50 Từ Vựng PART 1 Cần Thiết

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audience /ˈɔː.di.əns/ (n)
musician /mjuːˈzɪʃ.ən/
in a row /ɪn/ /ə/ /rəʊ/
each other /ˌiːtʃ ˈʌð.ər/
children /ˈtʃɪl.drən/ (n)
fountain /ˈfaʊn.tɪn/
suitcase /ˈsuːt.keɪs/
traveler /ˈtræv.əl.ər/
wait /weɪt/
walk /wɔːk/ /wɑːk
pay (for) /peɪ/
arrange /əˈreɪndʒ/
wash /wɒʃ/ /wɑːʃ/ (v)
tidy /ˈtaɪ.di/ (v)
sweep /swiːp/ (v)
rest /rest/ (v)
parking lot
/ˈpɑː.kɪŋ ˌlɒt/ (n)
clothes /kləʊðz/
closet (n) /ˈklɒz.ɪt/ /ˈklɑː.zət/
deck /dek/ (n)
waiting area /ˈeə.ri.ə/ (n)
pot /pɒt/ (n)
pick up (v)
paint (v) /peɪnt/
step (v) (into/on …)
bag (n) /bæɡ/
in front of /frʌnt/
trying on … /traɪ/
turn on/off
stack (v) (n) /stæk/
steps = stairs = stairway /ˈsteə.weɪ/
waiter (n) /ˈweɪ.tər/
gate (n) /ɡeɪt/
machine (n) /məˈʃiːn/
manual (n) /ˈmæn.ju.əl/
floor /flɔːr/ (n)
equipment /ɪˈkwɪp.mənt/ (n)
watch /wɒtʃ/ /wɑːtʃ/
jacket /ˈdʒæk.ɪt/ (n)
having a conversation
side by side /saɪd/
be filled with
taking a picture
serving some food
talking on the phone
watering the plant
Brushing teeth
Boarding an airplane
Packing a suitcase
turning a page /ˈtɜː.nɪŋ/
be on display
artwork /ˈɑːt.wɜːk/ (n):

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