to study, I can refuse to hang out

2.97 10 Sometimes
with my friends.
1. I study the topic before it is being discussed. 3.93 7.5 Frequently
4.20 – 5.00 – Always
1. I organize my place of studying free from 3. 40 – 4.19 – Frequently
4.20 4.5 Always
2.60 – 3.39 - Sometimes
1. I know what to study before start studying. 3.93 7.5 Frequently 1.80 – 2.59 - Seldom
1. . I appreciate why my parents discipline me. 4.47 1 Always 1.00 – 1.79 - Never

Average Weighted Mean (AWM) 4.02 --- Frequently

Table 8. Study habits of the students

Concentration Rank Interpretation
Mean (WM)

1. I listen attentively on my guardians while explaining

my modules. 4.23 3 Always
1. I can focus with my modules 4.53 1 Always
1. I refrain from using social media while studying
when it is not relevant. 3.07 10 Sometimes
1. I have a conducive place for studying that does not
distract my concentration. 3.60 7 Frequently
1. My guardians avoid giving errands while I am
studying so that I can concentrate with my studies. 3.70 5 Frequently

1. I follow my study time schedule and set boundaries

for trivial things. 4.07 4 Frequently
1. I have schedule for every subject and I focus my
attention on it. 4.40 2 Always
1. I study one subject at a time. 3.63 6 Frequently
4.20 – 5.00 – Always
1. My attention cannot easily be distracted by other
things even when studying. 3.40 9 Frequently 3. 40 – 4.19 – Frequently
2.60 – 3.39 - Sometimes
1. I do not leave my chair until I am finished with my
3.57 8 Frequently 1.80 – 2.59 - Seldom
academic tasks.
1.00 – 1.79 - Never
Average Weighted Mean (AWM) 3.82 --- Frequently
Table 9. Study habits of the students

Memorization Rank Interpretation
Mean (WM)

1. My teacher/s required us to memorize specific

activity in modules. 4.10 3 Frequently

1. I take notes as one way of memorizing. 4.23 1 Always

1. I study diligently every day. 4.17 2 Frequently
1. I am fond of memorizing. 3.57 6.5 Frequently
1. I have a clear picture in my mind about our lessons.
3.23 10 Sometimes

1. I can explain my learnings without looking at my

notes. 3.33 8.5 Sometimes

1. I recall past lesson without referring at my notes.

3.83 4 Frequently

1. I can recite what I have learned from my modules

3.63 5 Frequently Legend:

1. I get high scores on exam. 4.20 – 5.00 – Always

3.33 8.5 Sometimes
3. 40 – 4.19 – Frequently
1. I memorize lessons as one way of learning.
3.57 6.5 Frequently 2.60 – 3.39 - Sometimes
1.80 – 2.59 - Seldom
Average Weighted Mean (AWM) 3.70 --- Frequently 1.00 – 1.79 - Never
Table 10. Summary of the study habits of the students

Weighted Mean
Study Habits Rank Interpretation

Time Management 3.61 Frequently

Self-Discipline 4.02 Frequently
Concentration 3.82 Frequently
Memorization 3.70 Frequently
Average 3.79 ---

Table 11. Relationship between authoritative parenting

style and study habits of the respondents.
Source of Test- Critical
r-value Interpretation Decision Interpretation
Relationships Value Value
Numerical Interpretation
Authoritative scale
Very Small
parenting style
0.09 Positive 0.49 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant
and time 1.0 Perfect Positive Correlation
0.76- 0.99 Very High Positive
Authoritative 0.50- 0.75 High Positive Correlation
Very Small
parenting style
-0.16 Negative -0.88 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant
and self- 0.25- 0.49 Moderately Positive Correlation
discipline 0.01- 0.24 Very Small Positive Correlation
Authoritative 0 No Correlation
Very Small
parenting style
0.08 Positive 0.41 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant -0.01 - -0.24 Very Small Negative Correlation
concentration -0.25 - -0.49 Moderately Negative Correlation

Authoritative -0.50 - -0.75 High Negative Correlation

Very Small
parenting style
-0.05 Negative 0.27 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant -0.75 - -0.99 Very High Negative Correlation
memorization -1.0 Perfect Negative correlation
Table 12. Relationship between authoritarian parenting
style and study habits of the respondents.

Source of Test- Critical

r-value Interpretation Decision Interpretation Legend:
Relationships Value Value

Authoritarian Numerical Interpretation

Very Small scale
parenting style
0.03 Positive 0.14 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant
and time
management 1.0 Perfect Positive Correlation

0.76- 0.99 Very High Positive

Very Small
parenting style 0.50- 0.75 High Positive Correlation
0.23 Positive 1.24 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant
and self-
Correlation 0.25- 0.49 Moderately Positive Correlation
0.01- 0.24 Very Small Positive Correlation
Very Small 0 No Correlation
parenting style
-0.06 Negative -0.31 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant
and -0.01 - -0.24 Very Small Negative Correlation
-0.25 - -0.49 Moderately Negative Correlation

Authoritarian -0.50 - -0.75 High Negative Correlation

Very Small
parenting style
0.06 Positive 0.32 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant -0.75 - -0.99 Very High Negative Correlation
memorization -1.0 Perfect Negative correlation
Table 13. Relationship between permissive parenting
style and study habits of the respondents.

Source of Test- Critical

r-value Interpretation Decision Interpretation
Relationships Value Value

Very Small Numerical Interpretation
parenting style
-0.18 Negative -0.94 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant scale
and time
1.0 Perfect Positive Correlation
Permissive 0.76- 0.99 Very High Positive
parenting style
-0.25 Negative -1.36 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant 0.50- 0.75 High Positive Correlation
and self-
discipline 0.25- 0.49 Moderately Positive Correlation

0.01- 0.24 Very Small Positive Correlation

Very Small
parenting style 0 No Correlation
0.21 Positive 1.15 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant
Correlation -0.01 - -0.24 Very Small Negative Correlation
-0.25 - -0.49 Moderately Negative Correlation
Very Small -0.50 - -0.75 High Negative Correlation
parenting style
-0.06 Negative -0.30 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant
and -0.75 - -0.99 Very High Negative Correlation
-1.0 Perfect Negative correlation
Table 14. Relationship between neglectful (Uninvolved)
parenting style and study habits of the respondents.

Source of Test- Critical

r-value Interpretation Decision Interpretation
Relationships Value Value

Very Small Numerical Interpretation
parenting style
0.04 Negative 0.20 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant scale
and time
1.0 Perfect Positive Correlation
Neglectful 0.76- 0.99 Very High Positive
Very Small
parenting style
0.20 Negative 1.08 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant 0.50- 0.75 High Positive Correlation
and self-
discipline 0.25- 0.49 Moderately Positive Correlation

0.01- 0.24 Very Small Positive Correlation

Very Small
parenting style 0 No Correlation
0.16 Positive 0.88 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant
Correlation -0.01 - -0.24 Very Small Negative Correlation
-0.25 - -0.49 Moderately Negative Correlation

Neglectful -0.50 - -0.75 High Negative Correlation

Very Small
parenting style
-0.04 Negative -0.21 ±2.048 Accept Ho Not Significant -0.75 - -0.99 Very High Negative Correlation
memorization -1.0 Perfect Negative correlation

 PROBLEM 1: What are the parenting styles of the

students’ parents?
 Findings
 The authoritative parenting style has an average weighted mean of 4.36
with an interpretation of always and the most practice authoritative
parenting style is that when a parent is responsive to his/her child’s
feelings and needs (WM 4.53).
 The authoritarian parenting style has an average weighted mean of 2.42
with an interpretation of seldom and the most practiced authoritarian
parenting style is that when a parent reminds his/her child of all the things
done for his/her child (WM 3.60)
 The permissive parenting style has an average weighted mean of
2.61 with an interpretation of sometimes and the most practiced
parenting style under permissive is that when a parent let his/her
child stay up late even though it is school days (WM 2.97).
 The neglectful parenting style has an average weighted mean of
1.21 with an interpretation of never and the most practiced
parenting style under neglectful is that when the parents lack
interest in his/her child’s activities (WM 1.37).
 Based on the findings, it has been revealed that the parenting styles
of the students’ parents are mostly authoritative with the weighted
mean of 4.36.
 Conclusion
 The survey participants discovered that parents of grade 8 pupils had
effective parenting styles.
 Recommendation
 It is recommended that the parents should practice the good and proper
parenting style for them to make their children good in terms of academic.
Parents should influence the child by means of treating them good and
discipline them well.
PROBLEM 2: What are the study habits of the students?

 Findings
 The result of study habits under time management has a
weighted mean of 3.61 with an interpretation of frequently;
and the most practiced study habits are when the student
allot time for what needs to be prioritized first and when
the student finish the assignments on time (WM 4.27).
 The study habit under self-discipline has an average
weighted mean of 4.02, with an interpretation of frequently.
The most practiced study habit under self-discipline is
when the student appreciate why they are being
disciplined by their parents (WM 4.47).
 The study habit under concentration has an average
weighted mean of 3.82, with an interpretation of frequently.
The most practiced study habit is when the student can
focus with his/her modules (WM 4.53).
 The study habit under memorization has an
average weighted mean of 3.70, with an
interpretation of frequently and the most
practiced study habit is when the student takes
notes as one way of memorizing (WM 4.23).
 Based on the findings, it has been revealed
that the study habits of the students are
mostly self-discipline with the weighted mean
of 4.02. It is found that Grade 8 students of
Northern Plain High School have a frequent and
fair study habits.
 Conclusion
 The respondents found that the Grade 8 students have a frequent and
fair study habits.
 Recommendation
 It is recommended that pupils must practice those good habits in
studying in order to achieve the desired grades. Parents must
encourage using the suited and proper parenting style approach and
motivates their child to have a good study habits at school and at
Problem 3: Is there a significant relationship between parenting
styles and study habits of students?
 Findings
 Data showed that the computed r value was 0.09 under the source of relationship of
Authoritative parenting style and time management, -0.16 under Authoritative parenting
style and self-discipline, 0.08 under Authoritative parenting style and concentration and
-0.05 under Authoritative parenting style and memorization with an interpretation with
not significant, the test value was lesser than critical value 0.49 to ±2.048 under
the source of relationship of authoritative parenting style and time management, -0.88
to ±2.048 under authoritative parenting style and self-discipline, 0.41 to ±2.048 under
authoritative parenting style and concentration and 0.27 to ±2.048 under authoritative
parenting style and memorization. The test value was lesser than critical value, leading
to the acceptance of the null hypothesis.
 Conclusion
 There is no significant relationship between the parenting style and
study habits of Grade 8 students in Northern Plain High School.
 Recommendation
 It is recommended that students must have a systematic behavioral
style to be followed. They must make an ample and proper time
schedule for their studies. They must exert more effort for their studies.
Parents are encouraged to guide and monitor the study habits of their
children and they must motivate their children to develop good habits in

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